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Everything posted by KnightLite

  1. Congrats, you're a sexist. I could take offense to that statement much like feminists take offense to anything that involves men, but I can refrain. I don't try to change the world and people around me just to suit me better. So will your average Christian Fundamentalist. Oooh...... You honestly didn't read more than three consecutive lines of this thread. You saw Feminism and Nazi, got offended, and posted. Read the first paragraph of this topic. It should answer that second question of yours Mr. ShortSkirt.
  2. Tell your dad he needs to be a man (and parent) by knocking him around. That's the problem with these little [cabbage]s, is that their parents give them the impression that their opinion actually matters. Beat him back into the place where he belongs, which is submissiveness. Keep in mind there is stating your opinion, and then there is taking it too far. ~Lionheart_0
  3. KnightLite


    Thanks Maddox Why do so many women insist on carrying out this war against men? Absolute gender equality isn't going to happen; we have gender equality now. Even if in a million years, men and women somehow made this unrealistic ideal happen, there will always be a sexual distinction between men and women causing some sort of inequality (if only on the level of basic physical needs). Or should I say women and men, as not to imply a male superiority? Why the hell should people go out of their way to be politically correct and use this "he/she" nonsense so a few chicks with language complexes won't be offended? Oops, I said "chicks". Damn. Why the hell do women get offended when they're called chicks? I don't see how that word can be remotely offensive in anyway. But, some women think it's derogatory and belittling. Some women are so petty, that they resent any male implication in the english language. Who cares? What if guys suddenly felt like [bleep]ing and wanted to eradicate all the derogatory male phrases from the language? Buster, Pal, Buddy, Stud, Hunk. Oooh, don't call me a buster, I'll be offended. Who's to say what's offensive anyway? Just because a few feminist extremists think that something's offensive, does the whole society have to change their way of doing things? I don't want mother nature being called mother nature anymore, but rather father nature. I don't want ships to be referred to as female anymore, but rather male. The phrase "she's a good ship" offends me. I don't want liberty to be a lady. Why does it have to be lady liberty? Why do people say "she's beautiful" when referring to cars? Why not he? Who cares? It's just the way things have always been. It's not meant to be offensive, so why doesn't the offended party pull their head out of their [wagon], and stop [bleep]ing about it. Why there will never be absolute gender equality is because of the inherent contradictions between equality and liberty. For example, if a guy wanted to say a joke about women at work, or hung pornography in the work place, it would make the women work in an environment that may seem hostile to them. If someone at work frequently referred to women as chicks, and a woman was offended by it, the woman would then be working in a hostile environment. If a woman wants to be treated equally in the work place, then she shouldn't be offended at what guys usually talk about. I think it's unreasonable for all women to be content with whatever people do at work, and for guys to go out of their way to change their lifestyles to conform to what's politically correct. It's impossible to live your life without being offended at something. Violence, foul language, pornography, sex, religion, whatever it is, you're bound to be offended by it sooner or later. So rather than [bleep]ing about it, just deal with it and move on. Men aren't out to get women; we're not the bad guys. Why would anyone do anything that's degrading to themselves? Would you strip down in front of a crowd of people? Probably not. But would you do it if they were paying you $250 per hour? Or if they paid you $1000 per hour? Maybe then. It doesn't seem so degrading when there's a huge incentive for you to do it. So why do some feminist extremists think pornography is degrading to women? Obviously the women in pornography don't think it's degrading, otherwise they wouldn't do it. Their dignity has a price, and they were willing to sell it. They don't represent all women in general, but only the few who chose to go into that business, just as women who choose not to go into pornography don't represent the women who do. So the phrase "pornography is degrading to women" doesn't make sense. What's the point of not shaving your armpits and not wearing your bras? If you like yourself better with hairy armpits, then by all means don't shave. But if you're