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F2p pking trip




Spartans VS persians




This was basically a murderfest. We outnumbered the "persians" and obliterated them.




Heres my favorite kill






Heres a full rune kill as well :D








kk dude im going to say nice kills, but im persian and im getting tired of ppl using that as an example yea we got pwned but you dont use that in rs.



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F2p pking trip




Spartans VS persians




This was basically a murderfest. We outnumbered the "persians" and obliterated them.




Heres my favorite kill






Heres a full rune kill as well :D








noob :( sad :cry: :cry: GRATS ON PILING ME !!! red barred 4 times 8-) then i lets you win O:)



Click my sig made by Toast for Boom@ Forums!

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+ 1




wildy has no rules, it's up 2 u if u wanna show respect to the person ur fighting




And skilli got pwned :thumbsup:

Team Brutality = One more reason not for me to step into wildy with anything valuable. O:)
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Sure skili :P you know i love ya.




He actually punked me afterwords, saying he died with a ranger ring XD




And id be the first to say that the spartans were a much stronger force than the persians, we not only had levels, and better equiptment, but we had alot of people as well.


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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Who cares if your a pixel pirate, doesn't give you the option to get honor for bringing tellies.


Half of these guys are sucking up to you because you are one, when they dont realise your an NH clan, which could get owned by DI, or RO, or anything like that.






1) our allied clan Agression (another NH clan) beat DI, RSD and RoT who all massed against them at mage bank in a 10+ hour fight. So we are not scared of DI, or anyone else for that matter.




2) RO, You pick the worst NH clan to compare to pixel pirates? This is a bunch of 115+ people, who come out in beserker rings, furys, and fire capes, to run to lvl 1 wild and tag our higher levels (since we recruit for skill, not just high leveled people) and tele when they are out of food.




Learn your stuff before you try to talk bad about a Team.




And, I solo mage bank, and pk edge quite a bit. I know how to pk, just because I pk NH at drags, your automatically lable me NH all over?








they beat DI not you guys so [be quiet] plz?




I'm not one for trying to say you have to have honor in pking..but please don't go around bragging with you 4 v 1 a guy while you have teles






but like i was saying before i'm not really into honor because if i was pking in 1mill+ i'd bring teles...i still wouldn't 4 v 1 someone then brag about my ub3r l33t sk1lls ...




We are allied with AG, so if we need help, we can call them (its not like DI pks drags anyway)




The only reason we pk in a team is to stop bigger teams from killing us, and to chase people down when we cant due to levels.




I had a friend TB and i did everything else, so honestly, learn to pk before you tell me to. I never bragged, i simply posted a pk that i got and wanted to share it with my friends here.




I bring teles because i dont feel like dieing to RO when they bring us down to lvl 1 and im getting tagged by 4 people lvls 116-118, OK?






okay reasonable answers..nice kill though lol

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Well, i havent updated my pks much, due to the fact ive been training alot.




Here is the result :D








Gratz@@@ =D> =D> =D> =D> :thumbsup: ::' =D>


Didn't you jsut get 98 str the night before? You told me you needed 600 points, but never invited me to see you get the lvl >:o.. Lol gj anywyas.

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GOOD ON U AQUA!! jeez! i hate all this honor bs! If the noobs r to stupid not to tb y shouldnt he tele? and get over it its not like he teles when he knows hes about to get k.0ed he teles when he gets a kill and some noob is pjing him! ive seen to many whip pjs i i would hate it if i got a full ahrims + whip pk and some noob hits like a 20 on u and k.0s u...its not honor, its comon sense

No siggy ftw 8-)

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GOOD ON U AQUA!! jeez! i hate all this honor bs! If the noobs r to stupid not to tb y shouldnt he tele? and get over it its not like he teles when he knows hes about to get k.0ed he teles when he gets a kill and some noob is pjing him! ive seen to many whip pjs i i would hate it if i got a full ahrims + whip pk and some noob hits like a 20 on u and k.0s u...its not honor, its comon sense




The honor system isnt BS, i just dont go by it. If others do, by all means go for it. Just saying, if you pk in our terretory you might loose your pixels to a pirate. 8-)


^^Click For Monster Hunting Blog (180M+ in drops)^^

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Well, i havent updated my pks much, due to the fact ive been training alot.




