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Everything posted by Fleetcom

  1. A forum mod of runescape forums has confirmed that this is ok. Excelcior!!!! I quote The Aussie1 "Asking for age is fine, but people do not have to answer. Personal details is things that can lead others to track you down in real life."
  2. Ok I have look through their play safe guide, that specific rule, and nothing has been said about age.
  3. Yeah that was my question if it is illegal or not., even though I didn't state it.
  4. Anyways I just got reported for something I couldn't even think of. I asked someone how old they are because they were acting childish and he said he reported me for asking him personal details. I assume asking how old someone is ok because I have been asked it many times and have seen many people ask it. I mean its not like I asked him where he lives and what his phone number is or something. Sheesh.... :roll:
  5. I wonder how many times this has been quoted.
  6. Or how he managed to fool you. It's not faked. Yes it is because you don't see the large squares on the ground as you normaly would, look closer.
  7. And they should be loving their members seeing as how they wouldn't exist without us.
  8. Faked/10 don't know how you managed to fool these people.
  9. You make it sound as if you are an RS veteren. 2004 is not old and it was when RS was swarmed by Miniclippers.
  10. That won't work, that is one of the easiest safety measures to bypass, if not the easiest.
  11. Well that is sort of like: "To solve the problem, let's ban everyone in sight!" Well you take innocent players along with it. It doesn't seems fair to the ones that didn't do anything wrong to lose their account. They need a better way for tracking down autoers.
  12. To woodcut 190,000 willow logs if I am using a Rune Axe with 60 WC. I know you will probably ask me depends on how much I cut per day...etc, but how much approximately would I need to cut per day to reach my goal in about a week or even two weeks?
  13. HAHA, that's why I got 5 extra dollars in my pocket each month.
  14. Ok, here is what happened: For the last 6 months I have been away on a long business trip in Tokyo, Japan (Wonderful Place). So anyways I came back about 3 days ago. Yesterday, I remembered that I missed Runescape (Seeing I hadn't played it in 6 months), So I log in and I am Banned!?. Then I log into the message center to see why I have been banned, there's nothing. I try to appeal the ban but all it says in that place is "You have been permanently banned". So it does not even let me appeal. The problem is I don't even know why in the name of **** I have been banned. I can't even appeal and I don't know what else to do. I was thinking of this: 1) Using the message center of another account to tell Jagex my problem. 2) Try to get a Pmod to get me into contact with Jagex or so he at least can explain my story to them. I have the proof that I have been away if it is needed (My airline tickets and some other papers). I don't know what to do now. I have had that account for 5 years and I would hate to see it go as I worked so hard on it. Got any ideas?
  15. Telegrabs everyone's phat and high alches them. Then takes the money i got and low alches that. game over close please.
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