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  1. Inflation in a nutshell buddy...
  2. Sorry, but prayer is NOT that hard to level. You just need to know where to go. I got from level 20- 30 prayer in a little over a half hour just by sitting at the Chaos Altar in the wildnerness burying those bones... But I see what you mean. Especially for the Champions Guild. I remember thinking "I got all of those quest points for this?"
  3. I completely agree with Tox, and why did you type that much? We could've just gotten the main points instead of a strip like that...
  4. Not even funny man... That just has MACRO written all over it... See you just can't do that... The smithing industry would skyrocket and people wouldn't barely have to lift a finger to made 50k... Stupid idea
  5. No... They are WAY too ninja for a medieval fantasy... Do us a favor... Go watch your anime shows and play Runescape seperately.
  6. I dunno... Some possibly seem a little too far-fetched to be added... But sure... Go for it
  7. Yeah... It really should be "bannable" if they scam with it... But it also depends on how far the people take it... Like online marriage cerimonies... Yeah...
  8. Yeah, this really should be in the rants section. But he's right, with rares being well, rare, the prices will obviously rise... And you never know... Some rares prices may skyrocket....
  9. Yes I can see how you would like RS to become a little more historically correct, but it really can't get all too specific. The idea of seiges, nice, but adding all of those weapons in on it, I really don't think it would be too good of an idea. As far as anyone WOULD care in this game, they would say that a MACE is a MORNINGSTAR. Which isn't all too correct. But you must also remember that this is a Fantasy game, which means that they could add anything they come up with out of their heads. I'd say this idea would get a 3/5 from me. It just really doesn't need too be that accurate.
  10. I think that the bounty idea is an excellent one at that, but it does not truly give one the feeling of "pking". An NPC does not have REASON, which is one of the thrills of fighting other players. All-in-all, I think it's a so-so idea. :?
  11. Yes, you are all very correct about the fact that people usually DO craft runes to train, but you must also realize that I am just pointing out the "price of using magic" so to speak. And I must also point out that this isn't particularly a "rant" which is why I used quotes to mark that it was leaning towards a rant, but wasn't actually a rant. This was more than less pointing out the expense compared to the other classes. Although none have seemed to say anything about how correct the math was... No respect :-({|=
  12. It's not all about PKing, and it's not just ME that I'm talking about, it's the entire magic community.
  13. Amazing work... a little complex, but nice none the less
  14. It isn't just pking if you read the entire thing... Therefore your comment was nulled, because we still spend more leveling up enough to kill you as you do on rune. And besides that, you can just get from 1-99 with as little as 200k if you stayed with a single weapon for a few levels. Idiot
  15. I dunno... Sounds like a coinsidencial conspiracy theory...Possible...
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