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Everything posted by king_kenny69

  1. This should be enough: Alot of people seem to have their secret questions set on Feb 2002, coincdence?
  2. Well Artic, you did warn me, but you also seemed to have forgotten out little deal... YOU STILL OWE ME 1.3 GP!!!! Revenge is sweet... And now, some non Artic-related-pics... Me falling for Moose's decoy banner... Whitemage? I think he's a Tip Iter... Atempting to tame the beast that is Golvellius07... And me and Moosey fooling round... And the pic I promised Moose... Well that's all I've got. Had great fun and met new friends. Can't wait for the next Castle Warz!
  3. hehe, he had to coming... feel the wrath of my flag muahaha... 8-) A she, that you very much! Do you think a guy would name his runescape character buttercup? :lol:
  4. Lol and u poked my friend with it while we were dueling... :D
  5. Not sure, not many people turned up, I think it's just me and golv left :cry:
  6. ohmygawd we got onwed like 6-2 to zammy :oops:
  7. Type: Abstract Avatar: No Colours: Black and Deep Green Render:http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-4305 Border: 1px Black Text: King Kenny69 Sub Text 93+ Combat, 1550+ Total Font: http://www.dafont.com/xtreme-chrome.font
  8. I think I'd be drowing in a sea of noobs if I dared do that... BTW: Love that Diablo sig, DEVIL :lol:
  9. April 27th. Wonder if I have anyone...
  10. lol, it's a song by N.W.A, don't take everything you hear too seriously, especially if I said it :lol:
  11. Hard question, but I would definatly choose being towed into Chopu on an esky lid, no doubts.
  12. N.W.A 4 lyfe! Best and only rap i listen to! Too bad eazy got aids then died. F**K THA POLICE!!
  13. Just thought of another!: Throwdown!
  14. 1. No male with white hair should wear dwarf pants, PERIOD. 2. Don't alc at Dharock, that's just begging to be flamed. 3. When training firemaking in varrock, don't steal other players lines. 4. Bronze is thy metal, revel in all it's glory. 5. Love thy cabbage, or a certain 500 members of a cult might come after your hide...
  15. yay might turn up at the 2nd one, should be fun, hope ya'll ready for ice cubes :twisted:
  16. I found a pretty weird one, boxing mode with a whip? :lol:
  17. I fell for that one, and the 'change your password to 'r2h' to get free rune' scam aswell. hope that scammer enjoyed logs and burnt shrimp :lol: On Topic: And the list gets bigger...
  18. I think wearing a Dragon Square would solve that problem.
  19. Holy Cow, i had no idea this post was that old, my bad :oops:
  20. king_kenny69


    kinda like when south park do a rip of of pokemon, called chinpokemon (or something along those lines.) '"What character did you get Kyle?" "I got Shoe."' On topic, i was hooked on everything pokemon when i was around 9-11 years old, i've even got one of those limited edition Pokemon nintendo 64s. I had yellow version and loved it to bits, got pikachu to lvl 99 and had like 130 caught. untill i got angry when i didnt catch mewtwo or some thing and threw my game boy out the car window, along with my addiction, and put volcom and zelda stickers ove the pokemon designs on my 64.
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