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Should Jagex make another report abuse situation? Yes or No?


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No, begging shouldn't be against the rules. We dont like it but reporting someone for wanting something for nothing is audacious not on the same level as real world item trading ;)




First off, your dad makes 175,000$ a year?!?! GIVE ME MONEY!!!






J\K. :thumbsup:




Yes, begging gets really really really annoying, but I Don't think Jagex should ever have someone get reported for it.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

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Rule 1 - Offensive Language


Effective date: 2nd May 2007




You must not use any language which may be considered offensive, racist, obscene or otherwise inappropriate. This includes swearing.




If you suffer serious abuse such as receiving racist remarks, harassment or obscene and vulgar language, please report them to us using the in-game Report Abuse button which can be found at the bottom of the game window.





So begging would be equivalent to harassment? I guess that makes sense. I usually tell the beggers how to get started on training a skill so that they'd understand how to do something in the game.




I recently met a younger player and he started asking me for favors and free stuff like a Glory amulet since I have more than one; I only have two Glory amulets since I don't buy a lot of half-keys nor make it a mission to get Glory amulets, but that's not the point of my little story.




Anyways, I told this younger player that it's better to train his character's skills so that he can do a lot of these "high level favors" for himself. One such favor that he asked for was if I can make cannon balls from him. Of course, I am able to make cannon balls but I told him it's better that he train up his smithing so that he can benefit from the exp. I also told him that if he really wants me to make cannon balls for him, he'll have to provide the iron ore and coal (couldn't remember if cannon balls required iron or steel bars at the time). He told me he could only mine copper and tin so I told him to start swinging that bronze pickaxe of his.




None of the high level players got anywhere for begging and asking for favors. Even myself on occassion ask for some small favors from the higher levelled players that I know but I always try my best to meet them half-way like providing raw materials or paying them for their services. Money (and favors) simply do not grow on trees and we need to get these younger players to understand this fact.



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I understand that, but i'm not talking about asking, begging, I mean when someone says hey, can I borrow a rune axe for a minute, I might let them. But if I say no sorry, then they say why not plz plz plz omg noob plz it gets old fast.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Well aslong as you said "no sorry" or "i cant let you sorry" or something polite, if they go on to say the "plz plzplz and 100 times plz" you can warn them, then you can report if they dont stop.




Yeh, thats what i'm talking about. I don't mind of someone asks me once.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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what!? A report button for begging and emote asking? :?


Get a life man, new people don't know what to do so they start begging, I did it to.


About the emote reporting:


guy: emote plz


me: ok (click emote menu, click cape emote), enjoy the emote


guy: thank you






guy: emote plz


me: OMG you broke the rules !!! going to report you.


click report abuse, typing his name (which can be a pain with names like: m4g3 f013 lyph3), click beg abuse


guy: emote plz




Now don't tell me that you prefer the second one :shame:


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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This time when you read them, take the time to try understand what the big words mean, ok?




*If you suffer serious abuse such as "harassment"




Also take this part of rule 1




What is flooding the chat window?




Spamming/flooding the chat window is to fill the chat window with unnecessary text. This is also an offence and is disruptive and unfair on other players as it makes it more difficult for them to communicate and trade with each other.




Oh look.. begging is like that and now can be reported as part of rule 1.




So basically I can type selling full rune 200k 5 times and get reported?




Take a deep breath, aaaand read the bloody rules, is your selling full rune "unnecessary"?


No.. bloody hell mate you just wake up? seem to be acting a bit slow.




:-s some people seem to think that begging is necessary because they have nothing. but now that jagex made the tutors, they can get something. on my old account if you got hacked you were screwed, now yoou can get stuff from the tutors and get back on track. so, i think begging should be reportable, but only if it is excessive, or uses offensive words. like "gimmie st00f plz" "no" "noob!", that should be reportable. or if they keep on typing it in extremely fast. but just asking for stuff every once in a while is ok by me.



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If this was a show I would boo you off stage :XD:




Bad, silly, pointless idea...






I have plenty of money and loads of people beg me, nothing stops you ignoring them


and I think Jagex have enough to worry about without stupid reports like those.




hmmm.... i see what you're saying and now i think i agree... but for those people at banks say "free st00f pl0x" every 2 seconds, those should be reportable.... wait a minute.... they are, case closed.



