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Everything posted by Jakehh

  1. If you read before you'd notice i ment the 1's on your back. they look more authentic
  2. I'd like to this comming :D
  3. Was kinda Bored one day and thought the Quest up :D And the bow was some fun i made up on the spot! And my sentance skills are so cool Ay
  4. I don't like the ideas exept the crytal sword the skull dragon sounds a bit mad and the green dragons are able to be killed in wild on f2p
  5. Cool, I like the fact that you changed my suggestion =] and made it better
  6. firstly i'd like to see the range stuff expanded, including things for lower rangers such as actulay using the archery targets until your level 5. Like the dummys. There being a metal bow which is made of gregorite which is an extremly flexy metal and it has slightly better stats for the lvl 60 ranger insteal of the magic bow. Also there should be a quest called "The Lost Brother" which you find out the long lost Barrows brother Hhanzi. Who went to Jarakam which we now call Karajma and you stumble upon his tomb when asked to go on an archlogical dig for the digsite. Then you awake him from the tomb and have to kill him. (lvl 150 at low power) With his armour and attacks (Weapon: Hhanzi's War Blades). When he is killed he drops the Pendent of Arachnih Which lets you proceed further into the treasure chamber. you are then attacked by lvl 100 Grave robber ghosts who drop some damaged blades. You then travel to the sword expert in port khazard and he falls into a strange trance when you show them him. you then go to "Peer The Seer" To ask him what happened him and he says after a long and boring conversation he tells you how to awake him this needs 50 Herblaw. (Awakening Draught) you give it to him he says what they are and where to go to have them restored you go there and find the person has been killed by a swarm of Flesh Eating locusts. But theres a note on his desk saying how to restore them from his hopes of finding them. (65 Craft needed and 50 firemaking) you heat them up they catch fire you pour water on them. You then add some drops of awakening potion to the blades and a demon appears from it you kill it and it drops hhanzi's war blades you take them to the digsite (Quest Complete) Reward 15k Strength 20k Craft And Fire and ability to weild all Hhanzi Equipment (Armour got from tomb after more visits - gets harder each time + you don't keep the warblades you got in quest Who likes my suggestion (sorry for punctuation & Sentances)
  7. I think you should have your island and you build it and add the shops you need and no 1 else sees them but only shops that sell up to rune are alowed. no dragon
  8. I like it. but as he said it costs 2x the amount you alched it for and ALSO removes the xp you received for it thus making you lose the nat and fires :twisted:
  9. I like the borrowing thing but it needs help. like you lose all items that add up to it from general store prices if you don't repay the item
  10. I'd love To do the bunny hop but not as an emote you use a staff and turn into a bunny like in c wars and like turning into a monkey in monkey madness
  11. if they do make the spell they should price the runes for it at like 50k for them all so it's fair
  12. I like the ice 1 And i've made some equitment up [Fl meaning Fur lined] Normal: Fur hood Fur cloak Fur Bottoms Range: Dragonhide (fl) Studded (fl) Leather (fl) Mage: Robes (fl) Extra bits: Boots (fl) Ice Skates (so you can run) Fur cape
  13. Good idea. but as you said it would be abused! Ps. WHATS WRONG WITH BEING IMMATURE! *Steals your nose* HeheheheGuhu
  14. I would like an old fashioned 1 though as it is set in like the middle ages ..=\=......=\= ...=\=......=\= ____\______\_____ \............................\ .\............................\ ..\............................\ ...\............................\ ....\............................\ .....\............................\ ......\............................\ .......\............................\ ........\________________\ Kinda like that on your back Without the dots of course
  15. I Agree.! I always go past there and getting so annoyed if there was a shortcut there like the 1 near varrok and lumbridge (where you jump over the fence) I'd love it! Best comment i've herd on all the forums i've visited (like 400+) on rs! :wink:
  16. Yeah but it looks more like a big hole from shabby craftsmenship ill send a pic of a quiver i made 8)
  17. Yeah but you assign the cape to your quiver and it can be taken off
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