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99 Range Banked? I Hope So!!!! *UPDATED* 6/14/07

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The way ill be training is using the Chinchompas at the Ape Atoll Tunell on Skeletons.






im 87 range atm, think that will do?!




87 Range - 6/13/07


88 Range - 6/13/07


89 Range - 6/14/07


90 Range - 6/15/07


91 Range - 6/15/07


92 Range - ?



16 Dragon Drops: 4x D Chains, 3x D2h, 5x D Legs, 1x D Med, 2x D Skirt, 1x D Spear

Draconic Visage Drop: 1 - First Day Out!

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You will be wasting those chinchompas at light house tbh..... It will prob be cheaper to buy ppots and hit 9 targets then to hit 2 or 3 at max with those 700gp chinchompas. And range pots are only 2.5k which is like less than the cost of 4 chinchompas for the added xp..... really, much better xp for your money if you think about it....







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You'd need about double that amount of chins for 99 on ape atoll skele's so I'm not sure if it'll suffice. Ofcourse you have loads of cannonballs but you won't get nearly as much xp as per chin so meh.


You'll have to wait and see :P




Good luck, 99 range is a nice thing to have :wink:

99 cooking / 99 magic / 99 ranged / 99 hitpoints / 99 herblore / 99 defence




Quoted for truth, wisest thing I've heard anyone say on Runescape.

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Very nice =D> hope u get it soon :thumbsup:




btw..how much xp do cannons give to ranged?? :-k


Barrows Drops: Veracs helm(3), Veracs skirt, dh helm, dh legs, guthan legs,

torags helm, Karils top(2), Ahrim's skirt(2), ahrims top, guthans pl8, torags pl8, guth helm

Dragon Drops: D Med(barrows)

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You are better off just using all the cannon balls at light house, selling the seeds they drop and buying pray pots and using the chins at ape atoll.




hmm thats not a bad idea! and use what? c bow instead of red chinchompas for now?



16 Dragon Drops: 4x D Chains, 3x D2h, 5x D Legs, 1x D Med, 2x D Skirt, 1x D Spear

Draconic Visage Drop: 1 - First Day Out!

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If i was doing it i would sell the red chins you have there and buy c balls with that money i would think the 73k c balls you have plus even more if you sold those red chins and bought c balls would get you 99 range from the lvl your at now. Also you get pretty good seeds drops at daggs




Edit: or do it like CampbellMC said thats a good idea also



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Assuming the cannonballs will hit for an average of 15 (max hit is 30, so take half of it), you'll get approximately 2.2 million xp (2 xp per hit) from the cannon, getting you to level 92 ranged. As for the chinchompas, I recommend following others' advice and use the money from herb seeds at dagannoths to buy potions to use for killing skeletons in Ape Atoll. As for the xp those will give, the max hit is 15 (according to Zybez), so an average of 7.5, and assuming you'll hit 9 targets each time (unrealistic, but let's just assume), the chinchompas will give 5.4-5.5 million xp (4 xp per hit), which would get you to 98 ranged. Since that estimate is a little high, I'd say it's safe to say that you have 97 range banked, but not quite 99.




There's a decent margin of error here, though, because of all the assumptions. Seeing as you have a high ranged bonus, I'd guess that you have a decent shot of getting 99 ranged from what you have banked, but don't count on it.

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Assuming the cannonballs will hit for an average of 15 (max hit is 30, so take half of it), you'll get approximately 2.2 million xp (2 xp per hit) from the cannon, getting you to level 92 ranged. As for the chinchompas, I recommend following others' advice and use the money from herb seeds at dagannoths to buy potions to use for killing skeletons in Ape Atoll. As for the xp those will give, the max hit is 15 (according to Zybez), so an average of 7.5, and assuming you'll hit 9 targets each time (unrealistic, but let's just assume), the chinchompas will give 5.4-5.5 million xp (4 xp per hit), which would get you to 98 ranged. Since that estimate is a little high, I'd say it's safe to say that you have 97 range banked, but not quite 99.




There's a decent margin of error here, though, because of all the assumptions. Seeing as you have a high ranged bonus, I'd guess that you have a decent shot of getting 99 ranged from what you have banked, but don't count on it.




ty for this MAJOR math problem! at least i wont get all ticked off when i use my last chinchompa and see im only 98 range lol. ill buy more chinchompas later i guess. thanks again :)



16 Dragon Drops: 4x D Chains, 3x D2h, 5x D Legs, 1x D Med, 2x D Skirt, 1x D Spear

Draconic Visage Drop: 1 - First Day Out!

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i would have suggested you buy all chins, since they usually give better xp per gp than cannon, but most likely you will get generally close to 99, not so sure you will thou.


people with 80+ range need like 40k+ chins, and they give tons more xp than cannon.

99 Fletching 99 Attack 99 Constitution 99 Cooking 99 Strength

Gamertag: H8tebringer


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Him saying you only get 7.5 Damage on 9 targets is off though, when you go there and learn to get them you can get 15+ other them there and in max range bonus you hit decent.




I was assuming that, on average, you'd hit half of the max hit. I did mention at the end that with the range bonus you'd hit more often, but since I'm unable to calculate how much more often, I just went with 7.5. The average could be 8, 9, or 10, but since I didn't know, I erred on the low side of the range. Between that and other assumptions (hitting 9 targets at once at all times, which just isn't possible), I'd say that going with the middle ground like I did is a pretty good estimate, although I could be wrong.




There are too many factors to take into consideration, so I just went with the factors that I could, hence the margin of error. I never claimed to be totally accurate, just made an estimate.




(range + (range * rangeBonus)) / (range + (range * rangeBonus) + opponentDef) 




I could get really precise and use that formula (which is the chance of hitting the opponent), but since we don't know the defence of the apes or dagannoths, I can't go ahead and use it, so I can't be that sure.




If you have a better estimate and can back it up well, I'll admit defeat and give you credit.

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