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Rank the elements


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According to Japanese and middle eastern culture, Earth then water, fire and air. My explanation for this is because:


Earth: slow and restricted


Water: Flowing and some restrictions


Fire: No form or definite shape, so it can adapt extremely easily and almsot no restrictions


Air: Same as fir except it has NO restrictions at all since it is indefinite




Most culture have a 5th element, the spiritual or hidden element.


For Japanese, it is "Ku" (Romanji) or void/sky. It's connection with divinity is what makes it powerful.

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4.Fire The weakest element. As much as people says it is so strong, we essentially can control fire. But remember, the phoenix is always reborn from its ashes. Does that mean fire is absolute destruction?


Control fire? able to contain fire is not controlling it. We are not its master. Telling it to not burn or die won't change anything. What we claim to control is what in turn controls us. We cannot control water as it dictates how long we can live. The earth beneath our feet tells us how we can live and the air tells us where we can live. Fire is the destruction of impulses that drive humanity. We strive to defeat something, yet it returns, evolved and more powerful.

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On a different tone, in matters of the ability to control them-




Earth is first, easily. The ground beneath you is a weapon (FMA \' ). It's easily my favorite.




The fact that my Chinese Zodiac is aligned with Earth (Serpent Earth, 1989) and I was born within minutes of a major California earthquake just compounds with my love of the element ::' .




The other elements just kind of tie after that :P .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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This is like ranking rock, paper, and scissor.




Each one has equal advantages and disadvantages :uhh:


Yes yes, because we all know that in reality paper is going to beat a rock :-w .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I like water. I love swimming, or just drinking water, or surfing, or cooling off, and it's the source of life, and it can be really powerful and destructive, too.


Of course, fire's fun. (I mean, just look at my frikkin username and avatar.) But I spend more time around water, and need it more, so it's a close win. Fire's a real close second and earth and air are third, tied.

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