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Everything posted by Kuroi_Ame

  1. This isn't really a rant, it's more of a comment about Jagex. Which is why I put it here.
  2. You're wrong. It makes them unhappy and frustrated to the opint where membership sounds pretty sweet.
  3. We are being sheltered. Chat When someone signs up to play RuneScape, they have to sign an agreement that they are thirteen years or older. If this is true, as I beleive it is, why is there a chat filter that blocks some of the following unecessary words: [developmentally delayed] turd gay a hole (litterally a hole, not abbreviated) geek and nerd used to be suck(s) and many more that six-year-olds say! The censor is so bad, that most of the time, half your sentance will be blocked and the person you are talking to will be like huh? Another thing, why can't we type more than a certain amount of spaces? Does Jagex think our minds can't come up with more than 60 characters? Quests Have you ever done a recently-released quest that made you think? I mean really really made you think? Do you remember that "super-hard" quest released a few months ago? Contact was the name. Did anybody find it "challenging?" I certainly didn't. I was disappointed. I expected at least Desert Treasure hard. The newer quests are even dumber and easier. Skill "teachers" I'm a veterin in this game, so to speak. I've played for several years, back when there were no skill "teachers" that gave out free arrows and runes, then told you what to do. I played when there was challenge in this area of RuneScape. I played when I had to ask players how to make flour and bread and such. It wasn't easy, but it was FUN. This part doesn't matter to me, I'm not jealous of how easy it is for new players, I feel sorry for them, that they don't get to experience them. Wilderness "ditch" What is up with this? Who asked for this? Who needs this? How is this helpful in the least? The message that popped up before the ditch, I though, was enough. Now, they go build a freaking ditch across the Wilderness! I don't even remember, without rereading the update message, what the reason was. This doesn't change anything between the Wilderness/World line. Before the ditch, you would get a warning message one time that would stop you before going any further, and with the ditch, it's the same thing. The only difference is that it slows things down, not by much, but it slows things. Random Events Everyone gets them all the time. Their purpose is to slow down macroers. But it's backfiring. All the honest players are being hurt in the process. No one can just woodcut and look at the forums. The "relaxing" skills, such as woodutting and fishing, are anything but. When I fish, every inventory, I get a, "I need your help, Pjtomboy!" or "Ello der, Pjtomboy!" or "Greetings, Pjtomboy." And this is literally every inventory. I'm currently mining, while writing this, and got a Rock Golem. They throw stuff at you, now. This doesn't slow down macroers any more than regular players. We are suffering for Jagex's problem. Jagex can't get rid of all the macroers, so they invent new random events. What does this do? Stalls them. What would be more usefull, in my opinion? Adding monsters that attack low levels. Most macroers are level 3-17. Of course, they will then be forced to raise combat. That would slow them down. Way down. As for the honest players..most of us are higher level and it won't bother us at all. I'm not saying this is the best solution, because it's not. It will slow down those of us that want to be "skillers" that are level 3 with 99 everything. RuneScape is popular. Too popular. People are scamming other players, so they can be better. People are stealing passwords, friends are hacking friends, one guy commited suicid over it. People steal accounts, then sell them on Ebay, or whereever to make real-life money. For some, it's their way to make money. There's nothing Jagex can do about this. It's the player, this time. Rares This is what I hate the most. Not just anyone can get one of these. Masks are my favorite, I would love to get one to wear, they look so neat. But I'm afraid. I don't want to die due to lag and a random event, thus losing it. I also don't want to clean my bank for one. Partyhats are nice, too. Today, most newcomers are smart. They realise this: it makes no sense to charge 500M for something that looks the way it does and has no purpose, and is worth 2gp to the store. Rares are necessary, though. They're the top of the economy. They're the most expensive and flexible items in the game. They're required. But, they're useless. I've had people ask me, "Why do you make so many noobs?" And my answer always is, "I'm looking for a challenge." It's not challenging to do anything anymore. Making accounts from scratch gives me that fresh-start feeling that I miss. I like feeling new to the world, being forced to look at the world map to find out where I am. I guess you could relate this post to that of the dragons post a while back. That summed up EVERYTHING I felt about RuneScape now. I feel like I've beaten the game at level 100 with a 1624 total level!
  4. YOU DIDN'T EVEN READ MY POST, YOU IGNORANT FOOL! Members get bank space because they pay. JaGeX can give more space, but even 12 will cause non-members to be happy and lose a little bit of interest in membership! They don't aim to please f2p! IT'S A BUSINESS! If they please you, and you don't feel the need for membership, that's BAD BUSINESS! They'll lose possible clients! Read my post you quoted, I'm not going to spell it out word-for-word again.
  5. I changed my mind about the F2P bank space thing.. Bank space is a privelage given to players by paying five dollars a month. If JaGeX doesn't want to give bank space to non-members, so what? Are they going to quit in response? So? They're not losing any money. Members pay. That's five dollars a month to play. JaGeX wants to keep them happy. If they quit, well, that's five dollars a month that JaGeX doesn't get. Non members. They don't pay. They're unhappy? They can get over it. Or become a member. They'll be kept happy, their queries will be more important to JaGeX and will get answered first and ASAP. It says so if you send a query to them. I have never gotten a query answered as f2p (honestly) but on p2p, my queries will always get answered. That shows how much JaGeX cares. If they don't want to give what you call a "measly 19 bank spaces" they won't. In fact, if non-members were happy, then what would be the point of being a member? Hey, I can get the exact same thing for nothing as I can for five dollars! Why pay? Do you see my point? It's "only 19 bank spaces," but that'll be all the bank space any non-member will need! Everything will fit! You won't have to say, should I keep this, or is it unnecessary? NO FRUSTRATION! You guys don't get it! It's not a game. It's a business.
  6. I never knew about bandit camp lol. Yeah, I made it to 1624 total level without knowing that.
  7. I took some pictures with a digital camera..it's pretty bad.. http://americandiction.deviantart.com/gallery/
  8. Neither do I. image completey stolen from pixelation. lol.
  9. I'm not saying it's perfect..but people at Tip.It are so weird! You people say that other guy's (and girl's) first time pieces are pretty good when they're crap, but when you see real art, you say meh! What's up with that!!! Back on topic.. Her hands and arms are somewhat different sizes..the whole bubble thing is weird lol...I like the pose and the anatomy (besides the arms) look pretty good! I have a problem with the black lines..I'm sure you will get rid of them, but if you are not, PLEASE DO!! It honestly does take away from how great this piece can be. The colors on the dress hurt my eyes but it's probably because the background is pink, lol...if you don't change that, ima kill ya!! :twisted:
  10. Her head looks like it's like a triangle... The tops of people's heads are supposed to be rounded...not flat. She's seriously supposed to be running?? I'm sorry, but I don't see it.. It looks more like she's leaning too far and drunk.. You can do better.
  11. you do realise you can actually use them....just copy and paste them lol, but i guess that is inconvinient, i suppose there is some way you can set the code to a hotkey or something Yeah, I know I can use them by copy and pasting them, but that's not nearly as fun as just clicking. :S
  12. [img=http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/6407/best069ud6.jpg]
  13. Lol, I'd rather get 99 Range, but no one will race me. My friend offered a race to 99 woodcutting, and I couldn't turn it down. :D Thanks for your support.
  14. Thanks..I really hope Tip.It wil use them. I'm always wanting to use these smileys.
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