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Everything posted by hurgymcgurgygurg

  1. Kinda interesting find. Kinda pointless topic though.
  2. Alot of new member autoers have come out and thats one of the main forces. Also gold farmming in China has an effect too.
  3. They dont pay thats why they shouldn't get more.
  4. These things crack me up I always look at the rants forums for these but these are great, good job.
  5. Barrows looking fat is in right now lol.
  6. Only weapon change I want is whip special to heal you damage inflicted lol.
  7. Desert Treasure was awesome for me. Plus best magic update ever.
  8. My proof is I renember when rs2 beta did not have green dragon hide for f2p. Back when rangers got owned so they added it to correct the imbalence.
  9. JAGeX has always said that they try to have an update every Monday. Which you could see was the highest precentage. Just sometimes the update may get delayed to Tue. or Wen. I agree those precentages seem right.
  10. Abyss crafting nats, at 91 runecrafting close to 1 mil an hour.
  11. Yea, just look at my goal, I think the plank idea would fix it. Im pissed since I've had to add about 5 hours to my goal to compensate for this change.
  12. Nice guide tried a few of them but the rune ess one didn't work for the autoer I tried it on.
  13. Nerfed Abyss runecrafting, look at my goal, added about 5 hours of extra time to it, I'm pissed.
  14. JAGeX looks at it and says, oh well it adds 2 seconds thats not much. But to someone like me if you cross that ditch abyss crafting around once every minute 30 thats builds up fast. I'm annoyed. I doubt nat prices will jump much, at most 5 gp.
  15. Those made me laugh alot, nice thread.
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