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Everything posted by anim7

  1. mario, i will post a pic of the equipment soon. ty for the offer though. tintin, thank you for your input. I hope this guide was helpful
  2. EugenyG, this is not a thread for you to tell me to get members and run nats. This is a guide that I spent some time to help other F2P with prayer. You can rate it like meme79 and mario_sunny, or just say "I dont like it." Thank you very much and no hard feelings. Magedark, those valuable items will be protected when dying. If people dont have protect item, then they can just bring rune plate, rune legs and rune kite; 3 items that will be protected and give a good def bonus. For most people I think a loss of dhide chaps and vambs isnt the end of the world. Magedark, yes it is not literally costless, since the initial cost is about 100k. But I will tell you what. You can buy that armor, train prayer and sell it back for the same price you bought it for. Mario- I have bad encounters with pkers/lurers/backstabbers. I have a natural aversion to these people. I can honestly say that I have not yet come across a decent honorable pker. But I will edit the post :lol: The answer to the question - Yes it is totally possible to start a level 1 prayer and train to 43 in a short time if you have a good def level. Those skeletons are pesky for about 15 minutes. And from 43 on up, prayer takes a long time to level, so it is a good method for all levels of prayer. I would put the cap at about 60-65 prayer, because it is easier to buy the bones after this level. I have no doubt that you will get at least 6k prayer per hour given no pkers. I see pkers sometimes and every encounter will cost me about 45 seconds. Also 6k per hour is a very conservative estimate. The respawn is almost instant. So you pick up, bury, and by the time you walk to next respawn location, the bone will appear.
  3. Ya i could have made a more organized guide, but I think it is the content that counts.
  4. Introduction: Prayer is skill that has huge benefits in pking when the level is high. The protection prayers are very important and they require level 43 prayer. Level 43? That seems easy. That is only like 50k xp. Oh but it is sluggishly slow to get prayer levels. Especially for F2P. The only way to raise prayer is by burying bones. Varieties of Bones: Regular bones (4.5xp) Burnt bones (4.5xp) Monkey bones (5xp) Big bones (15xp) Refuting those other methods: The best strategy is to get big bones and bury them. But even if you kill 1k hill giants you will only get 15k prayer xp. And killing those giants is a pain. The dungeon is crowded with people and it is HUGELY inefficient to raise prayer this way. Some people say...what about chickens? You can kill them with one hit and get 28 bones soon. True, but it is also ridiculously slow. Moss giants? These are harder to kill and do NOT serve as a good way to train prayer. Buy Big Bones and bury them. Yes probably the fastest way to get prayer levels up. But it will hurt your bank. To get 15k xp, you need 1k big bones which costs about 400k My Method: What if I told you that there was a way to get more than 6k+ prayer xp per hour? In F2P....without spending a single gp. You probably said WILDERNESS BONE YARD. Yes, that is what this guide is about. Here is how it works: The bone yard contains a LOT of regular bones and 6 big bone respawns. Your equipment: Rune full helm Full Green Dhide or just Rune platebody Rune Kiteshield Rune scimmy (optional) 10 salmon or above TELEPORT RUNES Recommended Stats: You dont really need any stats except maybe 25 mage (for tele) and 40 defense so those skeletons dont pulverize you. How you get there: The red path represent the most dangerous path. Varrock wildy is very dangerous and it is multi combat. Lots of pkers might be at the hills and near the chaos altar. The green path is safer and is the one I use. It is a bit slower, but you only need to get to the bone yard once. Where you need to be situated: Here is a pic of me standing here: What do you do?: The respawns are very fast in a world with 1900+ players. So go to one of those worlds. You will be moving back and forth between these two bones shown in the picture. Memorize where the respawn happens - this is easy since there are landmarks. Click on the respawn location. By the time the character gets there, the bone will have spawned. Click it and bury it. Then click on the next respawn location. By the time the character moves there, there wil be a bone. xp per hour - in 6 minutes, i obtained 660 prayer xp. So that is at least 6k prayer xp per hour. PKers: There is a bit of a danger involved here. There might be pkers lurking around. Most of them are melee, so if they start to run at you, log out. DO NOT TAKE THEM LIGHTLY UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! They might kill you even are unskulled. Some pkers are ruthless, vicious people. If they attack you, start running south and tele at level 20. Those salmon will heal you well. Maybe in an hour you will come across one potential threat which is a pker near your combat level. You do not need to log out if you see a white dot. If that dot starts approaching you, you have to log out. Skeletons: They get unaggressive after 15 minutes and then you can just camp here for days. I bring a scimmy so I can kill them easily. Protect Items is helpful here: You will keep your rune helm, kite, scimmy and dhide body. You lose chaps and vambs. The End:
  5. And again updated bank and stats pic. I reached 14.57 million cash. actually it would be 14.77 if I sold the rune armor. Basically this is the point where I have recovered from the scam. On my way to a green mask. I was thinking they are 17mil but turns out that I need 18.5.... Anyways rate me.
