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Everything posted by Jaffy1

  1. That one is as clear as the coordinates pop-up on tip.it
  2. First of all, make sure you get A LOT of seeds. The best way to obtain these is by picking master farmers' pockets. When you have seeds, plant them, and pay a farmer to care for the crops. Return after the crops are grown, harvest and plant new ones. For a daily routine, just harvest and plant every time you go past a patch. Saving up weeds and putting them in compost bins every time to make compost, and every time get 15 buckets to empty it, then put in new ones, etc. Basically you just fill every hole where you can eventually dig xp out over and over again. If you have tree seeds, fruit and normal, put them in a patch and pay farmers, the more trees the better. Also, for additional seeds and xp you can play the vinesweeper minigame, which you can enter by using the teleport option of a tool leprecaun. Enjoy.
  3. As says before there's a list of coordinates with a description. I can also recommend putting them in here: http://www.tip.it/runescape/html/rune_t ... ocator.htm It'll show you the exact spot where it is. Good luck.
  4. If you're going for avansies it doesn't really matter as long as you wear an armadyl item they won't attack you.
  5. If god were real, the world would be a better place. If god were real, it would be male nor female. If god were real, why do holy books contain inconsistencies? If god were real, then why on earth would we, humans, be his/her/its children and other humanoids not? If god were real, everyone would go to hell, because if you're not Christian you go to hell for not being Christian, if you're not Jewish you go to hell for not being Jewish, if you're not islamic you'll go to hell for not being muslim, but you cannot be all, and even if you tried to, you'd go to hell anyway for not believing in "the one true god". If god were real, why did he/she/it only show him/her/it-self to people millenia ago, which by the way was a time in which people saw magic and other nonsense as truth too? If you ask me, the only god that exists is the thought of it in people's minds. I believe the intentions of creating religion might have been meant well, but it continues to be an excuse for people to slaughter innocents (hence jihad for example). The principle of a higher being gives people mental support, and it is logical people would believe in such a thing, since sorry guys, we're mortal and people just don't like the idea of being gone after they die. So the best thing you can do is just enjoy life and hope you bet on the right horse, hehe. ^^
  6. If you're planning on using melee your stats are fine, 1333337. I would definetly recommend you bring dragon armour (or better) and if you have it, a whip. Don't forget to get sufficient stat-inhancing and prayer pots. A couple of tuna potatoes would also be quite useful. Good luck.
  7. Sounds '+1-ish' but i'm with this guy, Slayer is awesome, and nets you a decent cash pile at higher levels, not just 83 and 85. ;) Actually I'm a girl, but glad you agree. :thumbsup:
  8. Slayer is a members skill which you train by killing creatures you are assigned. You get slayer assignments by going to a slayer master (there's masters you unlock by combat level, refer to slayer skill guide for details). If you're cb 25+ you can always go to Vanneka in Edgeville dungeon and ask for an assignment. He will tell you to kill x (number) of a creature and while you kill them you get combat as well as slayer experience. You can always go to any slayer master your level is high enough for (as I usually go to the Shilo or Zanaris Lost City masters at cb 103). Slayer assignments may vary from f2p and p2p creatures, some require a slayer lvl or special equiptment to kill, others don't. If you get an assignment that you feel is too hard, you can always go to the slayer master in Burthorpe and get a nooby assignment (skeletons, goblins, etc). Normal slayer assignments will depend on your combat and slayer lvl (examples could be moss giants, ogres, aberrant spectres, banshees, etc. as said, dependant on your combat and slayer lvl). For any further information on Slayer, please look here: http://www.tip.it/runescape/?page=slayer_guide.htm
  9. Zamorak vambs are indeed quite expensive, but despite Godwars needing some investement, if you sell the adamantite bars I'm sure you'll earn it back fairly soon. Otherwise you can always buy Saradomin vambs and Zamorak coif instead of the other way around, but the prices aren't too different. I would definetly recommend wielding a shield (dragon sq or obby shield) for higher defence, rather than a holy book. The prayer method is very costly, and therefore I would definetly recommend using bones to peaches as said in earlier comment.
  10. I wouldn't recommend training there much, but rather to get slayer assignments - slayer masters will give you creatures suitable for your combat stats as well as give decent drops most of the time.
