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Everything posted by prof_fleb

  1. They do the same damage, the only difference is the look of the staves, the look of the spells, and, as you have allreay mentioned, the rune cost.
  2. theres a rubble pile on the south wall of the pub, use the buckets with that
  3. gave someone a rune pickaxe when they got lvl 41 mining, then gave her full rune when she beat dragon slayer
  4. i usally just put on full zombie follow a randomer, and say boo! but thats just my way of saying hi...
  5. Thanks for the help peoples, should help on the way to lvl 85.
  6. I don't think i have a choice.... Unless jagex invents the noob cannon, does 30 damage to anyone asking for free stuff... Thats my dream...
  7. Darn, the noobs are starting to get on my nerves, like they've never seen a level 85 before...
  8. Title says it all, i'm looking for the best F2P iron powermining spot. Basicly the place with a few iron rocks where the noobs wont find me. I'm mining in the Al-Karid mine at the moment, but is there a better place? Help would be greatly appreachiated (however you spell appreachiated...).
  9. i was playing the tai bai wanna (sp?) cleanup minigame, i got a broodoo and started killing it with food while weilding my red topaz machete *i hit 20 with food* noob: wow you can hit 20s with that? (was thinking i was using machete) me: yeah sure you can noob: i'll buy it! me: how much? noob: i'll give you my dragon hally for it me: yeah, like you have a dragon hally (he was lvl 30) noob: i do i've done rediside(sp?) me: ok, i'll trade that noob: ok, lemme go get it *he leaves* after about 5 minutes he pms me noob: ha! i'm not gonna trade you for that weapon! i can hit 30s with my d hally! i own you! me: right, will you sell it for 100k? noob: yeah! me: i have it on me now *i didn't but i knew he was lieing* come on down noob: ha noob! i dont have one! i'm pretty sure one of us got served there....
  10. acculy, thats a glory ammy, not a ring of wealth
  11. he might have been, and since shade robes are tradable, that doesn't really prove anything...
  12. no, you have to do the jungle potion quest, shilo village is just to get into (big surpise here) shilo villale!
  13. i think the drops only happen on p2p worlds, i got 5 shade drops all on p2p worlds, and i fought about 10 shade on free to play worlds with not one drop then again, might have had something to do with the ring of weatlh i was wearing....
  14. guards drop a fair few body tiaras
  15. theres a place in seers with a chest, you can put stuff into it and it puts the items into ballons, these balloons are dropped from the celing, you then pop them and hope you poped one with an item in it
  16. this forum is made for questions, dont worry about it, chickens in lumby are good exp if you shoot over the fence, then they cant get you
  17. curse training, its great exp and the only time when its acceptable to fail over and over again and again in the same minute \/
  18. to do curse training you wear anything you can to lower your mage bonus (full metal armour, archer helm, kite shield, stuff like that) then you cast curse, you'll fail (same exp) and you cast it again on the same thing (if you succeed yuo have to get a new target) so its good exp (29 per cast i think) EDIT:lol posted in the same minute...
  19. no difference in stats, just looks, i think they're all priced the same, but not sure what the exact price is
  20. not sure about the staff but i found a way to do the book thing it works with the stronghold book, not sure about the others just start reading it, then close the book window and the character will still be reading it until you move
  21. in this case, pc means pest control i think
  22. its advertising account and i ve been banned onece from rscape advertising an account, as you call it is alloud on tip it, for proof check your profile page, you'll notice a spot to put your runescape url which will link to your highscores page
  23. try resizing it to 80x80 pixels, then just upload it on your profile page
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