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Think I can do it =D?

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V Goal V








Ok so my goal is to get 99 woodcutting and 99 firemaking to get the woodcutting and firemaking skill capes (obviously.) When I started this goal, I had 50 firemaking and 85 woodcutting. As of right now I have all of the willow logs I need to get to 99 firemaking. If you wanna check up on me you can visit this page or find me at world 20 Falador or Draynor!




















V Progress V




















V Pictures V








Tools of the trade =D












Me and two buddys burning down Falador!












Wood Cutting in Draynor












My first Pinball Event












I swear the trolls are h4xz0r5...





























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wont happen

RSN: 1 day late | Private chat: On


| 80 MAGIC | 13 PRAYER | 1 DEFENSE | 65 COMBAT |

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I hate people who make BIG goals like this, but nonetheless, good luck. If you make it, I will quit runescape. ;)








You better be prepared to quit Runescape cause this is all I'm gonna be doing until I reach that goal. I have no more membership so there is nothing else that I can do =P

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You do have a decent woodcutting level although you have a long way to go i suggest setting up some other small goals so if you get bored you can go work on something else but thats just me so goodluck.








Well I dont know if this is what you mean by other small goals but I will be alternating between fire making and wood cutting so I wont get TOO bored

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Get 99 wc first, then 99 firemaking.








I'll give you my green mask's if you get both 99's within the next 5 years.








Lol add me on Runescape and I'll tell you when I get there by THIS year =]

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Yay! Finally someone who thinks I can do it lol. I won't disappoint you =]




Noone knows you too well, you COULD have the determination of some high levels, or not. Nonetheless you can do it if you're determined enough, I myself am shooting high (not as high but still high) by goin for 99 fishing (80 kinda close to 81 atm) through fly fishing at shilo, and then cooking all the fish for 99 cook to trim that fishing cape :P








Good Luck :thumbsup:

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well by the time you get 99 firemaking you should have loads of willows to fm, and maybe spend a bit more on the remaining logs.








When i get 99 wood cutting ill have 143k willow logs and thats how many I need to get 99 fire making so I wont need to buy any more =D

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Well Willows are very quick for WC exp but imo not too great to FM exp.. Kinda slow for my liking... But goodluck WC shouldn't be too bad keep your nests and all your seeds you get that way you can make some money

RSN: drgnslyer15


15 skills 90+ - 10 skills 99 - 200m+ total exp

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