not shaving to make some stupid point, you'r a fool. Nobody cares. You won't be a social outcast if you don't shave your armpits. Same thing goes for not wearing a bra. If you'd rather not wear a bra, then don't. If you want to walk around in public without your shirt on, then by all means do it. I'm sure most guys wouldn't mind. If you want that kind of attention, then walk around naked. It won't help your image with men that already think of women as little more than sex objects. What straight man wouldn't like to see a nude woman? I think women, nude or not, are attractive, as do most guys. I'd consider someone looking at me in admiration more of a compliment than anything else. Some feminists go ballistic when a guy looks at her breasts. Why? Not wearing a bra just draws more attention to a woman's breasts. While women shouldn't have to worry about some pervert always staring at them, it's bound to happen. Wait.. I've got an idea. If you don't like guys staring at your breasts, WEAR A BRA. It's hard not to notice a girl when she has a pair of daggers poking out of her chest. I referred to nipples as daggers.. Oops. There I go again, offending you crazy feminists. While most guys don't practice self-dicipline and don't respect women enough not to stare at their breasts, a woman shouldn't go ape [cabbage] when she catches a guy looking at her. Most women try to accentuate parts of their body that men find attractive anyway. Is this so bad? Who doesn't like to feel attractive? While it can be overdone, it's really been blown out of proportion by feminist extremists. Feminism is in a lot of ways like fascism. Your average Fascist will disregard any scientific argument unless the conclusion supports his existing belief. The ideology comes first and the Fascist looks for anything to back it up, no matter how trivial, unreliable or discredited. Much like today's feminists and their ideology. Fascists attempt to rationalize their beliefs and portray them as truth by twisting the facts. A fascist might, for example, cast blame for unemployment and work discontent on immigrants "stealing" their jobs. Feminists similarly cast blame for women's lower average pay onto another party (men). Both feminists and fascists are quick to cast blame on someone else for anything that goes wrong in their lives. Most feminists seem to conform to feminist stereotypes. I can usually pick out a feminist in a croud of women. She'll usually have short hair, regular pants, a regular shirt, and an unbathed look; she'll look very much like a stereotypical guy. I think why a feminist might appear like this is to make a statement that "if men can do it and be accepted, then women should be able to". How bold, to go around and look like a stereotypical guy as opposed to a stereotypical girl. Who cares? Either way, you're an [wagon] for thinking anybody cares about the statement you're making. If you're trying to prove a point to the average guy that's only concerned with women as sex objects, you're wasting your time. A guy that's concerned with women as sex objects is going to be concerned with women as sex objects regardless of how you look. Not every woman will share feminist ideals, so a possible argument that "if all women did it, then guys would have to respect us" isn't very realistic. If you really want to make a point, surgically remove your breasts. Or is that going too far? Feminism serves as nothing more than a wedge to further seperate the sexes, segregating men and women into cultures that wouldn't otherwise exist. I'm pretty damn sick of hearing feminists [bleep] about men being paid more then women. If 100 male chemical engineers that worked for fortune 500 companies were compared to 100 female chemical engineers that worked for fortune 500 companies, their pay would probably be the same, if not very close. If it were not, then sexual discrimination would probably be a good candidate as to why it's not. The reason why women get paid less than men on average is because women and men simply prefer different occupations, and different lifestyles. If a woman decides to have a child, chances are that she would end up taking more time off from work to take care of her child than would a guy (if only for child labor alone). It's unfair, but usually the case. Women are usually more family oriented, and nurturing, while men are usually less sensitive and work oriented. All this is of course changing, but it's to be expected that women get paid less than men. If for example, pay for men in the armed forces was compared to pay for women in the armed forces, the men would probably swamp the women in pay comparison simply because of the militariy's past male domination & segregation policies. That does not necessarily imply the same segregation today. Edited the title, moved the 'Thanks Maddox' up so people know.
