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Everything posted by Dayking321

  1. Agreed. I only have 30 firemaking because i needed it for the sea slug quest (P2P.) Someday I might go for 49 fm for the bullseye larnters, but nothing after that. EDIT: And, little use in P2P too, take a tinderbox, and a lartern into the cave and you will be fine. Theres not much F2P use for firemaking after lv 15, cause by then, normal logs burn first go.
  2. Agreed. Unlike most people, you atually put thought into this. Most just want a third team.
  3. Thanks. I owe you. Ill do heroes at 65, soholo at 70 and underground at 80-90.
  4. I became a member at lv 15, and i have never looked back :D
  5. I am wondering: For ages, I have, as a member wanted to get into the Hero's Guild, mine gems in Sohilo Village, and buy one of those halabirds from the shop in Tirawin. I am currently cb 57. What combat should i be before attempting these quests, assuming all of the other reqirements are already met?
  6. Yes, but it would be kind of cool playing rs on the go. And, it would give me good reason to dust off my ds.
  7. Sounds like a good idea. But, it could get probimatic at places with shared bandthwith.
  8. Its 8 for the maid, but she does bank, and not sawmill, and only does 10 items at a time.
  9. Lobbies all the way for me. I only pk on free, and theres not much ponit in using sharks at 46hp :( .
  10. Thanks. I take fishing. Oh, and a clan member told me that it was 120k. Oh and how long does it take to fish 500 lobbies? Just an estimate would be fine. Heh, trying to annoy me eh. Lol. Edit: I just sold 250 cooked lobbies for 55k. Thanks for your help.
  11. I done at cb 47. Ftp treasure trails items are: Black (t) Black (g) Addy (t) Addy (g) Saradomin Armor Gutix Armor Zamarok Armor Rune (t) Rune (g) Gilded Studded (t) Studded (g) Green d'hide (t) Green d'hide (g) In short: all armor.
  12. Ok, i have been a smith and miner for most of my rs life, and now, that i am starting to need higher lv weps and armor, it has became obvious that fishing lobbies and cooking them is a much better money making souce. Heres a few equasions i done: Fishing up lobbies (around 600)- 2-3 hours Cooking the lobbies (around 600)- 30 mins to 1 hour Street price of lobbies- 250ea. Around 120k for 500 lobs But, in the time it takes me to do that, I could be making steel plates... So in short, should i stick with smithing, or become a cook, and make a significant profit. Note that my cooking and fishing lvs are only 43 and 41, compared to 55 and 63 for smithing and mining. I cannot alch.
  13. Agreed. If this was, i would add like everyone at my school that isnt a rl friend.
  14. Agreed. Im tierd of people having bad doungions (typo)
  15. Bury the bones. Prayer will help you while pking.
  16. Lol, i took these images while i was traning...
  17. Get your fletching up to 65 and alch yew shorts
  18. Thanks. Scince ive got decent woodcutting, i can cut and make the bs myself. Thanks for the tips.
  19. You can get back wolfbanes-just talk to the preist after you have lost it. You can probably just take the doctor's gown out of the chest again.
  20. Hi all, ive always been a pure smith, but its got quite boring, and, although I still want to make money with it, im thinking about making fletching a secondary money source. I am currently 31 fletching. Any tips or suggestions?
  21. Good idea. I do think you should be able to sail to tuturial island thogh. It would be good for getting a restock on weps and armor, and starting out new skills.
  22. My freind was once killed by a cow. He thought they where the perfect traning. Lol
  23. I know im a noob, but getting 54 smithing in two months. My next goal is 49 mage.
  24. Too bad im an aussie. 5:00AM!!! Please, make regenal versions of events.
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