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Well aslong as you said "no sorry" or "i cant let you sorry" or something polite, if they go on to say the "plz plzplz and 100 times plz" you can warn them, then you can report if they dont stop.


Isn't warning people to stop or you'll report them considered abuse of customer support?




Anyway, I personally think begging's annoying, but not enough to get you reported. It's like stealing somebody else's ore.

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Well aslong as you said "no sorry" or "i cant let you sorry" or something polite, if they go on to say the "plz plzplz and 100 times plz" you can warn them, then you can report if they dont stop.


Isn't warning people to stop or you'll report them considered abuse of customer support?




Anyway, I personally think begging's annoying, but not enough to get you reported. It's like stealing somebody else's ore.




Would only be abuse if you threatened them with report. Im sure rs would like less reports, and players less hassle just warning them with grounds to do so.

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This time when you read them, take the time to try understand what the big words mean, ok?




*If you suffer serious abuse such as "harassment"




Also take this part of rule 1




What is flooding the chat window?




Spamming/flooding the chat window is to fill the chat window with unnecessary text. This is also an offence and is disruptive and unfair on other players as it makes it more difficult for them to communicate and trade with each other.




Oh look.. begging is like that and now can be reported as part of rule 1.




Rule 1 - Offensive Language


Effective date: 2nd May 2007




You must not use any language which may be considered offensive, racist, obscene or otherwise inappropriate. This includes swearing.




If you suffer serious abuse such as receiving racist remarks, harassment or obscene and vulgar language, please report them to us using the in-game Report Abuse button which can be found at the bottom of the game window.




Okay, now, hellsurfer, you're taking this too literally. Now, I am a pmod, but if you think I'm making this up or something to back up my opinions, then ignore me. But, your points are both wrong.




First, about flooding the chat window:




Unnessesary text is text that has no intellectual meaning whatsoever. For Example:














You get the point. But, just because you don't approve of begging (I don't either), doesn't mean that the person who is doing the begging thinks that it's unnessesary.




Next, about the harassment:




Did you read the whole sentence, or did you just pick out big words, like you pointed out? They consider harrassment to be that of racial, sexual, ect. nature, not new players asking for things when they don't know how to get them themselves. If they start cussing out at you and avoiding the censor if you don't give them anything, then you can report them.




Also, isn't warning people you'll report them and threatening you'll report them the same thing?...If you see someone breaking rules like that (Spamming, ect.), don't warn them, just send in the report.




...Sorry, had to get that out of my system...

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The flooded text im not 100% on, theres no defined example, id feel the same about people spamming "free stuff plz" as well as "@@@@@@" or w/e. Whats constructive about asking for free stuff every 2 seconds? We are talking about spamming here not the one or two times your trying to get across.




I picked out harassment yes because its a big word, which helped to prove my point, but also because it is seperate from the words before, seems you missed that lil comma.




"receiving racist remarks, harassment or obscene and.."




That implies its seperate and can be taken on its on merits, as in begging. Also they are listing things hence the , or and and.




Also about warning being the same as threatening...Your kidding right?


I guess not, lets break the words down;




Warning, example "i wouldnt jump of that cliff"


Threatening, example "Jump of that cliff or else!"




May be abit extreme but dont think anything else would get across to some people. hint hint.




You cant say "get out my system" and not mean anything by it kid.

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Definately agree with the harrassment begging... would love them to add that. I'd probably wear my mouse out reporting instances of it though, this is maybe why Jagex have never introduced anti-begging... they'd need to double their staff to handle the number of reports they'd receive. lol

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there are loads of stuff that should be report able...




1) begging


2) luring(it should have a report for it self)


3) other stuff <3:

Played since February 2001


13th to 30 hunting

firemaking cape achieved 6th August 2008_-_-_-_Quest cape achieved 19th August 2009

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The flooded text im not 100% on, theres no defined example, id feel the same about people spamming "free stuff plz" as well as "@@@@@@" or w/e. Whats constructive about asking for free stuff every 2 seconds? We are talking about spamming here not the one or two times your trying to get across.




