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Everything posted by mrmookie

  1. thanks for all the people actualy leaving comments and for how much exp you get per bone: normal-ecto Frayrg-84-336 Raurg-96-384 Ourg-140-560
  2. no, i intend to use the zorge bones on a guilded altar and the other ones will go to the ecto (this is a new goal i have had to get 70 prayer before 100 cb :mrgreen: )
  3. takes me aprox 15-20 minutes per load and 2 doses of range pot if i want within 10 minutes otherwise I use 1 dose
  4. LEVELS RANGE: PRAYER: RANDOM: WHAT I GET FROM EACH LOAD Raurg/fayrg/ourg 0003/0002/0000 0000/0001/0000 worst load ever :( 0001/0001/0001 0000/0003/0002 0003/0002/0000 0000/0001/0000 another worst load ever :( 0000/0002/0001 0001/0001/0000 0002/0002/0000 0000/0002/0000 0000/0001/0000 really bad luck streak, hopfully ill gett some good bones or ill only make it to 70 prayer :( 0001/0000/0000 :( WHY! 0002/0003/0001 finaly! relised what i was doing wrong, hard to explain, ill put it on post later and make a guide to killing these guys 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 0000/0000/0000 Clue Scroll Rewards
  5. TAKING A BREAK FROM THIS, GOING TO DO SOME CLUE SCROLL HUNTING FOR SOME FUN, THIS DOESNT MEAN IM QUITING MY GOALS thats right, im going to be killing 2.5k zogres to get 80 range and with the bones (hopfully if my calculations where correct) 72 prayer! ill be posting pictures of my stats and the end days work... here is what i wear: this is my invent before the trip begins this is my invent after the trip ends here is what i have atm: how many are left(amount of guys) 2,100
  6. saw you tday at canfis bank :P ill be working extra hard to get full guthans for dking
  7. meh, not that bad but i dont have that much time
  8. i was just wondering about the way to get a fury by selling chaos/death runes to the runes store for the tzharr currency (cant spell it right ). is it still worth while to do and whats the number of chaos/deaths you need Thx, MM
  9. i hope S A X still plays, i have a pic of him like 4 months ago, he is a nice guy
  10. can u make them downloadable cause i hate having to wait for the buffer
  11. just get 70+ str and 31 prayer, attack and str prayer run out to quickly so just 31 prayer
  12. i would say get these stats Combat lvl:60 Str/Range hybrid Att:40 Str:70 Def:1 Range:80 Mage:60 Prayer:31 Hit:70 Combat lvl:60 Pure Str Att:40 Str:80 Def:1 Range:1 Mage:1 Prayer:31 Hit:70 Both of these would own
  13. iv never tryed pest contol with at 1 def pure but if your looking for exp pest control is good, rock crabs and experiments are good too but just go for the low lvl guys in pc
  14. ummm...all i know is that the fatigue is running energy i guess...they got rid of the in RSC but there isn't a new fatigue other then run
  15. yea, or to get seaweed go to shilo village, tehre is quite a bit also you can go to rock crabs and build a house by the freminks, just get full load, telly to bank tghen telly to house and repeat good mage lvls too :P
  16. :shame: unless thats a new update your wrong, casue i have had the same thing(more then 199 assigned :thumbsup: )
  17. attack:50 strength 99 def:1 pray 31 range: 99 mage:99 hitpoints:99 cb:77 this would probly take atleast 2 years f2p training but its the best pure out there
  18. well those are some good spots but i find that lessers are 500xp less in 5 minutes...so im going to try 67-70 and see if it increases, also ill chage the type of arrow im using
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