  6. can someone explain to me the staking terminology? i mean like 'boxer'? does that refer to those ancient mage ice cube things, or a cardboard box or actual boxing?
  7. I totally support this. Skillers/pures and F2P will benefit from this. What is great is that the amount of time Jagex has to spend in creating such a hiscore table is very minimal. At it crude form, the hiscores are basically an excel spreadsheet. If I had the entire hiscores on a speadsheet I could rearrange players by total xp with a click of a button. Maybe there should be like top 250,000 F2P on the free play hiscores, top 1mil players in xp hiscores and top 1mil players on total level hiscores. It is not really a game update...which will make all of anti-f2pers happy. It helps those who have lots of xp and low total levels. It keeps the existing scores the way it is. Support :D
  8. so when wearing it, you dont have to pick up your arrows? it just does it for u? i mean as soon as u shoot the arrow, it goes into accumulator?
  9. yes master smither. i will give u rune to smelt/smith as long as you make me r2h. :D
  10. i use mith pl8, addy legs, addy med and anti drag shield. i use black warhammer and str pot. ^^Just kidding.^^ Full rune, power ammy, str pot, r scimmy. 16-17 is my max hit. potted. there is a room with lvl 41 crawlers and lvl40 something zombies. there is a room with 53 zombs and 41 crawlers. and there is a room with lvl 35 crawlers. they all seem to have the same amount of hp. 25 hp. meaning that 100xp everytime i kill one. does it matter which room i go in?
  11. yes i know.. the combat seems so low. i mean i have been at the fleshies for a long time yet i get very low xp. what is it usually? btw, i am f2p.
  12. ok i need some people to tell me what xp per hour they are getting. i seem to be getting a really low rate somehow. i am f2p. powermining: 35-40k fishing barb vlg: 30k combat melee at flesh crawlers - 23k??? ranged - 20k is this close to what you guys are getting?
  13. 35k xp per hour....1mil xp to go. 28 hours to go. 3 hours a day...so thats 9 days. on some days i dont mine at all. ty for support OMG Guasto. if youre saying 85 is easy....then u must be close to 99 or somthing.
  14. if ure getting members then do all the members skills. at least get to 40 on every single skill. i mean ure member but u have neglected skills alltogether. skills are sorta low. 4/10 bank is all right.
  15. wow. amazzing. 9/10. get 200mil xp smithing... do cballs take a llong time or sumthing? i mean i am f2p so idk. i hear there is a cball mould and u take 27 bars and a mold? can someone explain?
  16. if u want to cut with rune ax, u gotta wield it. simple as that. sorry skillers, but it is for the benefit of majority of us non-skillers.
  17. oh ya. it is like this. i want money. so i create some...good idea idiot. ECON 101
  18. If merchanting was scamming, what about the stock market? People buy stocks at the lowest price possible hoping that their investment pays off in the end. Are all those investors/speculators scammers because they can understand value of money and economics and use that to make a profit? Crab fishermen risk their lives to catch these huge crabs that they sell to big time buyers for like a dollar a pound and after it has been exchanged hands many times from one person to another, it end up at a store for 10 dollars a pound and the consumer buys it. This is totally legal. Merchanting is a way of life. The merchant is an honest player providing service to others. Most people cannot physically go to these crab boats to get their food for a dollar a pound so they pay more for a service which is provided by merchants.
  19. --sarcasm how about sapphire dragons to onyx dragons? brutal king green to black dragons? onyx king red dragon brutal dragonstone dragonite dragon there are 6 combinations of metal dragons, 6 gems, brutal (yes/no 2 combs), and 4 colors. that 288 combos. lets have all of them! ---sarcasm
  20. 10/10 good job soon u will make 100k profits and look back on this post with a sense of nostalgia.
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