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Everything posted by Prankster_King

  1. I'm shooting for 75 fishing, and I was wondering which is the fastest exp.. Lobster fishing, or fishing for tunas and swordies. I figured lobster fishing would be better since it's a more steady stream of exp, but I wasn't sure. Any advice?
  2. Question answered. This can be closed now, thanks.
  3. It's in the inventory. And thanks for the answers.. That's interesting. I wonder if there's a use for it on the mainland.
  4. I discovered this in Port Sarim today while buying a fishing rod.. (item: Crayfish Cage) I searched the Tip.It database, but found nothing. I searched the Runescape database, and found that it was in fact an added item, but with no price change once so ever (meaning it was recently added). Also in the Runescape database with the Crayfish Cage were the items Crayfish and Raw Crayfish. I tried fishing with the cage on Karajma, but had no luck. Any ideas on when and why this came about, and if it was purposely added or not? And for curiosities sake, where's the crayfish fishing spot?
  5. They do occasionally go through and remove blackmarks from everyone. It might not be as frequent as some like, but they do do it occasionally. I think you might be best off to just avoid getting more blackmarks, and wait for another time when they remove them.
  6. Asking for dragon armor is a bit much. It was in fact one of the key parts of getting membership for a while, and still remains that way even if it's not the best. I think rune is a decent enough cap limit for F2P.
  7. To a lot of people it is, you ever see the "anti-ftp bank space" thread? The fact that there are those people that create an uproar over some minor thing becoming F2P, to be totally honest, amuses me. The majority of the P2P players who do get upset over such a change is usually in the younger age group, who believe that anything and everything is theirs if they pay $5 a month for a game. It's a cape. A piece of clothing that doesn't do anything but look good on the user who's wearing it. Simple as that. It marks a great achievement, and shouldn't be restricted to P2P. I understand why the majority of things are for member, and I don't argue with it. Minigames, quests, skills, that's all good and well.. But for something that relates to both F2P'ers and P2P'ers such as the skill capes is a bad choice of things to restrict. There's just no point to it. There's no need to simplify it for F2P. And yes, I did see that thread when it was made. I even posted in it from time to time. I'd rather not bring the campaign into this discussion. It's been over for some time now. ;)
  8. I think it was ridiculously stupid to make Skill Capes P2P only in the first place. Getting a level 99 in something is a big deal in both F2P And P2P. There's no reason why F2P shouldn't be rewarded with a fancy looking cape as well. It was a mistake made by Jagex, thinking that this would entice more members. It caused quite an uproar among F2P'ers when it was discovered that the capes were P2P only. There's no need to make an entirely new set of skill capes just for F2P. Just give them the normal ones. Wilderness capes were given to F2P, after all. Why not Skill Capes? Let's be honest here.. It's just a cape and an emote. It's not the end of the Runescape world if it's given to F2P.
  9. A simpleton update like a little more bankspace doesn't linger on a companies mind "for a while". This campaign lasted over a year and a half. You can rest assured that the campaign did play a part in the update. You may not wish to view it that way, but common sense says otherwise. Also please note that this is not the only "protest" that has successfully caused an update to Runescape. ;)
  10. Congratulations to you all. This massive campaign has finally achieved its goal, after a year and a half of hard work. Though the additional recent updates look dim, take heart in the fact that we succeeded. It was thanks to everyone who posted here that this small wish of bankspace became real. A thanks to you all, and many more thanks to those who were against the support and who debated in this thread. Without you, the campaign would have gotten dull! :) The F2P Bankspace Campaign faltered not once. The F2P Bankspace Campaign grew to become a massive force throughout the F2P and P2P communities. The F2P Bankspace Campaign has won.
