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Posts posted by strilmus

  1. when we saw lucien using the staff, he was summoning ice elementals, and the armadyl bstaff amplifies air abilities, so I'd have to assume the staff is a pure manifestation of the weather or something


    as stated, all of the artifacts are in some way linked to the creation of worlds

  2. i feel like a lot of things should be f2p (due to the limiting factor it has on events, and a good portion of the content going unused by the majority of p2p), and they've made steps in the right direction, but overall it could use a bit more

  3. all this being said, pretty sure the majority of the chambers are underground anyway, so they wouldn't exactly NEED a large castle


    given that the area is bristling with beefy troops in the elite/dagonhai area (although i haven't visted since eoc), it's pretty defensible

  4. I think the main reason they removed weaknesses from bosses is because they didn't want everybody to wear the same thing and then cause the market to lean heavily on that one thing


    ofc then they introduced level 90 melee weapons without the other weapons to go with it


    i think they use a twister spin dial to decide how their releases are arranged

    • Like 3
  5. wait wait wait


    the stab/slash/crush defense point system was one of, if not THE MOST pointless things about the combat system, because nothing ever really used it enough to become a large factor, PLUS it causes all sorts of strange complications in the combat triangle as far as discrepancies go, the most obvious of which places higher priority on the melee attack system over the others, largely because they get handwave stats which by design caused their damage amd accuracy values to be inadequate in the first place


    please explain why you want it back?

    • Like 1
  6. i tried that, for ages, at every opportunity, to explain my point, way before any of these changes actually occurred, or were even believed to be happening to begin with


    ALMOST ALL OF THOSE POSTS were ignored because they were apparently too long to read


    but it's difficult to summarize the effects and nuances of these kinds of updates in the kind of pithy one liners that seek to shut everybody up instead of discussing it


    in addition to people not even wanting to discuss it at all because at the time everybody just thought "well if it's not going to change why should we be talking about it"




    maybe one day instead of burying your heads in the sand you'd stop to think about these things for once




    For example, take the view that "defensive" armors are useless. Tthey're not useless because they're defensive, they're useless because there's two "offensive" armors that offer ATTACK BONUSES. Now, back during the first part of EoC, they originally intended to separate armor from direct offensive ability, which is why they tore out the strength bonuses. This way, armors would be seen on their own merits (defense = defense) rather than maxbros saying "but whatever, I get a minor attack bonus on this armor so it's the best forever" and wearing neit helms and fighter torsos until the end of [bleep]ing time.


    You know what happened after it went live?




    So, now we have the same problem again! Imagine that.


    do you see what i have to work with here? i may just have to flip a table!


    all i've learned from the past is that people wanted it so hard that jagex was able to justify making an old version of their game a viable part of their playerbase, and that whatever benefit we have from discussing the past is so weighted in the emotional baggage of a million nostalgia freaks that we can't have any compromises at all without setting the barn on fire


    can you understand why i'm so unsympathetic to people who look at the past as far as runescape is concerned? there's no negotiation. it's like sitting in congress!

    • Like 4
  7. actually, while brews should be useful to somebody, if they're going to have two tiers of that, i'd rather have the "extreme" brews be for the endgamers, and the normal brews useful for people at the midgame level, instead of not being useful at all, which is what i was referring to when i said they should have fixed brews first in general


    the claw and whip attachments were largely an attempt to remove excess claws and whips from the market rather than fix anything because there wasn't anything wrong with the weapons at the time the attachments were released, and aren't a valid comparison

  8. would you rather just have everybody start at level 70 then, because it sounds like to me that your reasoning is that because it's not useful to endgame players means that it hardly has any reason to exist


    dragon claws ARE useful at level 60


    brews AREN'T useful to anybody

  9. what i take issue with is that instead of making the potions actually say, useful in their current state, they're just adding another step onto it instead

    Sounds like Chaotic claws all over again for me!

    except that dragon claws shouldn't have been useful, they were T60 weapons (admittedly hard to get ones). Brews are tier 78/81 herblore and should be useful in their current state (not that zbrews have been useful since the release of extremes..)

    the concept of any weapon specifically supposing to be "not useful" is stupid in of itself, so let's drop that notion first, because just because something is, doesn't mean it SHOULD be


    dragon claws, while they shouldn't have been SUPER dominant, should have still been practical as a weapon (as should all claws)


    with the redone system, at the VERY least, they're slashing weapon alternatives to dual swords with the bonus critical attack on them (like the daggers are for stabbing, although I don't know about them getting any bonus)


    that's really where they should have been to begin with


    the advent of level 60 weapons not being useful for anybody 70 and above should really not be a surprise at all

    • Like 1
  10. so do you think we'd be better off with something inherently flawed but unchanging?


    looking back on the old combat system, it was STILL bad but you had the luxury of everything staying the same forever


    which is different from, well, actually being good like people might claim


    anything can be justified with enough time to be bored of insulting it i suppose

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