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Guide to make a personalsed stats sig


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this was on the 'player made guides' section, but it was suggested that i moved this to the gallery ::'








this guide is for those people who want a personalised stat signature, with more ease than making from scratch... its quite a long guide, but easy enough. sorry for poor grammer








Make Your Own Personalised Highscores Sig!




by jonno and tony richards




    [*:3mevmrqa]have you ever wanted to show off your skills in you signature? even those not on the highscores?
    [*:3mevmrqa]are you fed up with the same old signature that EVERYONE has?:
(no offence to draynor.net there...)
[*:3mevmrqa]do you want to have a bit of your own artwork in you sig to go with those stats, without redoing and reuploading the whole thing each time you level?
[*:3mevmrqa]or are you simply a f2p or pure who doesnt want to show all of those additional unused skills?




then this is for you








clicky for the program download




although it is a [Caution: ExecutableFile] program this is completely utterly safe. we have checked for viruses bt you may want to aswell:




[hide=quote from texasmd91]




Scan taken on 17 Mar 2007 10:54:45 (GMT)








Found nothing








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Found nothing




AVG Antivirus




Found nothing








Found nothing








Found nothing








Found nothing




F-Prot Antivirus




Found nothing




F-Secure Anti-Virus




Found nothing








Found nothing




Kaspersky Anti-Virus




Found nothing








Found nothing




Norman Virus Control




Found nothing




Panda Antivirus




Found nothing








Found nothing








Found nothing








i find NO fun in stealing other peoples stuff. im serious here.




(if you REALLY dont trust, dont use, simple)












the program












all you need to do is create some numbers and a sig design based around my templates (see the site).








then with a simple entering of a few bits of data, the program will enter the highscores, along with extra things you wish to add, onto your nice new prettyful sig








this program will update your sig everytime to use it to, and all you need to do is keep an up to date image online.








[hide=the complicated bit clicky to read]okay, i dunno the full makings of it, ask my bro... [email protected] (i added this to test the hide code ^_^)[/hide]












how to use




    [*:3mevmrqa]download and install the program onto your computer, using the earlier link, or
click here
[*:3mevmrqa]using a template or completely from scratch, create your sig how you like, using the following boxes and colours:
the program uses these colours to relate to your levels, so you MUST not change the colours, or use them in other parts of the signature. the various colours are in the ReadMe, and are full hue colours - ones rarely used by artists... (just change the hue by 1 if you want the same colour)
[*:3mevmrqa]the boxes can be moved in any position with any number of skills, for example:
thanks to bloodvelds now famous sig ^_^
(i really cant be asked to mak a good sig, you can tell..)
[*:3mevmrqa]next create a series of numbers to match the design. you need the digits 0 to 9, a blank box, and somethink to resemble an unavailable skill (i use N/A). the numbers have to be 9x11 pixels big:
the templates include these numbers, with the nice runescape font :) (you can change it easily - i know the font is ugly as anything...)
[*:3mevmrqa]these numbers and the sig needs to all be saved in the same place. the base signature should be 'base.png', the numbers '1.png' '2.png' etc... including 'blank.png' and 'N-a.png'
[*:3mevmrqa]now for the program:
(like my wallpaper?)
the image will be in your 'my pictures' folder.
[*:3mevmrqa]and there you have it a nice, easy to update highscoes siggy. heres my examples again:








uploading the image








uploading the image can be done the normal way (via imageshack or tinypic for instance...)




but the best way ive found (so far) is keeping the image on something like http://www.geocities.com or http://www.angelfire.lycos.com. these site give you free webspace, so when you re-upload the picture onto the site, you will not need to change your signature link.
















although this program is fairly foolproof, there can still be some errors:








    this means that you have not saved the images in the correct name, or you have missed one out. the folder conaining the images should look like this:
    this happens if you use the special colours mentioned earlier:
    if you want to use the same colours, just change the hue slightly:




if you find other errors, just message me, add them here, or email my brother: [email protected]








thanks to...




