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Everything posted by green9090

  1. I'd appreciate it if you didn't post provocations. It's a simple matter of copying and pasting Jagex's response to Darkdude's inquiry. Or perhaps I genuinely believe that? I'd also appreciate if we weren't accused of bias towards you guys, since, you know, we've been removing links to botting stuff for several years, but tough luck it seems. One post on the forum with a bot that hadn't been deleted yet when some TIF mod found it GRIMY'S FORUMS ARE BOTTING STUFF Yeah.
  2. Make ridiculous claim People request proof Wow, you guys are so non-trusting.
  3. No, but it's very convenient for it to take weeks if you dislike the forums for personal reasons and want our links gone without starting a [cabbage]storm outside of our little group. Reposting that we really want this imaginary Jagex email, by the way.
  4. You're free to imagine this is what it means, but you've proven with your lack of evidence that Jagex's official statement does not support your viewpoint. Maybe if you showed this email from Jagex it would clear some things up. Oh wait, it doesn't exist. So we're back at you deciding what Jagex's rules are for them, and then blocking our forum because you disagree with us. Cool.
  5. If that's the case then why even include jumping to a space at all? Why not just moving and clicking? Seems a strange thing to go into detail about and even mention at all if there was no issue with moving to a specific point. Because: He was warning against specific programs in which you press a key and it automatically jumps and clicks which Jagex was aware of. This does not mean that EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THE PROGRAM IS ILLEGAL, but rather that the specific thing he pointed out as being illegal was illegal. It's hilarious to me that several people have asked to see Jagex's email and you ignore them all. I don't believe this email exists. What a sad lie.
  6. This is not true. The problem here is that you are misinformed on Jagex's macro policy. Stop making yourself sole arbiter of Jagex law and post some damn evidence if you really did speak to Jagex. Would be a fair assumption if he didn't go on to say specifically what he meant by saying that jumping to a space and clicking is not allowed- namely that it violates the 1 input = 1 output rule.
  7. Bind a CSB and cast air surge against the primal warrior. So let's look at this again 2 people getting excellent DPS OR 1 person getting excellent DPS and the other getting mediocre DPS HMM WHICH IS BETTER
  8. He says it's illegal to move and then click the mouse in one keystroke. How is this a difficult concept? Edit @ above: would those be the scripts that have already been deleted from our forum?
  9. 2 people on a team go into a GD with a primal warrior and a zombie. Scenario 1: One person has a CCS and one has primal gaunts. One gets excellent DPS against the warrior, another against the zombie. Scenario 2: Both have primal gaunts. WAT DO
  10. Of particular note is the fact that he specifically says touchscreens and similar are allowed. Thus, a program emulating a touchscreen in jumping straight to a point would ALSO be allowed, as the input would be indistinguishable from touchscreen input. So long as you aren't jumping and clicking in a single keystroke, a script would follow these guidelines perfectly. The onus is definitely on the TIF admins if they want to claim that a script that finds a point on the screen and jumps there is illegal, as this post very clearly puts it in the clear. ALL scripts currently posted on THE FORBIDDEN FORUMS follow these guidelines. The only rules being broken are rules imagined by the TIF mods who do not fully understand Jagex's macroing guidelines.
  11. Sly, have you ever heard of the concept of prioritizing monsters? Just wondering.
  12. Assuming the drain stays put after you switch it would be 10% of 100, then 10% of 90, then 10 % of 81 etc etc. So you couldn't take him down to 50% defense with 5 players, it would be ~59%. Again, assuming that the initial drain stays put once you switch to turmoil. I never said anything about taking him down to 50%. My question was if you activate all 3 sap at the same time, would the drain kick in one after the other or at the same time. Also, it is to my understanding that the drain rate affects the levels themselves. So after you turn the prayer off, the enemey's level's will restore themselves by 1 every minute. So basically you use 1 game tick to drain the bosses def lvls, and then it requires 5 minute for them to restore it back to normal. Assuming the first 10% drain kicks in instantly. Sap/leech curses affect the opponent's prayer boost page. The initial drain is taken off instantly when the prayer is activated and removed instantly if the prayer is turned off. The drain that happens over time will stay for a little while and slowly go away. Turning on a leech for an attack and then switching to turm would do nothing.
  13. You know that room where you have to get the crystal to the lodestone in the middle and the orb tries to stop you? I always feel a little jumpy in that room.
  14. +1. I've noticed this is one of the hardest things to get a DGS team to do for some reason. It is not very hard- just be aware of the GGS and make sure it doesn't get 5 rooms behind the team.
  15. You want advice on what the most fun weapon is? Lol'd. How about an empowered earth staff?
  16. I'd probably opt for primal gauntlets over empowered fire as a keyer. It's not too hard to get your hands on a fire staff, especially with a half decent team, and the ultra melee offense would be pretty awesome. +23 str with blood neck and gaunts o.o
  17. As it were, this blog (or rather, a written account of the journeys and woes of one J. Obtaurian) will henceforth be concordant with your suggestion. Thus, I initiate said directive. Thrilling. Simply marvelous. I wholeheartedly await future tales of your exploits; indeed, my interest is redoubled at the suggestion of using speech that is satisfactorily ornate and elongated. Good show, chaps.
  18. Post a troll/joke idea Like 5 people take it seriously It spawns a discussion MFW
  19. Maul Gobsen and Jimis Mom are both still available as of last night.
  20. The rule is that you need at least one DGS rank in it to verify. It does not have to be a 100% DGS floor. You do have to either be keying (for a keyer medal) or get beserker AND battlemage or sharpshooter (for a DPSer medal) to qualify for a medal, though.
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