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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. This is the true reason that dinosaurs went extinct:
  2. The first movie was the best of the trilogy. After Neo became Superman and started flying around, everything went slowly downhill. Although, the freeway scene in Reloaded was quite possibly the coolest chase scene I've ever seen. Only somebody as cool as Morpheus could use a seat belt as a weapon. There is no spoon.
  3. NDE: I almost stepped on a rattlesnake. Twice. In the exact same spot. I think it was the same snake too. I'm tired of these mother****ing snakes!!
  4. That's won't work. A magnifying glass only works if the light is all coming from the same direction. With the Death Ray, all the light is coming from different directions. A lens would just de-focus the light. On MythBusters, they were trying to burn a wet, moving boat that was over 100 feet away, using bronze mirrors. I'm burning a dry, still object that's 3 feet away, using glass mirrors.
  5. Death Rayed phone! Death Rayed keyboard! And more SDR news: With some help from my friend who shares my interest in "Science!", I have been planning the new and improved Death Ray 2TM! He's found a supply of lots of mirrors, and construction should begin in March. I've done all the math, and if all goes well, DR2 will have at least 200 mirrors, each 2-inch square. If we manage to use a full 8 foot X 8 foot sheet of plywood, we will be able to have over 700 mirrors! That's really shiny!
  6. Notice how the links at the top of the page are still in English.
  7. I have been to China and it is NOT the fascist, 1984-esque place some may think it is. From what I saw the "freedom level" is just about equal to the US, if not greater. US customs was at least 5 times stricter than Chinese customs. Hong Kong is even closer to the US, probably because it was controlled by England up untill 10 years ago. Even now it's not really part of China, sort of like Puerto Rico or Guam with the US. If you ever get the chance to go to Honk Kong, you should. It's a great city.
  8. Woah, I never noticed that!
  9. Four, but I only use one of them. 1-Hobobob7: My first account, got it to lvl 50 before it was banned. Last I saw him he was in the Karamja volcano. 2-Nanosauromo: Current account, made after Hobo got banned. Currently lvl 99. 3-Tetftw1206: Lvl 3, made it for tht TET Null Attack, which ironically I ened up not going to. It's sitting in lumby somewhere now, password long forgotten. 4-Hyt Hyt Hyt: I haven't even logged into this one yet, I made it just to grab that name before anyone else did.
  10. I used the wheel. Regarding the colors: when I glazed it, I just put down one layer of green with a different shade of green atop it, then a few flecks of blue. When it was fired, the glazes ran together into those cool patterns.
  11. Best: Snakes on a Plane Worst: Everything else
  12. Oops, this was supposed to be an edit, not a reply.
  13. I agree with Victor. Schools should drop history and PE, and instead teach us the things we really need to know to make a living in the world. Who's going to hire someone based on weather they know when the French Revoloution was or who Jean-Jeaques Rousseau was? However, math, English, and foreign languages (Spanish for me) are very important to know.
  14. Those are called Battlements. Those teeth-like things at the top:
  15. GOOD GOD WHY DID YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME OF THAT GAME!?!?!? I used to spend hours making the penguin loop around the planets in cool patterns. I managed to create one infinate loop where he got zinged back and forth btween two planets forever.
  16. Jeez, that looks really dangerous!
  17. At last, I have finally gotten flame! Proof that the Solar Death Ray can ignite cardboard: FEAR ME NATURE FOR I AM NANO AND I HAVE MADE FIRE!!
  18. Paper can be destroyed by my SDR, but not when It's covered in a layer of protective foil. Check the main post.
  19. Well, I melted a foil Magic card. Nothing much happened.
  20. Nanosauromo


    Just saw this movie. While it was good on its own, it felt very rushed and inconsistent. They cut out about half of the book including a few important scenes (the Ra'Zac were reduced to having mere cameo roles) and some things were presented way out of order (Arya getting rescued before Brom dies). The ending was completely changed, leaving out two important events that became huge plot points of the second book (Eragon's wound from Durza, and the vision telling him to go find his tutor in "Eldest"; I forget his name). However, it was quite an okay movie. I give it a 72%.
  21. My friend gave me an old keyboard to melt. He's trying to win a contest to see who can destroy a keyboard in the most creative way possible. I'd say aligning 81 mirrors to focus the sun is pretty dang creative! :D I'm going to take a movie of this experiment, so y'all will be able to see the Deathray in action!
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