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Sid Meier's Civilization 4.


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This game is a brilliant game that involves choosing a civilization (of the many types. The list of them is in a pic below) and trying to win through a Time, Domination, Space Race (first to space), Cultural (three cities with enormous amounts of culture), and I believe another but forget what.




There's also a multiplayer option that is completely free, and has 5 different ways to play multiplayer. The internet games will help you find games quickly, and is easy to set up an account.




I bought this for $40 at Wal-Mart. It's insanely fun, as you can play it as much as you want.




There's so many different boards, such as Archipelagos, Continents, Pangaea, Great Plains, Inland Sea, and others.




There are also roughly 10 or more difficulty levels.






This game is hard to get at first, but once you get into a couple more games, the gameplay is much smoother and easier.




Anyways, pictures:


Here are some of the Civilizations, with Mongolia and Genghis Khan currently chosen:






The game speeds and difficulties:






The first city for Mongolia and what the overall gameplay looks like, with a picture of some starting technologies:










Civilization Home Page

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I use to love Civilization I and II. They were excellent games. But never got the newer versions with the exception of Alpha Centauri.




My brother is currently working on the AI for a new expansion due out in a couple of months. I should probably buy it once that is released..... in fact he should give me a copy.

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I own 2 and 3, never played 1. Like both those (I've had 2 longer, so I have more stuff stored up on it; but 3 is fun too), I might get 4, I dunno.


Aside from graphics, what does civ4 have that makes it better than civ3? I'm curious.




Well, I never really got into CivIII - I prefered Alpha Centauri due to the freedom in unit design and terrain manipulation - but the culture and cultural borders system in CivIV is very nice, and I think it's been expanded on since CivIII. It's also using a civic system much more akin to the that of AC (I always did miss running an environmentalist fascist state...) where you match different pieces togheter for different result. The religion system is also quite engaging, it adds an interesting strategic consideration to the development of your policies, as well as simulate how religion has been a very important aspect of human civilization.




Combat is also quite a bit more interesting as far as I've found. With defensive terrain bonuses, unit upgrades, and unit bonuses, the composition of your armies becomes more important. I had a truly epic battle in a zone of plains with jungle and to the north, and temperate friendly territory to the south. I don't remember ever maneuvering as much in a turn based strategy game as I had to then to draw the enemy out of position - the sucker had a considerably larger army running around on those plains, and the composition meant I did a lot of hiding behind rivers, in mountains and forests to utilize my defensive bonuses. While these were factors in earlier games, it was mostly a matter of having one or two extra units who would soak up the damage. In CivIV you need to pay a lot more attention to your units.






... man, now I want to play.

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Off topic: Glad to see some people know how to start a topic that actually has some content and creates room for discussion. Great job :thumbsup:




Use thumbnails to prevent stretching up the screen next time though :-w

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Another thing: Just how editable, moddable, or hackable is Civ4?




One of my favorite things about Civ2 was the way that you could edit the file "rules.txt" to make your own units, technologies, civs, etc. You could control most aspects of the game; make it a fantasy one with dragons, or a sci-fi setting. Boosted the replay value a lot. Civ3 seems to have lost this.

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I really enjoy the Civilisation series, but I found that Civ4 wasn't as well coded as previous versions.




I found that after a few hundred turns, and with a few players in the game, each turn took way too long. I have a relatively high end machine and most other intensive games run well on it, so I was disappointed by this.




I know you're supposed to kill the other empires as quickly as possible, but I like to experiment and see how far I can take the tech' tree... and nuclear war is really fun lol. ;)

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I found that after a few hundred turns, and with a few players in the game, each turn took way too long. I have a relatively high end machine and most other intensive games run well on it, so I was disappointed by this.





Haha, that's how I felt. I can't play a game without getting bored out of my mind in multiplayer, not to mention that once you try to contact someone and they see you have some decent resources (like 5 ivories >.<), you're pretty much on the recieving end of some Praetorians unless you have a decent army.




I just generally stick to the AI, since it moves so much quicker and I can choose the game I want.




Is Civ IV turned based? Because that's what bothered me a bit about the third one. I think it'd be a lot more fun if it was real time.




It is turnbased, but I can't particularily imagine it without it being TB.




Another thing: Just how editable, moddable, or hackable is Civ4?




One of my favorite things about Civ2 was the way that you could edit the file "rules.txt" to make your own units, technologies, civs, etc. You could control most aspects of the game; make it a fantasy one with dragons, or a sci-fi setting. Boosted the replay value a lot. Civ3 seems to have lost this.




I'm not too good at editting folders and the such. Really, you can put anything you want in the game (as in, there are no godzillas in the game normally, so you can't put it in) with WORLDBUILDER. Worldbuilder let's you put anything you want anywhere, let's you put up any technolagies you want, and you can even put Great People anywhere, as many as you want. I generally put like 30 nuclear bombs in the ocean, declare war on someone I don't like, and just attack them with that, after having my modern armor come in and take them over. I do that when the people just start ganging up on me and I can't win. >.<




Off topic: Glad to see some people know how to start a topic that actually has some content and creates room for discussion. Great job :thumbsup:




Use thumbnails to prevent stretching up the screen next time though :-w




Thanks for the compliments and advice, I'll try and remember that next time. :)

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