    [*:3mevmrqa] tony for creating the program
    [*:3mevmrqa] me (jonno53) for making the images
    [*:3mevmrqa] anyone else who helps make this perfect (nobody yet :()




i do NOT make the signatures for you, the idea of this guide is




so you can make them your self


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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just checking the replies - gosh it seems that the gallerys readers are a lot harder to please than the 'player made guides' peeps -.-








Just spent an hour making an amazing sig then i go to open your program and it doesnt work..... -.-








hmm, have you checked my troubleshooting bits?




if it still dont work, send a message to [email protected]








if you hadnt notice, it doesnt look good. :wall:








what you mean exactly?




the idea is YOU design it so YOU make it. i just made a basic template to demonstrate - with enough inspiration, im sure you can make it look as good as you want...








Uh.... Can't you just do that in Paint or any other program? All you have to do is add text... :-k








yes, but every time you level, youll have to re-update the image.




with this program, an update is just a few clicks away. you can make your numbers by hand too, so they look prettier than the average font.




i thought that doing some work at first rather constant updating would be better...








this guide was intending to replace the [cabbage] draynor stat sigs, give some originality AND ease.


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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Has this worked for anyone, yet? I just *also* spent an hour, or more, saving crap, and it doesn't work. I quad-triple-checked everything, and it's EXACTLY like yours, I even took the same "template" that you have..Waste of time, in my opinion.


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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Hi Guys,








I know my brother is running this thread, but I thought I'd better post a reply now. Can I please point out something that is starting to annoy me in light of the problems people are having... I have yet to receive ANY emails or PMs about people asking for help. :wall: (And btw, yes i have checked the links to make sure they work!)








I am very willing to help you fix what problem you are having, if YOU WILL LET ME! Kuroi_Ame, how exactly does it not work? Can you upload a screenshot, or contact me and I'll help solve the problem. Chaotix04, I've PMed you, so I hope you will get back to me, I appreciate you may not have had a chance to reply yet.








A few troubleshooting points:








    If it's not downloading your stats at all, make sure the program is not being blocked by your firewall.
    If the stats are coming down, but the picture isn't being put together properly, send me a compressed folder with teh pictures you are using and i'll take a look. Remember, it is not enough just to use, for example, any red for total level, youmust use the exact colour used in the templates. I know it sounds a pain, but this means you wont end up with a really rubbish image with random numbers everywhere.








Guys, please work with me here. You are obviously interested in the program, but just moaning about how it 'does not work' does not help. Please help me, if you are having a problem, PM me or email [email protected]. I want to help, please let me.








To finish on a nicer note, If you have made a sig with my program, can you upload it? I'm interested to see what people have done with it.

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It seems like an awful ammount of work for something that isn't even going to get auto updated as actual scripted signatures do.








You can seriously skip 95% of this tutorial if you just type in what the stat is, that way you don't need to juggle varrious colors trying to get it to work.

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This is a screenshot of the folder I saved everything under, and everything's there, labeled like it should be and everything.










do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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It seems like an awful ammount of work for something that isn't even going to get auto updated as actual scripted signatures do.








You can seriously skip 95% of this tutorial if you just type in what the stat is, that way you don't need to juggle varrious colors trying to get it to work.








i chose these colours for one reason - these are the colours that most people say NOT to use, e.g. the brightest boldest reds/blues/greens. pictures tend to look more realistic if you use colours from the middle of the pallette, which is mentioned in many pixel guides that i have seen.








actually, 95% of this tut means that you have ALOT les to do when you update your skills:








in paint:




to make




make sig - 1hour+ (as long as you want)




add numbers - 10mins




save and upload - 5mins




total: 15mins + sig time








to update




change numbers - 10 mins




save and upload - 5mins




total: 15mins












with program




to make




make sig and save- 1hour+ (as long as you want)




make numbers and save- 20mins




use program and upload - 5mins




total: 25mins + sig time








to update




use program and upload - 5mins




total: 5mins








to summarise, although it innitially takes a little longer to make all the numbers, once thats done, just a few clicks on the program mean all the numbers are entered in the same layout








the auto updating sigs are a future possibility, and soon my bro is making a version that sends the image to where ever you want, even some webspace if you have it - meaning the sig will update each time you use the program.








if anyone else has any suggestions to improve the program, dont hesitate to post - we could do with some CONSTRUCTIVE feedback...


killing off the TET, one newb at a time :^_^:


im cutting back on rs now due to rl issues (college), my sig stats havent been updated in a while...

