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'nother pixel


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This is another pixel by me. I personnaly don't like it. I don't know why lol. Someone pm'ed me wondering if I could make them a sig and I said ok. (please don't pm me asking for an order..i will open a shop eventually) here is what he wanted:








I would like a man with super-saiyan style white hair, with a beard and bunny- ears on his head. The rest of his appearence is up to you. I also would like my rs name ' minnie me02 ' to appear on it, as well as the phrase ' MASTER CRAFTER '.








I would then be interested in your interpretation of how best to make a sig detailing crafting, whether it be someone chiseling a drag stone, or crafting dragon hide.








Somehow I don't like it except for the window curtains and the bookshelf which i spent a holy ammount of time on. I don't know if the buyer will like it either but anyways. Can I get some c/c? thanks.









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the table has pretty poor perspective on it and the character itself kinda sticks out a bit from the background. besides that, you got everything fine. its just a matter of perspective and making things so they dont stick out.








PS. i posted the finished helms deep for you so check the thing. hope you like-took me long enough since it was all hand drawn

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the table has pretty poor perspective on it and the character itself kinda sticks out a bit from the background. besides that, you got everything fine. its just a matter of perspective and making things so they dont stick out.








PS. i posted the finished helms deep for you so check the thing. hope you like-took me long enough since it was all hand drawn








Umm what do you mean by poor perpective on the table? thanks

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the table has pretty poor perspective on it and the character itself kinda sticks out a bit from the background. besides that, you got everything fine. its just a matter of perspective and making things so they dont stick out.








PS. i posted the finished helms deep for you so check the thing. hope you like-took me long enough since it was all hand drawn








Umm what do you mean by poor perpective on the table? thanks








I think what he means is that your table looks flat! You need to make everything look like it's sort of real kinda.

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It took me some zooming to convince me, but I now lost all respect for you as a sigmaker, or should I call you, sigripper?
























You changed the arms slightly, and left some of the face outline the same, but it's a rip. I'll be PMing a mod now. Maybe when I'm 90 I'll forget how my sigs look but until then, you'll never get away with it.








For anyone who didn't notice, he ripped the arms and some of the head.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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It took me some zooming to convince me, but I now lost all respect for you as a sigmaker, or should I call you, sigripper?
























You changed the arms slightly, and left some of the face outline the same, but it's a rip. I'll be PMing a mod now. Maybe when I'm 90 I'll forget how my sigs look but until then, you'll never get away with it.









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It took me some zooming to convince me, but I now lost all respect for you as a sigmaker, or should I call you, sigripper?
























You changed the arms slightly, and left some of the face outline the same, but it's a rip. I'll be PMing a mod now. Maybe when I'm 90 I'll forget how my sigs look but until then, you'll never get away with it.








For anyone who didn't notice, he ripped the arms and some of the head.








eerm I only see a resemblance in the arm positioning...doens't mean its a rip I had the arms like that so he would be holding up the ammys...its not a rip I drew it myself. Let whoever the mod that you pm'ed is decide and I only hope he goes by what he thinks and not by the 2 people "arguing" because you will definatly beat me in a popularity contest :wink:

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That's what they all say, you're not the first. :roll:
























You must be my long lost twin brother, we draw exactly the same! :roll:








Don't take me for an idiot, I do not joke when it comes to ripping. Well, I guess I do joke.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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I still support my bud Gabby... though, the evidence is against him.








What are consequences for sig ripping on this forum, anyway?








probably get banned? i dunno..well i know i cant winthis "argument" cause everyone loves misterxman which i dont blame. And the arms and hands arent exactly the same he didnt draw those green lines right on the outline

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I still support my bud Gabby... though, the evidence is against him.








What are consequences for sig ripping on this forum, anyway?








probably get banned? i dunno..well i know i cant winthis "argument" cause everyone loves misterxman which i dont blame. And the arms and hands arent exactly the same he didnt draw those green lines right on the outline








You think people decide the outcome of these issues based on who people like? Don't insult the people of the media by calling them people who don't know what's right from wrong and only side with "popular" people.








I can assure you that everyone who thinks you ripped couldn't care less if it was ripped from me or from some person no one knows. I also don't care if you ripped from me or from someone else, but when I find a ripper, I'll show him to everyone else.








