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Vold's Goals! - 89 Rc, 85 Smith, 91 Farm - PURES RECOVERED!

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As you posted on my blog:




I r 3 for not being in list :cry:




Hope you're having fun building your new account. All those lvls coming in at once, hope they keep you cheered up ;) Now you're a more experienced player you can even learn from mistakes you've made and make this guy even hawter.


G'luck with your new pure overall noodle




The reason why you're not on my list is because you don't have me added in game. :-# I added you on Saru and my pure... I even saved like 35 kebabs for you on Saru, but I never saw you so I dumped em.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Nice left half! You'd better have legs/skirt next time :notalk: :P


Never got D legs, ever #-o Ah well, any Drag drop is fine with me, looks hawt on ground :P




The reason why you're not on my list is because you don't have me added in game. :-# I added you on Saru and my pure... I even saved like 35 kebabs for you on Saru, but I never saw you so I dumped em.


K I feel guilty :?


Runescaper since June 2005


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K I changed my mind I r going for wands also. Lemme just get this straight when you upgrade you get a whole new wand, it doesn't change the current wand into the next one up?


Nope, you get a new wand and keep the old :P




Errm sorry to tell yah m8 you upgrade and loose the old #-o . Got an apprentice wand now. I really wanted to be able to keep the teachers for the +15 mage and just sell the master's. Turns out I found someone to sell me an apprentice wand for 300k so I've got two of them. I'll upgrade one to masters, sell it then upgrade the next to teachers and keep it or upgrade it to masters, but iether way keep it. Gratz on the whip and goo look slayzoring.

Getting another sig


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:shock: DANG! That blows :( Wanted the extra cash heh. That explains why they're so expensive to buy from market, eh? Ah well that won't stop me and G'luck to you too with it :D


Ty for the comment about Slayer section ;)


Runescaper since June 2005


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Nice half shield! :o <3:


Ty :P It ain't that good cash, not like before anyway, but still very G'looking on the floor <3:




YES, I'M STILL SLAYING! But, I'm ranging now too \'






It'll be fun, only 300k for ranged lvl :P Having a great time actually.


Btw guys please check the Slayer Section of Bloggeh I want feedback :anxious:


Runescaper since June 2005


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Nice half shield! :o <3:


Ty :P It ain't that good cash, not like before anyway, but still very G'looking on the floor <3:




YES, I'M STILL SLAYING! But, I'm ranging now too \'






It'll be fun, only 300k for ranged lvl :P Having a great time actually.


Btw guys please check the Slayer Section of Bloggeh I want feedback :anxious:




Have fun ranging :P.


Your slayer thingie looks nice..but..




Since when can you get whips out of clues? :o




Whip #8 is listed in your clue section

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Have fun ranging :P.


Your slayer thingie looks nice..but..




Since when can you get whips out of clues? :o




Whip #8 is listed in your clue section


Thanks! I got it now :P Woot first feedback on it <3:






Well guys I'm off to the BEACH! hehe, cya soon. Be sure to check the new Slayer section of the Bloggeh and gimme feedback! (yes, I won't grow tired of saying it :anxious: )


Runescaper since June 2005


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After a specters task (23 Rannars from it :shock: ) got my task before going to do the clue. Guess what? ANOTHER 199 ABYSSAL DEMON TASK! <3:<3:


I think Duradel took my threats to burn his hut for real :anxious: Rofl! Envyyy me Toxiiiiic, I'm a 85 slayer nub with two 199 abyssals' tasks :XD:






Apart from that, was a good Slayer day: Bloodvelds, Gargoyles, Nechryaels, Specters and at last Abyssal Demons. All of the Slayer Towers' best beasts in a day :P Nothing from nechs, but a clue from specters and Mystic top + 2 mauls from Gargoyles ;)


Runescaper since June 2005


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K do slayer while you luck is on. or is it hehe I am takin a break from wands also doing some caste wars. Slayer is starting to beckon but I must hold off and get at least one teachers wand. :XD:

Getting another sig


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K do slayer while you luck is on. or is it hehe I am takin a break from wands also doing some caste wars. Slayer is starting to beckon but I must hold off and get at least one teachers wand. :XD:


See? Breaks are ftw :P So I figure we'll both be back to wands at about the same time :P


Runescaper since June 2005


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I envy you! Just a little though xd




Happy now?


Lmao, you put "just a little though" at size 0, I couldn't see it till I quoted it! :P Nooodle, you steal my whips :-k




I run into you everywhere in the game.




Anyway grats on the whip, gl. :P


Really? :P What's your home world? :)








And, after 3 days of hawt, fun Slayering, here's the level! :D








Time to finish the MTA challenge, and then REstart my ranging ;)


Runescaper since June 2005


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Gratz on teh slayer lvl voldeh \'


And ur busy with ranged again :D


Thanks :D Not quite yet though, going for Master Wand now. But I'll probably get 96 ranged tomorrow just for the heck of it :P




Got Apprentice wand!






2 more to go \'


Runescaper since June 2005


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Wroffles you are nub I got that wand 2 days ago :D . Thanks for lettin me borrow the blue d hideeee. If your gonna be at MTA for a while I'll have to come back. :)


Yep, I will, only taking a break from it tomorrow morning, I think I'll go get 96 Range than. But at that time you'll be asleep :P


Runescaper since June 2005


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