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A really long time ago (prior to RS2 beta, pre2002, etc...)


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Anyone remember the old glitch where you could get outside of the walls somehwere(varrock castle i think) on the second floor and then wander around in the black area outside of all upstairs areas. One guy made a char just for that and named it wallmonster. I remember seeing the wall monster several times while upstairs in various buildings.

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how about when the addy plate was 40k at the champs guild i remember i saved up like crazy for it then a couple weeks later they lowered it to 16.4k i was like NOOOOOOOOO I GOT JIPPED.... and remember that one day when they first put the word censor thingy up.... that first day where they changed all the words.. when u say the F word it would say luck and the B word comes out saying Witch yall know wat im talking about rite?








Yeah, I remember specifically what you're talking about. It even changed whole phrases and the way they were said...like they were trying to make the players talk in an old fashioned way(thee thou shalt etc) but it was massively unpopular cuz it screwed up almost everything you would try to say.








I remember the null players but I can't remember what caused that. I feel like it's in my noodle somewhere but buried under other memories. When someone says it I'll probably kick myself.








Because addy body used to be so expensive in champions guild most people just had mith bodies with addy full helm and plate legs. There was no where to buy kites past steel in a shop so you could only get what people could make and not many could make adam kites when I was playing so most people had mith kites in their set. The extremely uber players had ruby ammies, addy 2 handers or addy battle and kite, addy plate, full helm, and legs before rune. I think when I started no one could make addy 2 handers yet, it was a bit later. I still recall getting a rl friend of mine to start playing, and showing off to him how I could hit a 6 with an addy battle. I recall people like bluerose getting paid in runes and cash or only runes, cuz most people didn't have much cash. That's why bluerose was 99 magic a llllloooonnnngggg time ago.

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I don't remember when I first started playing...I think it was sometime around when Jagex decided to stop all drops. I played till I was level 40, and I remember a very large Drop Party at Fally. This was back before it because 3d of course. I remember when Rune armor looked really swell, now it looks bland, not like before how it had that Cyan/Emerald color to it. It looked mystical, how it was intended to. I think 3d is filled with spoiled brats now adays. It bothers me when I go out and am asked "Plz help", "Free gp", and "Can you take me to Varrock" Another thing thats has been hitting a nerve is "Press 88888 if u want to b my gf", or "cexy hot 14 yr old girl looking for bf".








Although I never was around for The Adventurer, Warrior, Mage ect.. selections I did remember how Rune 2 handers were still 100k in value. I was mearly level 10 around then. I have one item that isn't rare, a black axe, but its the only item i've had in my bank from RsC. People used to consider them rare, or well some people, others didn't. It was all in the eye of the beholder. I got pk'd alot by pures in the wildy, it made me sad. I also remember when I purchased myself a Green mask.. in classic..then I let my level 110 friend borrow it...he payed me back the 400k mask value and the 600k I also leant out..it was only till recently I realized I could of had well over a couple mil from the mask alone...If I knew what I know now back then I would of changed alot of things I did. -sigh- I really do miss RsC, they should switch back. :wink: ....












... At least then the noobs who play now would get a hard lesson and understand what everyone else had to do in some way. I mean, some people couldn't make a living by not even being able to run or teleport in the wilderness. It's almost sad in some aspects how people have become relient on the new Rs features.

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I may not have played for that long in the whole sychme of things but I remember back on rsc when I had started the romeo and juliet quest and I felf a rush when I saw some one standing there outside of the bank selling the berries for 100gp each(which I thought was alot back then beacause I was very passive and had about 500gp from selling stuff to noobs iron daggers for all their money 8) ) and I remebered having some in my bank and ran all the way to the counter and took them out and 100gp. Then i went over to them and traded offered 100gp and he showed me the berries then i swiched my the berries for the money laughed and ran off, stopped beacause I had no energy rested then legged it.








The first time I went into the wild I remember beacause I was attacked in a multi-combat area by someone who had just logged in who was attacked by this lev 30 something and he was a lev 39 and he killed the other one took his stuff then went back to attack me but I had seen he had really low life so I killed him grabed his stuff... full mith with full iron he had from the other person then ran all the way back to draynore beacause I was still really new.