Here is the result :D








Gratz@@@ =D> =D> =D> =D> :thumbsup: ::' =D>


Didn't you jsut get 98 str the night before? You told me you needed 600 points, but never invited me to see you get the lvl >:o.. Lol gj anywyas.




Sorry :oops: I didnt invite anyone to see my level. Im not one for big partys, i feel like im wasting other peoples time.




And yeah, i got 98 the day before, needed 700 points :shock:




thats nolifing at its best :P




By the way, ill probly be no lifing attack this weekend, so look forward to another 99 cape and the trimmed versions of each 8-)




(then i can work on defense with slayer :-$ )


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Nice kills, I ain't going to flame you for bringing teleports, everyone does at easts. (except me, and I solo, but enough about me ;O)




But yeah... stupid massive east dragon PKing teams ruined my soloing. :(

Proud owner of a Fire Cape, achieved on the 24th of August, 2006.


Feel free to PM me in game, RSN is Dlewa0.

3,849th Account to 99 Range. :)

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GOOD ON U AQUA!! jeez! i hate all this honor bs! If the noobs r to stupid not to tb y shouldnt he tele? and get over it its not like he teles when he knows hes about to get k.0ed he teles when he gets a kill and some noob is pjing him! ive seen to many whip pjs i i would hate it if i got a full ahrims + whip pk and some noob hits like a 20 on u and k.0s u...its not honor, its comon sense




The honor system isnt BS, i just dont go by it. If others do, by all means go for it. Just saying, if you pk in our terretory you might loose your pixels to a pirate. 8-)




oh man why u have to bring me down like that? lol na yea i kinda agree...i kinda go by it but i just dont get why people criticize people for carrying teles when all they use them for is teleing when they get a loot lol owel ill get over it ^.^ PIXEL PIRATES FTW!!! UR VIDS ARE AWESOME!!! (well chrises) :thumbsup: \' :thumbsup: \'

No siggy ftw 8-)

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Who cares if your a pixel pirate, doesn't give you the option to get honor for bringing tellies.


Half of these guys are sucking up to you because you are one, when they dont realise your an NH clan, which could get owned by DI, or RO, or anything like that.






1) our allied clan Agression (another NH clan) beat DI, RSD and RoT who all massed against them at mage bank in a 10+ hour fight. So we are not scared of DI, or anyone else for that matter.




2) RO, You pick the worst NH clan to compare to pixel pirates? This is a bunch of 115+ people, who come out in beserker rings, furys, and fire capes, to run to lvl 1 wild and tag our higher levels (since we recruit for skill, not just high leveled people) and tele when they are out of food.




Learn your stuff before you try to talk bad about a Team.




And, I solo mage bank, and pk edge quite a bit. I know how to pk, just because I pk NH at drags, your automatically lable me NH all over?




Nice kills and stats. I really dont think its such a big deal to bring telles and brews into the wild. I mean common people its a game, there arent any SET wild rules ya know? GJ Aqua keep up the good work =D>

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New Pixel Pirate Video should Be out Today on RSC. Look out for it! :D

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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Hey Aqua when is the next pp vid coming out? and is it gona be on tip.it? :XD:




Asked Malewhale if i could add the vid in with my gallery, he said yes :)




PP vid 5, for all of tip.it




Small note, im not in it, because i dont vid >_< but all in all, its our team


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Please flamers, go outside for once. It's a game. Who cares what HE does. You have all these dumb [wagon] rules, nobody needs to follow them. He can pj, tele, team all he wants. There is nothing YOU can do. And instead of sitting here typing up flames go out and get some "honorable" pks like all of you talk about so much. Nice pks mate, hope to see you get some more soon, cheers.

Feel free to message me on Aim or Msn, or add me ingame.

Thanks for the signature Mathias


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