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Here is my bank:






Sorry if the picture is kinda big. Well ive been working on my bank for a very long time, and I'm coming closer to the point where i may quit RuneScape. Before i leave though, im going to clean out my bank and give advice to those who want to make money, so they too can own 54 million laws :P




Well post your comments about my bank, and tell me if i should try and write a guide to help people make money, cause i used quite a few unorthodox stradegies that not many people know about.




If you want to discuss me giving away some free items, message me ingame at Dspider0 or PM me on forums




**Yes i have a bank pin**, just in case any bruteforcers w/ proxies see this thread. :roll:




Thank You




PS: sorry if i posted this in another forum, this section seems more appropriate

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phr33 b4nk pl0x? man uve got some super nice stuff... no rares? hmmm... I like the 537 full runes... 540 dbas... how long you been playing and you SHOULd wirte a money-making guide. But pm it to me so no-one else can see it :-$

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I'm sorry, but this is definitely fake.




Taking a look at your stats, none of them are good, and you'd expect with all that money you'd at least buy the "buyable skills" like con, which, btw, yours isn't even ranked.




16.2 bil in laws


780m cash


21.5 bil in bloods




Those three stacks alone are stupdendous - but you have no rares, no good stats, and you only show a portion of your "bank"


If you have all that money.... what's with the following items:




Team Cape?


5 furs?


27 oak planks?


205 oak shorts (u)?


364 willo longs (u)?







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~16 bil in laws


~20 bil in bloods




Do you think we're on pot?


If you were that rich, what's with the low stats? no rares?


5 furs?


27 oak planks?


team cape?!?




Faked, you get 0/10



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I've looked into private servers quite extensivly so here's some points to prove it's not.




1. The updated icons (quest log, inventory, friends list, etc.)


2. Private chat is capitalized, in most private servers it is lower case so that you can distinguish pictures.


3. As you can see on the mini map, he is in Falador. Most p servers don't let you go past Varrock.


4. The tool bar at the top has all of the latest tools.




No, I've not played on them but I have done lots of research on wikipedia, google, etc. So, very nice bank. 10/10 tbh. Pm me please, my username is g0ds heart and Trash can555. I'll be on g0ds so pm me on there. I would really like to discuss money making methods with you. Anyways, very nice, gotta love that bank =)




But... If it is fake, shame on you.

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I personally think your best bet to prove its not a fake is to show someone on tip it that is trusted ingame your items, but as for the rating 10/10 if its real -10/10 if its fake


26M Crafting XP

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