The other time I remeber was the first time I died, I was in the wizard tower kill the demon with a long bow and 400 bronze arrows and I killed it but couldn't get in so I started to madly click around the screen and (I think) started to attack the regenarated deamon or one of the wizards or I don't know and had a right tantrum and pulled the internet connection out and then shoved it back in and tryed redialing but the computer was messing about so I couldn't do anything, but I got back one really closely at about the 55 second mark tried logging on but it wouldn't so i tried again and it did it and I was back in lumbridge.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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I may not have played for that long in the whole sychme of things but I remember back on rsc when I had started the romeo and juliet quest and I felf a rush when I saw some one standing there outside of the bank selling the berries for 100gp each(which I thought was alot back then beacause I was very passive and had about 500gp from selling stuff to noobs iron daggers for all their money 8) ) and I remebered having some in my bank and ran all the way to the counter and took them out and 100gp. Then i went over to them and traded offered 100gp and he showed me the berries then i swiched my the berries for the money laughed and ran off, stopped beacause I had no energy rested then legged it.








LOL that's funny! Problem is, it's total bs. You were playing RSC and you ran out of energy?




Ya' ok. Tell me next time you're introduced to an exclusive bit of game code.

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I joined when you picked which class you wanted to be (miner, warrior etc), but AFTER they removed the original PK system.








I vaugely remember seeing a lesser ouside of the wilderness once (by a tree), but I never saw it again.

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Also, it's great to be back and although I'm almost 18 now I still find RS very addictive and FUN! Hopefully this will be a good community to once again become a part of.








Welcome Back :) It is a fun community.. believe me (apart from all the bad seeds <_< )

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Anyone remember when that guy got stuck in the player-owned houses area? I ate two pumpkins on the drop date :(. I remember when Bluerose13x would smith in Varrock, and everyone would follow her and ask for stuff. Banks were for money only. I was friends with Zezima at one point, but only to sell him steel bars. Fist_Of_God for some other reason... runes maybe? Perhaps food. I can't remember. I PK'ed someone in Al Kharid and got mith legs, I was in ectasy for the rest of the day. I used to have like 10 half-wines, but i drank them. I had a Disk of Returning after they got turfed, but I was cleaning my bank and I think I dropped it. Damn I wanted a player-owned house...!

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lol yeh i made my "sixpacked" account in like late 2001 (september i think) kinda hard to prove since i didnt know about the "print screen" to take screen shots but anyway...i do remember choosing to be a warrior or something like that but the funny thing was i quit after 10 minutes because i couldnt figure out how to walk :? lol. But yeah because the only games i had ever played were ones that used the directional buttons (under del, end etc..)








So there i was for about ten minutes hitting every button on the keyboard trying to make my character do something when i finally gave up and hit the X button to close it. after a few weeks i decided to try again and after a while i figured out that the mouse was used (yeh i know im a swell person) so yeh i played for like a week afraid to leave lumby and i remember trying to trade things like pots etc for like full iron cause i saw some lvl 60 wearing it at the time... lol he was a noob when i think about it but anyway, some guy walks up to me and said he would upgrade my iron dagger and wooden shield for for free so i gave them to him and he logged out. the dog scammed me. i just turned my comp off and went inside and watched television and quit playing for like a year or lik 9 months or something.




since then ive really been on and off with rs playing for like 4-5 months then stop playing for a while etc.








hey btw u should add the fact that you didnt need a cetain combat lvl to wield armour or weapons... u could be lvl 1 attack and still wield a rune weapon i logged in one day and found out that i couldnt use my mith battle axe cuz my att was like 14 or 15 or someshat








dam thats a long post :D








I upgraded alot of peoples armor back in those days, started playing about july 2001. Ahaha, i was nothing but a scammer for my first few weeks. I chose miner as my class... I did that too I suppose.

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I may not have played for that long in the whole sychme of things but I remember back on rsc when I had started the romeo and juliet quest and I felf a rush when I saw some one standing there outside of the bank selling the berries for 100gp each(which I thought was alot back then beacause I was very passive and had about 500gp from selling stuff to noobs iron daggers for all their money 8) ) and I remebered having some in my bank and ran all the way to the counter and took them out and 100gp. Then i went over to them and traded offered 100gp and he showed me the berries then i swiched my the berries for the money laughed and ran off, stopped beacause I had no energy rested then legged it.








LOL that's funny! Problem is, it's total bs. You were playing RSC and you ran out of energy?




Ya' ok. Tell me next time you're introduced to an exclusive bit of game code.








There was a point where you needed energy, and there were sleeping bags, it was only temporary though.