About the green lines, I didn't draw them. I just changed the colors of the black outlines to green so the similarities could be seen more cleary, like fingerprints found at a crimescene.








SirAlex, about the consequences, be glad you weren't the one caught ripping.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Dang, I don't know what to think now :?








I like both your artworks (Mr.x being a pro pixel'er, and Lord Gabriel being a very impressive new-commer), but I wasn't sure wat to think... So I had a look at the evidence...








I highlighted the features I thought were either ripped or very suspiscious, and looked at them under a microscope, of 30x ...








And well, they look VERY similiar... Now, if only the outlines were the same, I'd side with Gab here, but, even the shirt creaes on the arms are VERY similiar...








So, I looked again, and tried fitting eaach arm over Mr.x's arms... They fit very well, but not perfect... I tried the head (without the hat), and they fit quite well too...








Although I liked watching LG's progress, and although I enjoyed giving him CC and he was rather friendly, I'm siding with Mr.x here, as the evidence is too strong...








Purple = Ripped or Suspicious Features: ripscopy.png








Very Disapointting Lord Gab (if this is true) :cry:

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I still support my bud Gabby... though, the evidence is against him.








What are consequences for sig ripping on this forum, anyway?








probably get banned? i dunno..well i know i cant winthis "argument" cause everyone loves misterxman which i dont blame. And the arms and hands arent exactly the same he didnt draw those green lines right on the outline








You think people decide the outcome of these issues based on who people like? Don't insult the people of the media by calling them people who don't know what's right from wrong and only side with "popular" people.








I can assure you that everyone who thinks you ripped couldn't care less if it was ripped from me or from some person no one knows. I also don't care if you ripped from me or from someone else, but when I find a ripper, I'll show him to everyone else.








About the green lines, I didn't draw them. I just changed the colors of the black outlines to green so the similarities could be seen more cleary, like fingerprints found at a crimescene.








SirAlex, about the consequences, be glad you weren't the one caught ripping.








yeah you changed the color in the wrong place..unfourtunatly i know how to zoom in paint as well.

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Dang, I don't know what to think now :?








I like both your artworks (Mr.x being a pro pixel'er, and Lord Gabriel being a very impressive new-commer), but I wasn't sure wat to think... So I had a look at the evidence...








I highlighted the features I thought were either ripped or very suspiscious, and looked at them under a microscope, of 30x ...








And well, they look VERY similiar... Now, if only the outlines were the same, I'd side with Gab here, but, even the shirt creaes on the arms are VERY similiar...








So, I looked again, and tried fitting eaach arm over Mr.x's arms... They fit very well, but not perfect... I tried the head (without the hat), and they fit quite well too...








Although I liked watching LG's progress, and although I enjoyed giving him CC and he was rather friendly, I'm siding with Mr.x here, as the evidence is too strong...








Purple = Ripped or Suspicious Features: ripscopy.png








Very Disapointting Lord Gab (if this is true) :cry:








could slap in the face for lord gabriel but th question is now banning? warning? or just a slap on the wrist and say dont do it again?

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if you do "rip" like people say you do, i dont really understand why you do. assuming that you DID in fact create the sig you have currently by yourself, i dont see why you need to rip other peoples sigs. it takes practice to get good. your helms deep sig that i made for you is only my second pixel sig...if you call it a pixel sig since its only half real since i used PS.








anywho, i guess what im trying to say, is dont take other peoples work, because you arent THE BEST pixel sig maker right now, but with practice and making sigs for fun or to enter into contests, sooner or later you might be as good as misterx or the Jeppoz (or any of the other good ones).








maybe you just have your own style that you dont yet appreciate, yet you like the style that others do. what you need to do is make pixel after pixel after pixel and figure out what your style looks like. then you will ahve made a sort of name or style for yourself, and everyone who sees your pixels can immediately say, "That was made by Lord-Gabriel."








so find your style man. dont take stuff from others sigs like these people are saying you do, be unique. do your own thing









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as both misterxman and youmakemesik mentioned it is very similar but not exact. I did not rip it. And since this whole thing started I wanna appologize to minnie me02 who ordered thi sig. And also i guess I shoul'dnt bother redesigning the table? A w/e ill do it for fun anyways

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