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my goal firecape

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to be honest yeah get rid of the rign of wealth for like anything that may help, how much cash do you have spare? warrior rings are only about 400k, even a ring of recoil would be useful for a short while, as for the gloves, do you not have a better pair? if so then put them on if not, try maybe doing a bit more of the quest, it wont help much but every little helps


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sara brews reduce stats, restores put them back to normal,if you use p pots your range pots will only put your lvl up to about its original lvl. High range is very effective, so you might wanna think about this.




You should consider takin a d hally for those 180's they can hit very high, it also helps in the later stages when your in your range gear.




Anyways, good luck :thumbsup:






Super restores also heal more p points than p pots for me.

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Good luck with cape I was so proud when I got it




Heres some tip:You can get the 180 were he cant hit you then run back and forth hittin him then running back to safe spot with guthans wait for his hp bar and urs go away or he will hit you

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a few restores for ur brews also u need more RACKS my m8 got to wave 56 with 2.5k



180th to 99 Divination + 1st W36er


Rambo, cannot pk call your friends bro :). Wait nevermind none of SAPK/PKS can. Kappa.

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thanks for all your advice, i think ima take more super restores and a d hally for 180's




:) my m8 is coming round my house to help me also, coz i dont have money for mistakes



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Well i did it with 70 range and 45 defence just using range.


I really dont see the worth of Guthans now. Just range the whole thing and take more brews :P




Goodluck though, but yeah, you really need some super restores.




Also, just before you enter, drink a brew, brew, super restore then a super set. - It will help for about the first 10-15 waves. ::'

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i really hope U get one :)




i tried on main with 12 pray pots 1 range pot and some sharks..i think i was very close to get the cape after playing one game for one and a half hour :S




i think u will be able to get it with those things =D GL


Stats on F2p 30 def pure:

40 Attack, 54 Strength, 30 Defence, 1 Pray, 1 Magic, 1 Range

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wear some initiate for when you range, helm + legs, that will greatly increase your prayer bonus. with the prayer bonus you have now, there is no way you can get all the way there when you have to pray for the 360s. you will still have a decent range bonus, however i recommend two crystal bows.. karils is a big waste of money. 2500 shots= 180k, or 2500 shots with karils can be up to 1m.. hmm..?




anywho.. good luck!





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shh shh, i took super restores, but died on the 10th 360, was on about 30 hp and the 2 90's spawned and hit me and i died :(, and before that a 360 spawned on my head and hit me a 41:D , gonna get 80 range then try it again 8-)



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Get an archer ring or a recoil. Maybe do a little more RFD Subquests so you can get stronger gloves then black. The rest will do, I guess. But I'd take super restores because you also got sara brews.


Goodluck! :D


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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