  11. It's not just the matter of the cost. It's the lack of a way of paying for the subscription, or the fact that people don't see the need in paying for an online game when they can get just as much out of it for free. Fun. Err, that has nothing to do with anything.. We're not talking about pures here. We're talking about people that are skillers, pk'ers, and marchants all at the same time. It's that combination of items that has to be stored which excessively fill the banks. Nice try? Actually, it's a damn nice try. A try that's already suppressed numerous arguments just like yours (and ones much better), and a try that's gathered many hundreds of supporters. Nice try. ;) You refer to F2P'ers as "you guys", so I'm going to assume you're P2P. Unless you're a veteran F2P'er with multiple sets of random event clothing, hordes of items for skilling, pking equipment, and items for merchanting in your bank, don't talk. You have no idea what can or can't be done. Erm.. You said "find a way to lose bank space" by dropping random event clothing... Please make a statement that makes sense. :| Random event clothing is *not* useless in any way. I'm sure you have every little bit of random event clothing stored away in your nice little P2P bank, or in a costume room somewhere. Random event clothing adds to the entertainment of Runescape, by giving players more to do, more to play around with, and more to look forward to of getting. That is the entire point of Runescape, isn't it? Having fun and providing entertainment? If you say otherwise, you really need to rethink your life. Random event clothing is also a symbol of how long a player has been playing Runescape, as one who's played for a long time will have more opportunities to encounter random events. They are in no way, and by no means, useless.
  12. This is a rant, I believe. This is a forum for game suggestions and bugs, not rants. ;)
  13. But we *do* have random event clothing, and thus don't have enough space. ;)
  14. It seems to me that you don't support it, seeing that you're saying it will never happen. It would help if you didn't contradict yourself. :)
  15. Kevy, the "fight amongst ourselves" you're referring to is the debates between supporters and opposer's. And no, the rallies are not canceled forever. This campaign has been going on for well over a year now, and we very well know what we must do to achieve the bankspace. You have to trust us on the fact that steps are being taken to move the campaign forward. I see. I totally agree with this rally, it is just that i wish i could help in some way shape or form :pray: If i don't know what we are currently doing or when the next rally is, then how am i going to help. Just stay up to date in the thread. ;)
  16. Kevy, the "fight amongst ourselves" you're referring to is the debates between supporters and opposer's. And no, the rallies are not canceled forever. This campaign has been going on for well over a year now, and we very well know what we must do to achieve the bankspace. You have to trust us on the fact that steps are being taken to move the campaign forward.
  17. Well of course it doesn't do any harm to any players. But the irrational mentality of P2P players is that any bonus to someone else is an assault on their own Runescape experiences. I was merely pointing that out to show that as a reason why P2P players as a majority don't support F2P bank space (we pay for bankspace, you no pay you no get). The reason this suggestion isn't particularly viable isn't that it's not a benefit to players, it's that Jagex has zero reason to do it. F2P exists merely to lure players to P2P, and in fact any extra update for F2P players might convince some that might have bought memberships to do otherwise, which is the last thing they want. Again, P2P players have to deal with a far far greater ratio of bankable items to bankspace, and if we can deal with it, so can you. Which also reminds me- the reason this will never happen is because P2P players aren't rallying for bankspace (at the moment), so Jagex doesn't see any reason to give ANYONE space at the moment. I have bolded the particular paragraph that I will be replying to. Like so many other P2P'ers (and the very few F2P'ers), you seem to believe that F2P is merely a demo, who's soul purpose is to lure in new members. Two words: Not true. The following is a direct quote from an interview with Andrew Gower, in which Andrew clearly states that F2P is not merely a demo of the game. (Source: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_i ... tory=13769) If you read the above quote, and clearly understand what was said, you will see that Andrew not once referred to F2P as a demo, or just a way to rack in more subscribers. The entire game of Runescape was originally created as an entirely free game, purely out of Andrew's fascination with graphical game designing. P2P only came to be because over time, he lacked the necessary funds to keep the servers maintained on donations and his own money alone. With the new group of subscribers, Andrew was forced to change his plan of action, and make updates that would please the newly paying members. In no way does he refer to F2P as just a demo, and he never has even to this day. There is not a single reference in the KB that states that F2P is a demo. Unless the actual founder of the game states it, F2P is not merely a demo. The entire idea of F2P being a demo was created by obnoxious members that felt they were above the general audience because they payed money out of their pockets to play an online game. In no way is that factually accurate.
  18. The problem is, they already have it in Player Owned Houses. Yes, they do. It's not surprising that Jagex would once again leave F2P to fend for themselves in the banks and inventories. Thanks JS for understanding. :)
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