  11. In addition to all the things mentioned above I would recommend one of the following methods: Entrana (8 spawns... you can also find sand, etc here) Shilo Village (3 spawns) West of Tai Bwo Wanna Village (5 spawns) Beach northeast of Rellekka (9 spawns) Or, if you need more in the future, you can always summon Granite Crabs and have those with you while fishing. They produce raw fish and seaweed. Back to your motive, if your sole reason for making them is because you require vials, you can also buy vials for 5 Gp each in the Shile Village general store.
  12. I can recommend upping combat with slayer. That will get you around a range of different creatures dependant on your combat and slayer level. Most of the creatures drop pretty good things as well as give you combat and slayer experience for every kill you make. My advise therefore would be: Go to a slayer master and get an assignment.
  13. Your skills are sufficient, I did the Quest with much lower combat stats and managed. Do make sure you have sufficient food and pots.
  14. I noticed that newer players I talk through this Quest often take too little cash for buying the flour, so I'm assuming people using this guide too might be. "Alternatively, you can buy flour from the food shop in Port Sarim." I suggest making this: "Alternatively, you can buy flour from the food shop in Port Sarim for 14 Gp." Quest Guide: http://tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2quest_id=18
  15. I doubt the wisdom in trying Fight Arena at your levels... If you do attempt it, I would definetly recommend stat-inhancing potions and good food, as well as the best equiptment you can use. Good luck.
  16. Try the same way you got in the first time?
  17. Regarding crafting: If you have the money or feel like killing Green Dragons for hides, my advice would be to make green d'hide vambs and then alc them, once you reach 60, make chaps. If you have little money to spend you can also buy silver ore/bars and make tiaras or sickles. Also, if you have the gems (or wish to mine them at Shilo, but this will take longer) you could make and enchant strenght amulets, rings of dueling and gaming necklaces and sell them in g/e.
  18. I would say your skills are sufficient. I would recommend you do Temple of Ikov (if you haven't allready) and obtain an armadyl pendant to wield on Godwars. You should also get a Saradomin and Zamorak item (for example Saradomin coif and Zamorak vambraces). For the rest black d'hide body and chaps, rune crossbow and broad-tipped bolts (around 1k of them) will do. I also recommend bringing lots of bones to peaches (for additional food when you run out) and runes/staff to alc drops. Oh, and if this will be the first time you visit the Godwars dungeon, bring a rope to use on the hole, also, before you can enter it, talk to the knight near there. ;)
  19. Ranging them is a bad idea. The by far best way to be killing these creatures if with a weapon with crush attack.
  20. I agree, I used bullseye lantern myself.
  21. I'd like to make a remark on the Items Required. It starts with "A candle (use tinderbox with a candle) or any other light source" -- This can be confusing. Also, it states one needs a "weapon with slash attack" - a knife will also suffice, as this is to slash a web. During the Quest I used a knife on the web to slash it. I would suggest: "A light source (bullseye lantern is recommended,but candle, lantern or mining helmet will also do, use tinderbox on it to light), a knife or weapon with slash attack" Quest Guide: http://www.tip.it/runescape/index.php?rs2quest_id=36
  22. I noticed that too, until I discovered that you have to rightclick it in the middle while viewing from above?
  23. I would say that it would be useful to put in a sentence "The number of arrrows you will need depends on your ranged level and whether or not you brought ranged armour. For example when you are ranged 70+, you will only need 10-15 arrows. Also,when you're using Ava's Accumulator you might also need less arrows, but it is always better to take more than you need, rather than less" To be one the safe side, that is, since the effect Ava's Accumulator has is not 100% sure, and it'd be quite frustrating for people if they have not brought enough.
  24. I've done a lot of mining/smithing and superheating in my time as a f2p player. If you decide to smith the bars you're using as well, make sure you can make platebodies and then alc those. If you decide on making bars only while buying the ores - go for adamantite. If you decide to go for max xp in the 3 skill mentioned above, while also getting profit (this is what I did), I would recommend buying mithril or adamantite ores only, bringing those into the mines where you mine coal, mine coal while superheating and brining an almost full inventory of bars back to bank for smithing. Superheating in the mines will allow you to mine between 80-120 coal before banking, and it's by far the fastest way to train mining/smithing in f2p without wasting enormous amounts of money.
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