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Everything posted by wolfboy

  1. Welcome to my little corner of the off-topic forum. Congrats on first post :D That's a very good point. Although Lincoln was not the genius history's made him out to be. He was actually a very poor leader, and would probably have been forgotten if not for the war and the asassination. True. I've read studies that show that the brain of an alternative-lifestyle man functions the same as that of a woman. It's not true in the reverse, however. (Alternative-lifestyle women do not have the brain function of men.) Odd, yes? Ooh, now we're really getting into some contraversial stuff. I, too, am against abortion. Very firmly against it. The only case in which I support abortion is if the life of the woman and/or the baby are in danger. However because I don't know the circumstances going on that lead to the ultimate decision, and because I have no control over the lives and choices of other individuals, and because it is (and has been for a while) a legal practice in the United States, I tend to vote pro-choice on the issue.
  2. Ok. I don't know you, and I don't know anything about what you're going through. Chances are nobody here does, unless you have some RL friends here, and from your post it doesn't sound like it. I've dealt with depression in the past, and I can give you some advice if you need it, but I need to know more. Maybe PM me or something. That said, however, I don't think we're the ones you should be talking to. Maybe a councelor would help. I know they helped me. Also, if you've been feeling down for a long time (several months or more) then it could be medical, and you should see a doctor. Please, for the love of the gods, if you have any desire to do something crazy talk to someone. Family, friends (I know you said you can't talk to them, but have you really tried? It's amazing what friends will understand when you just tell them what's up.), teachers, anyone you feel you can reach out to.
  3. Politics and religion are the two things that you should never talk about with friends. I consider many of you friends, so let's talk about them. This will be an open place to discuss/debate these two oh-so-contreversial topics. Because they are so controversial, however, I'd like to remind everyone of a couple of tip.it's rules. Now that the fine print is out of the way, I'll start with myself. I follow a Pagan religion similar to Wicca. I borrowed a lot from Wicca, but I don't follow it wholly enough to consider myself a Wiccan. Many people call themselves Wiccan, and think they can fit any belief under that umbrella, but it doesn't work that way. It would be like saying that I'm Jewish, but I worship on Sunday and eat pork. It just doesn't work. As for politics, I'm a rare breed. I'm one of the few conservative pagans. I'm a Republican, and while I have some serious issues concerning the Iraq war I am, by and large, a supporter of Bush. He's made mistakes, true, but he's human. I just find it depressing when I hear him speak and remember that he's the leader of the free world. So, as I said, this is an open discussion, feel free to add your two cents. We can discuss, argue (within reason) and hopefully learn a few things in the process. Just, please, keep it under control. I don't want senseless flaming/spamming to lead to the locking of this thread.
  4. Take the bottom off the p in pit and you get oit.
  5. Stuck on 30, the post-it notes.
  6. If I remember right, this is the one thing that N0valyfe wanted to change, too. It's a good idea, and one that I'm sure Jadex will adopt in time.
  7. I have a few member friends, and some of them have made offers along these lines. (For example, someone offered to make me arrows in exchange for bars.) To ask a member friend to do these things almost sounds like you're using them, though, so the best advice I could give is be careful how you ask and don't try to take advantage of nice people.
  8. Lol, I do that, too. The highway man near draynor gets it, too.
  9. Shade, that was beautiful. Almost brought me to tears.(joke) I, too, love mining and smithing. Do you mind if I add you so I'll have someone else to talk to while I'm clicking rocks or running to the furnace?
  10. Runescape doesn't play nice if I have IE open at the same time. Fortunately, I absolutely love mining and smithing, so it doesn't bore me too easily. If I do start to get a little bored (usually after mining about 200 coal or smithing about 100 steel plates) then I log out of RS and come here.
  11. Even if it were possible, it would be violating Jadex's rules.
  12. I wish I'd known this before, I've been doing "withdraw x" the whole time. :oops:
  13. That's more than I started with. The thing is, if you spend your profit on more ores then the number of bars you make and sell will increase. 300k will buy you enough ores to make 750 bars. Sell those at 550 each you'll get 412,500. Spend that on more ores, and you'll have enough to make 1031 more bars to sell for 567,050. You'll be a millionaire in no time. (Ok, not in no time. Smelting is the most boring and time consuming part of the smithing process I think)
  14. :shock: I think this is the best one I've seen yet. If only he was wearing a blue phat and carrying the others :D
  15. You'll have to do it again, and probably pretty soon. A friend of mine (level 78) asked me recently "Who's zezima?" I found it interesting that not only did she not get in either the "zezima's god" nor the "zezima's evil" camps (both extremes, and extremes are usually bad), she didn't even know who he was.
  16. If anyone siggied this, it would totally be taken wrong. Might get some funny reactions, though.
  17. Until you get members, you might want to consider selling the bars. Steel bars cost 400 to make (if you buy 2 coal at 150 each and 1 iron at 100) and can sell for 550-600, 550 usually 550. Even if you buy all the ore, that's still at least 150 profit per bar.
  18. Why do anything in Runescape? It's all for fun, and some people have fun differently than others.
  19. I was level 3 or 4, and I was killing cows for meat. One of the cows killed me. :oops:
  20. Yes. I don't know how, I don't know why, but for some ungodly reason plox, pl0x, p10x, etc. mean please.
  21. Really? I've been wooting for years in other games, and I woot alot in this one. (Just ask my friends, I spam the list with woots when I level up mining/smithing) But I've never known that. I always just thought it meant itself, if that makes sense. No real meaning, just a word to say when you're happy.
  22. [shameless self promotion]If you choose to high alch, see the link in my sig :D [/shameless self promotion]
  23. For those who've asked, ftw=for the win (a good thing) and ftl=for the loss (a bad thing). For example, coca-cola ftw, pepsi ftl. I disagree with the definitions given for choob. I was led to believe that a noob was a low-middle level player who acts like an idiot, (not to be confused with newb, a new player) while a choob is a higher level player who acts overly arrogant.
  24. LMAO! Siggied Woot! My first sigification! That entitles me to make up one word. Darn, I just used it.
  25. *stands in front of group* "Hello, my rsn is wolfboy kh and my character's an alcoholic." Seriously, all the dwarven stout i've been drinking to get into the mining guild is turning my character into a drunk.
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