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Everything posted by Kuroi_Ame

  1. Final list is up, please NO MORE REQUESTS until I get these finished. I will ignore all further requests until then.
  2. I think he means the tool that makes straight lines, it is called the Line Tool, you're thinking about the Pencil Tool. Unless you knew that the Line Tool was the tool that made straight lines, and you thought that was recommended. In that case: #-o
  3. http://www.AmericanDiction.deviantart.com
  4. I'll do pixel sigs and avatars of all shapes and sizes! (literally!) (Please allow up to three days depending on complexity of signature/avatar) Final List 1. Jesse_1321 2. Dogman112018 3. Sir Hartler 4. Bloodkilla87 5. Skully_Sc 6. Badphooeybad 7. Poketama 8. jared94 9. DarknightRider 10. Pandaownage This is not the order I am doing the signatures in, by the way. Order form: Character 1: Character 2: Character 3: Description of Character: Background: Anything else to add: Font: Text: Size: Example form: Character 1: blue phat, full green d'hide, rune 2h, fancy boots, and blue cape http://www.>mypicURL<.com (optional) Character 2: holding christmas cracker, full rune zamorak trim, fighting boots, red cape, and red gloves Character 3:none Description of Character(s) action(s): standing on character 2's body Background: wildy by castle Anything else to add: Font: mistral Text: Sumikotsu Size: Max available PS: Pictures would be very helpful! Most recent example I have: Please do not PM me, if you PM me for a request, I will not do it, because you can just as easily post it here. DISCLAIMER: I reserve the right to, or NOT to, do your signature, and at whichever order I wish. You may or may NOT receive your signature/avatar by four (4) days.
  5. This is a screenshot of the folder I saved everything under, and everything's there, labeled like it should be and everything.
  6. Has this worked for anyone, yet? I just *also* spent an hour, or more, saving crap, and it doesn't work. I quad-triple-checked everything, and it's EXACTLY like yours, I even took the same "template" that you have..Waste of time, in my opinion.
  7. It's okay to trace photographs and such. Tracing helps develop early artistic skills. As one gets better, one loses the need to trace. If he wants to trace, there is no problem with it. It looks nice so far, the dithering isn't perfect, but you can fix that later.
  8. I love that. "You find no lobsters in here. You begin to wonder why" Made me laugh.
  9. I'm not saying he ripped it or not, but just because he couldn't remove the samples doesn't mean he did. He possibly wrote sample everywhere and saved over the original. I've done it before. But when he did those black boxes instead of going back over it, that kinda gave it away. Man, who would buy that for 200K!?
  10. Add a real font, don't just use the pencil/paint tool and make it yourself. It will look cleaner that way.
  11. I think it's quite nice. Your pallette needs tons of work, though. And it would look much better if you removed black lines with darker colored outlines (like if you have a green shirt, take off the black line and replace it with darker green). Okay, back to the pallette problem.. Use colors with more contrast, and don't use such saturated colors. Darken them up a bit, but don't use extremely dark colors, that makes it look dark. Fireplace: your lightsource is coming in from the west. The west wall of the fireplace is blocking light from going real far deep into the firepit and the wall on the east is getting a bit of light, itself. And, the fireplace looks like there is no hole in the back top. Mose fireplaces do, unless this one's just for show, lol. And don't think that the light from the top comes in. It may very little if any. I like the font, but the color gradiant isn't the best I'd go with a red color, no gradient and chose a border, preferably black. 1 pixel thick.
  12. EDIT: Got it working..Hard to believe it took you seven hours. C/c: I think it would be a good idea for you to make the main character closer to the "camera" and bigger. I think then, the perspective wouldn't be so messed up. The peace sign the guy's making looks very weird.
  13. HEY! I saw you when I was picking flax in Lletya earlier today! If I had known you were a Tipiter, I would've HYT'd you. PS, my RSN is PJTOMBOY, maybe you remember me.
  14. Judging by the way the rock is shattering, it implies he is hitting the rock hard. However, the way he is holding the Pickaxe, it implies he's resting on the pick. To quickly fix this, I would suggest straighting out his arms and adding more of an *mmph!* expression to him. If you were able to crack open rock like that without showing any stress, I applaud you. But for the rest of us mortals, it looks odd. [EDIT]
  15. The main thing that made it look like a girl was the shiney lips, now that you've fixed that, it looks much better. I could tell you were going for "anime-realism" but the shiney lips was kind of freaky. The shiney made it look like he was wearing lipstick or something. And also the pale skin didn't help much there. I'd say this is a major improvement and I like how you are doing Shippoo so far, all matured and such. I'll keep tracking this, I really want to see the end result. BTW-that's weird that the more a guy looks like a girl the better ;O. Over where I live, it's dangerous to do such a thing. :ohnoes:
  16. Lips too shiny, face too smooth, no male features. Basically, it looks like an ugly woman or a guy that used to get beat up in school... :-k
  17. I haven't edited that part, yet, but I want to keep it mostly the same, kind of in respect to Mac. And, besides, some trees are smaller than people, I mean, it could be a shrub or bush, y'know. I haven't checked Pixellation since this morning, red, but I'll get to work on it. Yeah, I'm not the best at choosing colors, but hopefully I'll get better.
  18. Mmkay, thanks, I'll get to work on that.
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