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Everything posted by Kuroi_Ame

  1. Believe it or not, the first one took a helluva lot longer than the second. I had my tablet settings all messed up in the first and it was the very first time I actually used it. Really, it wasn't supposed to be funny, I just thought I'd add a speach bubble with some words, and it just so happened to be those words. :? And, if you're thinking about getting a tablet used, the only problem with that is the surface of the tablet maybe extremely scratched, and it will be hard to draw on. Good luck, nonetheless. :
  2. I want to get this done, so please guys give me anything here. That is my attempt at AA, with having no previous practice.
  3. Z0mg how many colors did you use!? It's burning right through my retinas! :shock:
  4. I don't know a whole lot about abstracts but the text doesn't go with everything else, and it seems like all you did was put a few brush strokes on a single-colored background.
  5. No, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the program, not my tablet settings. Do you know how to access the preferences of Gimp?
  6. My tablet was automatically set to that as well, but I didn't like it, so I changed it to "mouse mode" where it wouldn't do that. When I tried out Gimp, it changed it back to "pen mode," but only for the program. :? Very weird..
  7. For some reason, The Gimp recognizes my tablet and automatically sets is to be in porportion to the screen. How do you make it to where it doesn't do this? It has the mouse pointer and tablet pointer in different places and causes a lot of messing-ups..
  8. Alright, I've downloaded The Gimp, so I'll finally be able to see if it lives up to its hype. Hope so, though, tightwads FTW. :wink:
  9. I've been trying to download gimp, but for some odd reason, my computer won't let it run, says I have to download something else, but won't let me. :? I'll try it again, though. And, I already used up my 30 day trial of Photoshop, #-o so that's out of the question. :/ About this Paintshop Pro thing, is there a way to get a 30 day trial of it? (I'm guessing http://www.download.com :-$ ) I may be able to spend up to $70, but not $600 lol..
  10. And how much does PSP 7 go for?
  11. You mean Paintshop Pro? No, I've never tried that, I'll check if they have a trial version.
  12. I have Corel Painter Essentials 2, but me hates it and it hates me.. :cry:
  13. I'm pretty sure MSPaint wasn't made for tablets, and I'm too cheap to buy Photoshop, so is there any programs that are tablet-friendly? I want to be able to draw things like axeraider and princessa did (not the pixel things) but MSPaint doesn't allow that kind of stuff. Really don't care about the price, just so long as it has a 30+ day trial or so. :|
  14. You have the right to post your opinion, but it wasn't very helpful in the least. It's a Wacom Graphire4 6x8 and it was $200.
  15. Won't really work too hard on these, I'm thinking more of making a new one with generally the same idea with cleaner lines and better letters, I know, at the moment, they're almost illegable.
  16. And, I took it :D . Updated hand plus some other weird thingy.
  17. Posted it for C/c.... Didn't know I still had to ask for it, thought it to be self-explanitory.. But, since you didn't know that before, now you do.
  18. It ain't great, but I kinda like this drawing. I'll do my tablet'd drawings better as I get more and more used to it. He's saying, in case you can't read it: " Hey, nub! Leave me mom out of this or this gets personal!
  19. I'll sign up. Combat 95. Central Time Zone Whenever I'm on. I always go to world 99 unless I'm doing PC.
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