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Everything posted by Chelseaboy11_Is_Tom

  1. you, my dear sir, get ready to be flamed. edit: ^^beat me too it. edited it out but jesus... like you guys dont hate other nationality people?
  2. 1) the homosexual boy in my class who fancies me :cry: :ohnoes: =; :shame: its creepy like hell. 2) loud eaters. 3)people who emmegrate to england and have a go at us, if u dont like it, dont come here!!! its too overcrowded anyway. 4)kids who ask out the girl im about to ask out beofre i can get to her. 5)people who are plastic... teenage girls *cough cough* 6)druggies 7)teachers 8)homework 9)emos 10)goths 11)greebos 12)credit card scammers 13)bullies 14)people who cheat at games 15)the man who stabbed my mums uncle 36 times in the heart becoz he wuldnt give him his wallet :( but ya no... all in all im a very happy person! :D
  3. ["sarcasm"]6million jews were killed... but ya no he was a brilliant leader [/sarcasm]
  4. thanks for replies guys, and yeah there stadium is a crap heap \
  5. thanks, and to rebel yeh i know its gna be hard and they got relegated to league 2 8-)
  6. rofl wat a noobus froobus :shock: nrly 3333 posts and lol it is harsh but meh
  7. thanks all, and its only luton im not gonna let it get to my head im gonna nuckle down improve and maybe just maybe i have a chance with a really good team.
  8. reported nah just messing im 14 thanks for the good luck and gl with gettin in junior
  9. lmao thx adn yh not good enuff for chelsea lol :lol: muffins own kay?
  10. ok so after i came off the pitch after playing in a summer tournament my football manager said to me im gettin trials for LUTON TOWN FC. \ :XD: and they play in 4th league of english football but theyre still pretty decent, im so happy... have you guys ever played or got trials for any professional clubs? :-k edit: i play right back \
  11. Quitting after 99 Hunter. noes! :cry: well gl in boro woo and gratz on 1900 peace out bruv
  12. first: quest (before skill capes) other than that cooking next: firemaking or fletching, fletching 93 atm firemaking 90 atm.. last: ill never max out. lol
  13. when i was a noob i got scammed full rune d long glory, i was like one week p2p, i was so upset... i cried :? i was 11 tho... leaf bladed spear for guthan spear trick hapened to me... :( smithy78 stole my green mask 2 weeks ago (NAME AND SHAMED FTW?) :( lost about 50m to other various scams.... :( i suck only cried once but always get so upset lol... and i always dream about it lol... :ohnoes: there proper funny some of em, like dds'd my english teacher when she set me homework.. that kinda stuff.
  14. yh lol, if d kite came out that'd be sick but jagex said theyre not gna release kite full helm or plate... :cry:
  15. roflmao. i love snakes, but theyre not here in england god dammit :(
  16. just htink theyres always someone worse off than you, like my dad. he wakes up at 4:30 every morning, gets home at like 6pm every night and he never complains once, he is always in a happy mood and maybe you should think about what is going good for you in life, and keep thinking aboutit to keep u motivated, and you have a wife and play runescape? *no comment* maybe quit rs and spend some more time with the wife... help around the house... the girls love it apparently and they repay you handsomely later on... :lol: so yeh hope i helped if not... mehh im onyl 14 wadda i know.
  17. jesslitton ftw *waitsz for somone to quote and say chelseaboy11 ftw* :pray:
  18. shut up gypsy :P incredible...great job :thumbsup: lolol ON TOPIC: GJ
  19. i was watching telly 5 mins ago and a spider crawled onto me. i crapped myself, if i saw that i wulda fainted and not even joking... jesus man thats huge.... :cry:
  20. omg dont listen to them bullies above, theyre 45 yr old men who live in their mums basement and have never got laid... ur stats arent overly impressive but theyre in the making, gl with 99 cook and mining.
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