I picked out harassment yes because its a big word, which helped to prove my point, but also because it is seperate from the words before, seems you missed that lil comma.




"receiving racist remarks, harassment or obscene and.."




That implies its seperate and can be taken on its on merits, as in begging. Also they are listing things hence the , or and and.




Also about warning being the same as threatening...Your kidding right?


I guess not, lets break the words down;




Warning, example "i wouldnt jump of that cliff"


Threatening, example "Jump of that cliff or else!"




May be abit extreme but dont think anything else would get across to some people. hint hint.




You cant say "get out my system" and not mean anything by it kid.




what you don't understand is that spam means it can accomplish nothing. @@@@@@ can't accomplish anything, but if you ask for free stuff, you're eventually going to get it, even if it's nly bronze armor. granted you can put your time to better use, but asking for free stuff will eventually get you free stuff, while saying @@@@@@@ will get you a report and nothing else.



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I don't know if this has been stated by someone else but I don't think begging should be bannable. I think if they continue to beg and don't leave you alone then they can be reported for harrassment. They should change rule #1 to Harrassment, not just offencive language.

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I don't know if this has been stated by someone else but I don't think begging should be bannable. I think if they continue to beg and don't leave you alone then they can be reported for harrassment. They should change rule #1 to Harrassment, not just offencive language.




that's different than what we're talking about, but i think that should be reportable. we're talking about someone standing somewhere saying free stuff plz, but not following anyone. you are correct in my opinion though.



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I don't know if this has been stated by someone else but I don't think begging should be bannable. I think if they continue to beg and don't leave you alone then they can be reported for harrassment. They should change rule #1 to Harrassment, not just offencive language.




that's different than what we're talking about, but i think that should be reportable. we're talking about someone standing somewhere saying free stuff plz, but not following anyone. you are correct in my opinion though.


In that case it shouldn't be bannable. That's like the same thing as buying something except no price. If asking everyone for free stuff is bannable, then selling/buying should be bannable too, which makes no sense.

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The flooded text im not 100% on, theres no defined example, id feel the same about people spamming "free stuff plz" as well as "@@@@@@" or w/e. Whats constructive about asking for free stuff every 2 seconds? We are talking about spamming here not the one or two times your trying to get across.




...I can't prove that to you either...you just have to trust me. Not that it seems like you would...It could be constructive for them, because they are normally new players who don't know how to do it themselves. Also, as I said earlier, spamming is unitellectual, while begging is. If I knew you'd nitpick on that, then I would have typed 8 lines of everything just so that you'd understand. I was giving multiple examples of what could be spammed, not saying that if they typed that up exactly, it would be spam.


However, correct me if I'm wrong, but you can understand what the beggars are asking for, correct?


I picked out harassment yes because its a big word, which helped to prove my point, but also because it is seperate from the words before, seems you missed that lil comma.




"receiving racist remarks, harassment or obscene and.."




That implies its seperate and can be taken on its on merits, as in begging. Also they are listing things hence the , or and and.




I understand your point here as well. I did see that comma. But, do you really think that that is what Jagex meant by the word? No. They meant...well...serious harassment. Begging is not serious, as it doesn't really insult anyone or try to make them feel bad about themselves, like sexism or racism. Begging is simply annoying. If someone's begging you, just put them on your ignore list if it bothers you to the point of wanting them permanently banned from a game that they probably just started because they didn't know too much when they started playing.




Also about warning being the same as threatening...Your kidding right?


I guess not, lets break the words down;




Warning, example "i wouldnt jump of that cliff"


Threatening, example "Jump of that cliff or else!"




May be abit extreme but dont think anything else would get across to some people. hint hint.




...In that example, there is a large difference between a warning and an example. But, if you're talking about beggars on the internet, then the point isn't so valid. Take this example:




Warning: Stop begging, or I'll have to report you.


Threat: I'll report you if you don't stop begging.






You cant say "get out my system" and not mean anything by it kid.


What in the world is that supposed to mean? :-s

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I see this has become a pretty debatable topic.




Btw, don't get mad at me, I offered my opinion.






And yes begging probity never will stop, just like scamming and real world trading and of course macroing.. But, reporting these things does help lower them.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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