  4. Hello Friend, I study up doctorate in home town. No worry, I help opening poster recover to full self. To person with 30 days left to live because of infection, I sympathise. My brother Sumit (R.I.P) also pass away because bad infection. The only option I give to survive. You must find Cardamom spice (native to india) and mix with 1 handful of white vinegar and 2 handful of sea water (fresh water no good). Let mixture dissolve for 10 hour. Lightly rub potion into crack of skin where injured and then rap up injury with soft fabric. In 2 days you have 50% more chance of living. If not work, talk to another specialist doctor, as I have no other help. Good Luck Bro. You have successfully managed to have your accent heard through words over the internet.
  5. It's called the Walmart Rental.. Go to Walmart Buy an external harddrive Xfer all your data to the x-harddrive Xfer the data from x-harddrive to your new computer delete everything off the x-harddrive Return it and say you found a better deal online. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Orrr.... Buy a USB - to - USB cable
  6. I'd have to search for a source. New York's suceeding wasn't because of slavery, it was because of their economic profits they got from the south, or something along those lines.
  7. I'll try to go slightly more indepth than my answer last night. I have pnuemonia, and my fever started running high. Soooo.. I'll make this as absolutely brief and short as I can. The American Civil War was nowhere close to being a religious war. The southern states wanted expansion of slavery, while the North did not. For every new state brought into the union that didn't allow slavery, the south was given a state which allowed it. North told the South to get rid of Slavery South gave the North the middle finger The South left the union and formed their own independent country called the Confederate States of America. New York almost joined, but backed out at the last second. The North went to War with the South, in attempts to bring them back into the Union. Although they were losing at first, they eventually won (obviously). Religion had absolutely no important factor in this one. Glad I could brighten your day :)
  8. Cuz a buncha people have asked if it's me and i said No :shame: I imagine people are in contact with alot of the names people are pinching.. Flattering though really :thumbsup: I didn't mean just you ;) That's funny though
  9. American revolution=philosophy not religion. Gf The Crusades. And for a lesser example, the Troubles in Northern Ireland (not exactly a full-scale war, but damn lot of killing between the Protestant British and Irish Catholics.) [/hide] I fully agree a good bit of wars can be placed on religion, but its not almost all of them. Also, religion led to a war that ended slavery in the US so Id say it has its high points. Religion does cause a lot of problems, but then again so does science so its really a case by case matter. I'm going to go out on a limb here and imply that you were making a reference to the Civil War. If so... you need to do some more research..
  10. 1. The ashes could be inhaled, clogging you lungs where you die of suffocation. 2. This is about people in general. 3. Inflamed esophagus, when you swallow it, it goes down so far that it cannot be coughed up, but to far up to be swallowed. Losing balance, and stepping with the slightest step on it, where you slip and fall. I'll try to move to more reasonable approaches, but again, everything physical can kill you. Period. 1. The ashes are spread somewhere remember? Over an ocean, in a forest, etc.. 2. I'm definately not the only person in the world immune to Chicken Pox, or other diseases for that matter. 3. An ice cube of that size would melt before reaching esophogaus 1. Any number could reach someone. 2. Some people aren't. 3. Actually, it depends on how cold the ice is. Don't bend my rules/facts just to make them play out in your favor. 1. Let's say somebody died in 1800. They were cremated and their ashes were spread over the atlantic ocean. 209 years later, I am completely safe from that person killing me. Even if by your baffling logic the ashes somehow rejoined together and targetted my throat, it wouldn't be the person killing me, it would be the ashes of somebody that used to exist. 2. I'm pretty sure the title of this thread is Is there anything that can't kill YOU. Guess what. Chicken Pox can't kill me. Bam. End of discussion. I don't care if other people are immune to it or not. I am, and therefore, it can not, and will not ever kill me.