Thinking of some more things, TKS was a sort-of friend of mine, gave me alot of free fish at Karamja! There were so many people with Bluerose13x rip-off names. When there was a drop party in Falador, that server would fill up so fast, and like eveyone on the server would be there, which made it a [bleep] to log on. The censor word-replacement sucked, and so does the censor now. It wasn't that bad in terms of profanity before the censor. I miss the special cabbage from the prayer guild. Bluerose had a red shirt, like wine red, and blue pants right? I can't remember. I was in a mining-based clan led my a guy named Keenster. Haven't talked to him in years. We didn't do much, and the clan site got dropped when Homestead started charging for webspace. By the way, my RS name is Deadcow2000 for anyone who thinks they might know me.

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I may not have played for that long in the whole sychme of things but I remember back on rsc when I had started the romeo and juliet quest and I felf a rush when I saw some one standing there outside of the bank selling the berries for 100gp each(which I thought was alot back then beacause I was very passive and had about 500gp from selling stuff to noobs iron daggers for all their money 8) ) and I remebered having some in my bank and ran all the way to the counter and took them out and 100gp. Then i went over to them and traded offered 100gp and he showed me the berries then i swiched my the berries for the money laughed and ran off, stopped beacause I had no energy rested then legged it.








LOL that's funny! Problem is, it's total bs. You were playing RSC and you ran out of energy?




Ya' ok. Tell me next time you're introduced to an exclusive bit of game code.








There was a point where you needed energy, and there were sleeping bags, it was only temporary though.








Fatigue does not equal energy. Fatigue also did not stop you from walking around/following people. In fact it didn't stop you doing anything, just gaining experience skills. You could still use them if you could.




However, apparently, archimage had to rest his character to walk? :roll:

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I may not have played for that long in the whole sychme of things but I remember back on rsc when I had started the romeo and juliet quest and I felf a rush when I saw some one standing there outside of the bank selling the berries for 100gp each(which I thought was alot back then beacause I was very passive and had about 500gp from selling stuff to noobs iron daggers for all their money 8) ) and I remebered having some in my bank and ran all the way to the counter and took them out and 100gp. Then i went over to them and traded offered 100gp and he showed me the berries then i swiched my the berries for the money laughed and ran off, stopped beacause I had no energy rested then legged it.








LOL that's funny! Problem is, it's total bs. You were playing RSC and you ran out of energy?




Ya' ok. Tell me next time you're introduced to an exclusive bit of game code.








There was a point where you needed energy, and there were sleeping bags, it was only temporary though.








Fatigue does not equal energy. Fatigue also did not stop you from walking around/following people. In fact it didn't stop you doing anything, just gaining experience skills. You could still use them if you could.




However, apparently, archimage had to rest his character to walk? :roll:








Yeah, resting to walk isn't really possible because you had to rest in a bed. Unless he had a sleeping bag. Good point, you've got a better memory than me :P.

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  • 1 year later...

Wow I'm amazed that there are others still playing from back in the day. I found out from my brother who played towers with his friends. Back when I started in 7th grade there was only left clicking. If you killed something the loot was able to be picked up by anybody. Mining was funny because 1. No banks so you mined then smithed what you just mined, and 2. if you missed clicking the rock you dropped your pickaxe. And then anyone on top of it had to move because you couldn't click on it :D




I remember the cabbage field near lumby, lots of pking memories back then ;) My bro made a killing off addy items he looted. The blue cape from the champions guild was the best, and there were only two guilds cooking and champions. Back in the day there was only a bank for gold, so everyone had mule accounts to hold gems ect.


The best shiield for the longest time was the iron kite. Then later they finally updated the smithing table and Bluerose13x started making higher level shields. I bought my first addy square for 255 new runes. Those came out in 8th grade or so for me. It was nats, laws, chaos and death if i remember correctly. And the best place to get them was the ice warriors and ice giants in the ice cave where you get blurite. So it was always crowded down there. And bluerose13x got to 99 magic from all the new runes she got from the addy shields she made. She charged new runes and not money lol :).




The iron plate was smithable at level 60, and runeite didn't exist. Everything above iron was at level 99, except for the addy dagger, steel dagger and mithril dagger which were at 50 and 70. Could be off but for sure mithril and above the tables were incomplete.




For skills there was good and bad magic, and good and evil prayer. You got about even exp for prayer for just burying bones, and later they updated both skills and combined your two levels. You kept the highest level I think. Prayer had no use and magic was fun to use because you could melee and mage at the same time. Good magic was either the magic that lowered opponents stats or upped yours, it's been so long. Bad magic I know was like air strike that did actual damage.




Wow I can go on and on about the old days :D Sorry for the super text blocks. Just so many memories.




I still play but not on my original account. Keith8_8000 is the account I started on and eventually quit for a year and ended up giving it away. Now I play this account. Been playing on and off for years now :) Seen so many changes. Definately not ths same as it was only a few years ago.

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