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Posts posted by strilmus

  1. It doesn't really matter how it's done, but the game should be treating the three types of weapon setups (2H, Dual and Shield) as being equivalent in value, instead of just looking at the number of items involved. Another way would be to have 2H weapons take up two bind slots.

    given that dg has only a certain number of possible items


    and that the customization menu allows you to keep three presets with their individual color values when applicable thus proving the limitations aren't as low as we are led to think they are ("it's too time consuming and/or impossible to convert existing items to custom menu" + few months later = "hey buy our keepsake keys" + a few more months later = "hey we turned rare card collectibles into custom items despite the fact that we didn't do this earlier with any of our other items not released from solomon but you can't have them without paying")


    i don't think it'd be like, a huge dedication to allow three specific full gear loadouts per person, especially when many people hate certain types of combat anyway


    Imo the logic thing to do would be firstly allow 1 bind per slot per type of item.

    Eg Weapon you are allowed 6 binds - staff, wand, bow, knife, 2h and 1h

    Shield you are allowed 6 binds - 3*shield (each class) + 3* offhands


    Plus have 5 slots into which items you can't use go (so you can bind like primals or w/e without killing off ur usable binds)


    Then have the 3 sets and make it so each set can only use binds from 1 class (melee, mage or range) and have however many slots, 5 seems ok BUT the first slot is like a specialised 'hands' block that can take a 2h OR a 1h and an off-hand. Plus give them a ring assignment slot.

    Then on the ring of kinship right-click toggles have 3 options (melee, range, mage) with only 2 visible subject to what ur on and can't toggle mid-combat.


    Boom dw vs 2h not a bind issue and the swapping thing made useful.

    most damage in dg comes from attacks your armor can't block, and enemies who are higher than your level in terms of damage output


    does having a helmet+gloves+boots really make much of a difference there?


    yet there's no reason to actually HAVE those items made, and for the most part, it's wasted content


    you can either just have those gears be never used, or you can make a system where they are used


    alternate idea: offhand items can have their own bind slot like ammo

  2. It doesn't really matter how it's done, but the game should be treating the three types of weapon setups (2H, Dual and Shield) as being equivalent in value, instead of just looking at the number of items involved. Another way would be to have 2H weapons take up two bind slots.

    given that dg has only a certain number of possible items


    and that the customization menu allows you to keep three presets with their individual color values when applicable thus proving the limitations aren't as low as we are led to think they are ("it's too time consuming and/or impossible to convert existing items to custom menu" + few months later = "hey buy our keepsake keys" + a few more months later = "hey we turned rare card collectibles into custom items despite the fact that we didn't do this earlier with any of our other items not released from solomon but you can't have them without paying")


    i don't think it'd be like, a huge dedication to allow three specific full gear loadouts per person, especially when many people hate certain types of combat anyway

  3. I love how the winner of that prize is a (almost) maxed player, like most comps.


    Still, Looking forward to trying the beta, and seeing Castle Wars. and ogod that charm collector.


    AND instanced god wars? now the not-so-rich can actually access it without getting stomped on. :D

    statistically, people who drop that much money on membership are established players


    and established players are more likely to be high leveled

  4. Seems like whoever gets that wand is going to get instantly piled and killed unless the no-multi-in-wild ability works in that situation.

    I think the phrase "attackable in every way" indicates that the wand would automatically disable the single way combat toggle.


    better have the disruption shield ready


    edit: no wait, they broke that spell i think

  5. Runescape 3 came 20th of november last year, dunno what are they talking about. Glad I can keep playing Rs2 :)


    I wonder when jagex actually realizes that updates like this, actually kills the game.


    Only one thing sealed the fate of the game, and that was it's beginning. Now stop it with the RS IS GOING TO DIE IT'S KILLING THE GAME etc bullshit please.

    Every update is killing the game. Miniclip was the end of Runescape, remember?


    Face the facts, 07 version (which has less shit updates) has more players than `13 version, that tells you something doesn't it?

    yeah, it tells me that all the bots migrated to 07
    • Like 4
  6. I think the main difference between Zaros and other gods is that he didn't limit himself to any particular form of coercion like the other gods. Whereas Bandos only values war for the sake of ruling by brute force, Zaros would not be as closeminded to take a more nonviolent approach if it was more useful or effective. Whereas Zamorak only values raw power, Zaros sees the use of having somebody like Sliske around to get certain things done. Armadyl's belief in justice would prevent them from resorting to certain tactics that Zaros would readily employ. He would not share Saradomin's sense of morality that would hold him back or get in the way of his goals because he wouldn't need whatever flimsy justifications Saradomin comes up with to convince his followers that they're doing the "right" thing. Zaros and his followers understand their goals, and do not hesitate to act on them. Even Nex and Char, two of the most hot blooded, foul tempered individuals put on this realm, are willing to hold back on the wrath if they have to.


    This is how both Azzandra's and Sliske's abilities play into his philosophy; Azzandra is a charismatic figure tempered by power and intelligence who prefers to reason with their opponent, while Sliske is a sneaky bastard who is always playing the long con. They both believe in controlling the situation in their own ways, and they respect each other's ways to the extent that both of their methodologies are perfectly valid means towards the same goal, and their worth is only measured by how effective their strategy is in a particular situation. Even if Sliske totally derails the original plan with his own, everybody understands to an extent that what he did served the same purpose and might even hold more utility than what they would have learned (while possibly being more successful than the original plan, given how the circumstances played out, and the conditions under which Guthix would have even allowed anybody to get that close to him), even though nobody really likes Sliske anyway because he's still a huge jerk.


    In short, Zaros is willing to resort to ANYTHING to get what he wants. I believe this is why the other gods feared him, because there was no limit to what he would do in order to gain more followers and power. This would also explain why everybody was so eager to bleach the world clean of his influence; it was no doubt a dangerous force even when Zaros was gone, and they didn't want to take any chances.

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  7. wait, if zanaris is on a moon, does that mean that the cosmic altar is actually in [bleep]ing outer space


    as for the stone of jas, some of the writings indicate that the dragonkin were bound to the stone in a combined punishment/protection dealie where the dragonkin were cursed to destroy anybody who isn't meant to use the stone, and not being able to do much else otherwise.


    What's strange is that evidence also indicates that the player is able to use the stone without consequence...

  8. Yeah, for the most part all of these changes have made it difficult to find replacement guides. It's a pain to even find somebody who both knows how to fight something effectively (across different tiers of equipment) and is willing to actually share that information in a well formatted matter within a timespan that could be better spent using those techniques to earn money in the absence of competition. In addition, many players now favor making videos.


    In a way you could think we have gone back to the old times in that respect.

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