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Personaly I can type out the numbers needed much faster than creating a colored box. Couple in with the high probability of errors on the programs side (for whatever reason) and it really is ineficient at best.








Plus from my understanding you can't choose the font you want the stat text to be in, and the current text you're using looks awful.

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Personaly I can type out the numbers needed much faster than creating a colored box. Couple in with the high probability of errors on the programs side (for whatever reason) and it really is ineficient at best.








Plus from my understanding you can't choose the font you want the stat text to be in, and the current text you're using looks awful.








Just to clarify for you, becuase this isn't clear. To the best of my knowledge, the errors are down to errors in the input pictures (i test my program with various images as i program it. The alogrithm works as long as the right images are used). Please don't take this the wrong way, people, I admit the instructions aren't necessarily crystal clear.








Second, the font that is used is down to you. You draw the images, you set the font. Something I believe my brother excluded (for whatever reason) is the fact that you don't even need to use a specific size for the images. The number images can be any size, as long as:




    [*:10q67epd] The individual numbers, and the image containing just a blank square, are all exactly the same size.
    [*:10q67epd] The n/a image (the image used when no stat data is given) must be exactly the same height as the numbers, but have exactly twice the width.
    [*:10q67epd] The coloured boxes used to mark out the position of the normal levels (As in not quest points, combat level or total level) must be the exactly same height as the numbers, and exactly twice the width (essentially, the same size as the n/a symbol)
    [*:10q67epd] The quest points and combat level boxes must again be exactly the same height as the numbers, but exactly three times the width of the numbers
    [*:10q67epd] The total level box must again be exactly the same height as the numbers, but exactly four times the width of the numbers








It is not even necessary, in fact, for the coloured boxes to be exactly these sizes, they can be smaller, even one pixel in the top left corner of where you want the nubmers will do, but if they are bigger, there will be a problem.








The point of this program is, you create the image ONCE and then update the image when you level up. I'm not sure what you mean about typing out the numbers... if you mean an automatic sig generator from a website, the main advantage i can see is you can have ANY image you like.








One last point, in case anyone has misunderstood. The coloured boxes do NOT have to be in the same place as in the templates. They can be ANYWHERE in the image.








I hope this clears some things up for people.

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Ok, I do understand a bit more now about what you're doing with this. Wasn't thinking in the long term and didn't realize you couldn't choose your own font.












Makes more sense now, at the least. It at least might shave a few mins off of what you are doing in the long run.

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Looks interesting, actually, but I'm on a school comp so I can't test and even if I could, I can't make a good background. :oops: Seems like a good idea nonetheless.



| . . . . Pure F2P . . . .|


| sig8.png |

| 73 74 73 75 70 86 65 80 |

| sig9.png |

| 85 80 80 80 80 80 80 65 |


| Combat: 092 Total: 1235 |


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I keep getting error code 0xc0000135 whenever I try to start the thing :( :( :!:








Hi mate. This is an easy one... I hope, anyway. You need the .Net Framework to use this program. Sorry, I didn't mention this on my site, but it is in the ReadMe :D.








Here's a link to where you can get the setup program:




http://[Website not allowed due to abuse].com/8vgak








This should lead to a site on Microsoft.com.








Thanks for posting, i'll make sure i'll put this on my site, as soon as i get a moment...








Btw: Thanks for making you first post... :shock:

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I keep getting error code 0xc0000135 whenever I try to start the thing Sad Sad Exclamation









Hi mate. This is an easy one... I hope, anyway. You need the .Net Framework to use this program. Sorry, I didn't mention this on my site, but it is in the ReadMe Very Happy.








Here's a link to where you can get the setup program:




.com/8vgak]http://[Website not allowed due to abuse].com/8vgak








This should lead to a site on Microsoft.com.








Thanks for posting, i'll make sure i'll put this on my site, as soon as i get a moment...








meh.. according to that site I don't have a genuine windows <.< -.-



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  • 1 month later...

Please remember that this program will not work on a Mac computer because it is a [Caution: Executable File].


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