  11. 1. The ashes could be inhaled, clogging you lungs where you die of suffocation. 2. This is about people in general. 3. Inflamed esophagus, when you swallow it, it goes down so far that it cannot be coughed up, but to far up to be swallowed. Losing balance, and stepping with the slightest step on it, where you slip and fall. I'll try to move to more reasonable approaches, but again, everything physical can kill you. Period. 1. The ashes are spread somewhere remember? Over an ocean, in a forest, etc.. 2. I'm definately not the only person in the world immune to Chicken Pox, or other diseases for that matter. 3. An ice cube of that size would melt before reaching esophogaus
  12. Are you seriously asking some pimply face nerds over the internet? Get into a [bleep]ing doctor.
  13. Let's put it this way. Almost every major war in history has been based on religious differences. I'd say it's pretty worthless actually, and if you think killing to justify your beliefs is ok, GTFO. No Benefits in my opinion. It helps some people sleep better at night for crimes they've commited, knowing they can be forgiven, and do them again.
  14. Somebody ask merciful to predict the future using the bible. I could use a laugh
  15. Ready for the combo breaker? List of things that can't kill me - People that are dead, and cremated. Their ashes have been spread somewhere. Chicken Pox (I'm immune to the virus) Swallowing a perfectly spherical, 100% h2o ice cube with a diameter of 1/4 inch (about .5 cm)
  16. Congrats on starting the 1,000th topic about the ending of Rsc.
  17. how do you know their all fake?
  18. DALLAS The coach of a Texas high school basketball team that beat another team 100-0 was fired Sunday, the same day he sent an e-mail to a newspaper saying he will not apologize "for a wide-margin victory when my girls played with honor and integrity." Kyle Queal, the headmaster for Covenant School, said in The Dallas Morning News online edition that he could not answer if the firing was a direct result of coach Micah Grimes' e-mail disagreeing with administrators who called the blowout "shameful." Queal did not immediately answer phone messages or e-mail from The Associated Press. On its Web site last week, Covenant, a private Christian school, posted a statement regretting the outcome of its Jan. 13 shutout win over Dallas Academy. "It is shameful and an embarrassment that this happened. This clearly does not reflect a Christlike and honorable approach to competition," said the statement, signed by Queal and board chair Todd Doshier. Grimes, who has been criticized for letting the game get so far out of hand, made it clear in the e-mail Sunday to the newspaper that he does not agree with his school's assessment. "In response to the statement posted on The Covenant School Web site, I do not agree with the apology or the notion that the Covenant School girls basketball team should feel embarrassed or ashamed," Grimes wrote in the e-mail, according to the newspaper. "We played the game as it was meant to be played. My values and my beliefs would not allow me to run up the score on any opponent, and it will not allow me to apologize for a wide-margin victory when my girls played with honor and integrity." A phone number for Grimes could not be located by The Associated Press. The Dallas Morning News said Grimes did not respond to their repeated e-mail requests for a telephone interview. There was no answer at a number listed for Doshier. A parent who attended the game said Covenant continued to make 3-pointers even in the fourth quarter. She praised the Covenant players but said spectators and an assistant coach were cheering wildly as their team edged closer to 100 points. Covenant was up 59-0 at halftime. Dallas Academy has eight girls on its varsity team and about 20 girls in its high school. It is winless over the last four seasons. The academy boasts of its small class sizes and specializes in teaching students struggling with "learning differences," such as short attention spans or dyslexia. There is no mercy rule in girls basketball that shortens the game or permits the clock to continue running when scores become one-sided. There is, however, "a golden rule" that should have applied in this contest, Edd Burleson, the director of the Texas Association of Private and Parochial Schools, said last week. Both schools are members of this association, which oversees private school athletics in Texas. The story has received national attention, and the Dallas Academy team has been recognized for refusing to give up during the lopsided contest. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,482825,00.html
  19. peter got held up in jail longer than they expected? What?
  20. What happened? It's been over a month since the last episode.
  21. Training for the marines requires you to stay awake for a full week's time.
  22. Yes the first one was against bots. How does that make it any less impressive? They were on expert setting, which means it could not have been planned. I wasn't even aiming for it. I just threw a flash from behind the box, and then gunned 1 down with the famas. Couldn't believe I got it. FYI- I always warm up on bots before I play on any ranked server/Cal Scrim
  23. There you kids go with the discussion value. Quit playing Forum Police with yourself and lighten up.
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