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~ Zzzuperman's Lil' Blog - 93/99 FM/cooking ~

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Lmfao @ that smiley! :lol:




*tries to do it*










| 19,385th to 99 smithing on the 11th of June 2011. |

| 144,261st to 99 magic on the 2nd of September 2011. |

| Thanks for sig to DementedHero |

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Back already? <3:




Noes, mi cheezburgar. :roll: <3:






Comeeeeeee back zuperr <3:




If you haven't noticed, I am on occasionally, then again, you're not on my friends list (because I ain't got enough space), so you proly haven't. :P




Anyways, when I'm online I'm often in either Blogworld or my own chat. :)












:lol: @ Kota.:twss:


| 19,385th to 99 smithing on the 11th of June 2011. |

| 144,261st to 99 magic on the 2nd of September 2011. |

| Thanks for sig to DementedHero |

| Blog |

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:twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss: :twss:


are you coming back?


please reconstruckt your blog :pray:




Well, I have been online the last few days, chatting w/people & stuff, but from tomorrow I'm leaving on vacation. ;)


& Idk if I'll ever reconstruct the blog lols. :roll:


| 19,385th to 99 smithing on the 11th of June 2011. |

| 144,261st to 99 magic on the 2nd of September 2011. |

| Thanks for sig to DementedHero |

| Blog |

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