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Better to be Cool or Powerful?


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If you just be yourself then you can be both cool and powerful to others even if you don't realize it yourself. If you try to be cool and powerful then no one's gonna wanna hang out with you bc it's a really shallow way of thinking.




Off topic:




if their only were a picture to describe the level of owned that paw laid down i would post it.




Made me LOL so hard.

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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In my experiance, being 'cool' is just another way of saying your an [wagon]. There is of course a difference between looking cool on rs and being cool (on rs). pick the first option or everyone else (beside other so called 'cool' people) with just think your a [puncture].

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It's best to play the game to have fun and advance yourself... and in time you'll become both cool and powerful without even trying. ;)





Qeltar, aka Charles Kozierok

Webmaster, RuneScoop - Premium RuneScape Information for Expert Players -- Now Free!

Featuring the Ultimate Guide to Dungeoneering -- everything you need to know to get the most of the new skill!


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So, now that I'm actually starting to make mil and such, I've been wanting to look cool. I don't get lucky from randoms (never got a mime, 3 years of playing, still have legs to go in camo, zombie chest/boots only, and frog price is bad =/), so I figured I'd just wear a black cav to go along with my black clothes for the time being.




Then again, I could get a whip. So, I ask you this: Is it better to be powerful on RS and own in CW and such, or is it better to be cool and hang out with friends and make FU signs with cabbages?




Really think about this though. Power can give you popularity and friends, but coolness can give you laugh attacks.








(By the way, I'm buying the black cav. :D )






better to be powerful, then wealth will come






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the cool look for me caz i cant afford big pricy armor.




currently wearing dark cav, (as oreo is trademark of black from what i see) with prince legs, doctors top, white gloves/boots, sara cape and book. i look good, im getting whip soon that will complete my look and i call dibs on claimness of dark cav. :XD:




and dont worry bout your random thing 5-6years and all i have is full camo and lots of that prince junk (i wish thed make more prince stuff)


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I think power can change people, so I choose coolness. My friend kantoo in my opinion is one of the best friends you could ever have. He helped me out when jagex didn't transfer my rs classic items to rs2 when it came out. He gave me full rune to get me back on my feet, as soon as I made money, I gave him the full rune back and told him how greatful I was, I was still astounded someone would do that for me! Now i've known him for quite a few years now and we've both grown many levels, but the thing that I admire about kantoo the most is that he'd do anything for anyone, it's like cyrano74 (rank 7 player) long story.. the jist is about the wildy and cyrano helping me out after I got owned by a dds pker at wildy agility arena course.




Anyways kantoo is a great friend, he does anything for anyone, and i'd do the same thing for him =] just a few days ago when I decided to go for 99 prayer, he asked if I could get him some rangers, as I was in world 2 at the time, I got the rangers and hopped worlds to trade them to him for how much I bought them for. Afterwards he told me to come back to edge as he had something for me. He gave me tons of marrentils and got his step son to give me tons more marrentils, he's incredible like that. He also invited me to his birthday party in his house. It was so impressive.. someone even gave him a fury amulet! that's how awesome he is.




I think a friend you've known for a long time that would do anything for anyone is in my eyes, the best player in Runescape, like The Old Nite - RIP. Although I never got to meet him, I heard lots of great things about him. I think it's amazing for someone of his level and rank to still be nice and caring for players.

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