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Everything posted by Legionwizard

  1. Multiple ores per rock could be a sort of possibility yes, but then I suggest going in from coal. So no multiple ores for tin, copper, iron, silver. Like the normal trees only give one log for each cut. And the original idea of this topic ... I'm against, it would be too easy, I have a level 70 and think it wasn't that hard at all. It's good the way it is now.
  2. Hehehehe, Runescape can't support a cape implement, that would have to be it. I still think it is a nice idea, and would be popular, of course if it would be, they'll make it p2p and I don't get anything.
  3. I ought this useless. Jagex would have to set lots of clans and pay a lot attention to all these clans. Unles you off course mean that there are only some castles. But when a player of a certain clan enters the building he will see none but his own clan freinds if they are there. Again to much work. It is an art to build up your own clan and make usage of the elements of Runescape, cause there are lots of places, unused and yet appropriate for declaring a base for your clan. Just let your imagination work.
  4. I'm against. It's hard to implement and it just doesn't appeal me. Maybe yes, but changing the color would make scamming easier. It should be reconsidered in the future, cause it will need to be bound to specific rules. You need to work it more out (like the bank screen thin and so on).
  5. I like it, I might actually start using my friend list. I don't think you should be able to name your own groups, leave them determined (static names). I especially like the update of seeing what world you are in, cause this has gotten me much confusion, and even had to ask against friends to tell me which world I was in. Thanks.
  6. Don't know if it exists yet, but I'm rather fond of a certain type of cape. This cape covers one arm (the other remains uncovered yes) and the most of the back yet not like regular capes. If anyone knows the musketeers it's a bit like that, I think its very fashionable :D and it would score with the crowd, and how hard can it be to implement an ordinary cape? You should also be able to see some folds in it (makes it prettier).
  7. Ooooh crowns excellent, cause I've got like 1K of gols bars, I'd make a fortune. Here's some other idea I have for in the late late future: Banners, be able to make a banner (wooden stick with flag) and create your own flag, but the problem of course is that all might get banners and you'll have chaos withing short time. Would be darn sweet though, that and horses. -Give us f2p another quest!-
  8. Well some of the grammar can go better and there are few spelling listakes and some repetitive starting words. Nevertheless it's a whole lot better than the stuff I read nowadays, congrats.
  9. Clan name: Templar Guardians Clan website: TG Forum Clan leaders: Eddo89, Chrimara0, ... F2p clan cape: Purple P2p clan cape: Purple Number of Members: 60+ (Active: +/- 15) Average hitpoint and combat level: Combat Level 80 Type of clan (skill or pk): All-rounder Recent War Record(3): /
  10. It didn't really took long about mine, it's same as my forum name: Legionwizard. The reason why: Witchking was taken, so I wanted something linked to it, and I love the word legion, I was playing age of empires 1 at that time, and wizard because I wanted to blow stuff up with staffs. So that's how legionwizard, commander of the legions of Sauron (if some know the films :) ). But I'm not a powerful wizard, I'm more good at working, so mining and all that. I just thought up an extremely good name, but I'm not gonna tell, yeehaa.
  11. Basic clothing: white pants and black sweater. Looks: blond sharp,short beard and blond short hair The outfit: brown apron, leather boots, leather cloves, power ammy, diamond ring, black cape.
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