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Everything posted by Bdvo89

  1. I haven't done construction for a long time.. literally years. What would be the most effiecient way to level it? The estimate cost? I would get the SC tool (which I have never done), so how many of those would I need? XP at level 90: 5,346,332 Current XP: 2,028,176 Needed XP: 3,318,156 Thanks in advance!
  2. Based on this thread, it's obvious that no lifing should be redefined as trolling forums and having the time to argue to someone that he/she is a no-lifer because they got 99 RC in 8 days. You completed Runecrafting, 99/99. It couldn't be rated anything less then 10/10. Congratulations! I have not done RC in about 3 years (came back about a month ago) and you motivated me to at least give it a try! Any tips/guides that you would consider useful for someone starting out? Thanks, and again - congrats!
  3. Updated the What's Up section with new training routine and goals.. Click here to see 'What's Up?'
  4. I will get 99 Slayer, in-turn uping my Summoning. At that point, I will do rock lobs for fast charms. Atm, I do not want to go to Rock Lobs as Slayer is something I am still doing.
  5. Coming back to RS about a month ago after 3 years of WarCraft, I have realized that some of my old school rares should be put to use.. I will be selling a RED and PURPLE phat (the only two I have duplicates of), so I am willing to put approx 300m into my stats. My stats are as follows: What do you think I should improve, and why? Thanks a lot in advance! I look forward to hearing everyones aspect as to why get something over another and what not.
  6. I bank or drop these? Sorry, never did :(
  7. Dam, nice fishing xp. You fish monks?
  8. What exactly does each of those familiars do? The only one I have used so far is the Bunyip. Is there addition to the skill significant? Barb fishing compared to Shilo? All I hear about is Barb fishing when it comes to Fishing and FAST xp. I have yet to do SC, how do I go about it? What exactly is the clay hammer, and how easy is it to obtain? When doing farming, I have only done magic trees and paid the farmer the coconuts. Would farming fruits, wood, and herbs be suffice? Thanks a lot guys! I am at work now and can't wait to put this all together once I get home!
  9. Thanks for the responses! I added in more of my longterm goals to complete my 2,200 overall!
  10. What's up everyone? I am 30k xp shy of my 90 Slayer goal and am then looking to polish my skills to a total level of 2,200. Below are the stats I will be training (current level/goal)... I am an old school player who hasn't hit these skills in a long time so my way of training for fastest xp may be out of date.. I'm asking you at tip.it for some advice so I can reach my goal of all 80+ stats and 2,200 total (which you will be able to follow through my blog .. see link in signature) Keep in mind I am old school rich (came back after 3 years with lots of rares) so the money aspect isn't as significant if I can make up for real fast xp Runecrafting 70/80 - ZMI Agility 75/80 - Ape Atoll Mining 75/80 - Granite in desert quarry Hunting 70/80 - Red Chins (I hate sallys) Summoning 70/80 - (Kent's guide ftw.) Fishing 85/90 - Monks Firemaking 85/90 - Yews Theiving 85/90 - Pyramid Plunder Farming 85/90 - Tree seeds + herbs Construction 80/90 - Oak something lol Thanks in advance!
  11. I am level 75 agility. Should I not be doing Ape Atoll?
  12. If you want to camp something for money, let it be an Abby Demon. I can't stand fighting Aquanites... Kill them as you get the task, otherwise- keep training SLayer.
  13. Worked like.. 60 hours this week.. Hopefully some updates this weekend!
  14. Judging by your post you should do neither. Think of what you actually enjoy and do that. But if you had to decide, you seem to want to just get passive levels that take no actual work, in that case defence.
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