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JC4ME PK Vid 4: "BL00DY D4GGER" !!!!

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Here it is!!!!

















I used to be an "Honor" PKer, but as of June 15th, 2007, due to circumstances beyond my control, I have joined the majority of No Honor. I am sick of the BSers from LVL 3 all the way to LVL 126. So if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, right?




I DO: Tele, Lure, Tag & PJ




I DON'T BS Friends




Other Don't Eat Productions:




Vid 3 Jc4me "Wipe Me Down"













Vid 2 Jc4me "Caught Slippin" -











Jc4me Vid 1 "Reborn"






























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I will rate after I watch, but going from honor to no honor shows your weak minded. Only the strong will overcome trials. Just some food for though. ^_^

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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Nice video, could have been edited better though.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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in this vid u dont really do any of these things Tele, Lure, Tag & PJ




ps: gr8 vid




yes i know there's really not much of that in this vid tbh.


but from here on out my vids will be me praying as usuall when i MUST when getting teamed by more then 2 people. I take stupid risk alot pking for clips of a vid. No im not rich. RS has gotten extreamly boring the past 2 years and pking has gotten flipped upsidedown cant seem to trust anyone besides my close close friends.






Alot of people way to many to list, and many of them are very known pkers that all of tip it and rsc knows. "Quote that they dont "pray 1 vs 1","Pj", "Tag", "Lure",Tele", Bs friends, and they do. And since i have lured before in the (PAST) with friends. they label me a "sorry pker" tbh w/e. I pk for fun, make vids for my enjoyment and friends =). When its you and at most 10 friends, who wanna pk at mage bank. And A.G comes in full force. you just log or run like hell. yes A.G owns. But when they know they have another 30-40 opts ready to log in. You can pk with the best of the best gear always. Where in my shoes i have at most on a good day 10 people pking with me, who are very very close friends all on microphones. were a team not a clan :lol: guess they feel they need a clan to kill a small team lol.Why am i being hunted 24/7 nowdays lol?






whos knows maybe ill take my bank out in a note and try to eat it while them say im "safing" for a vid clip lol

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I will rate after I watch, but going from honor to no honor shows your weak minded. Only the strong will overcome trials. Just some food for though. ^_^




I play to have fun, and have always had a mutal respect to fighting 1 vs 1,ffs even sometimes 5 vs 1. But with all the lureing, pjing, teleing, bsing. the past 2 years which has gotten worse tbh imo, from vids i see.And that i have encountered, i play smart. if i think i cant take a certain person or team on ima log or tele. Would that count as no honor to you? or do i just sit and let a clan like so called di or ag just tagg me for ahrims berzerker ring everytime i step up to mage bank or edge? lol u pick and tell me




knew 91 construction would come in handy for 1 click tabs lol

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When I read you went dishonour, I first decided to not download it. But when I read the comments I decided to watch it anyway, I'll edit later. (By the way, which clan is AG, I know nothing about pking.)




EDIT: That last kill was obviously a lure or something like that: horrible!


But for the rest: it was pretty good, it was either nice ko's and even some team fight. I liked that the most around 2 vs 3 or something like that. You don't see that very often, but those are the best pk vids Imo, it takes skill, there is a lot of action and you feel both parties have around the same change.


But I still don't like you're going "non-honour", you're not exactly "poor", seeing you do bring a santa and 3rd age mage into the wildy.

When everything's been said and done, more has been said than done.

All skills 80+


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like all your other vids this one is 0wn4g3. and you pked in 3rd mage robes, santa and using cabbage...and you owned that n0ob :lol: .h0p3 you come out with some more of your crazy vids.




~sacretflame \'




that was a setup that was for fun no id never pk with cabbage lol. If you read the credits i thank jeremy yak in my friends lol, was all for fun.




thank you for watching the vid hope you enjoyed

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When I read you went dishonour, I first decided to not download it. But when I read the comments I decided to watch it anyway, I'll edit later. (By the way, which clan is AG, I know nothing about pking.)




EDIT: That last kill was obviously a lure or something like that: horrible!


But for the rest: it was pretty good, it was either nice ko's and even some team fight. I liked that the most around 2 vs 3 or something like that. You don't see that very often, but those are the best pk vids Imo, it takes skill, there is a lot of action and you feel both parties have around the same change.


But I still don't like you're going "non-honour", you're not exactly "poor", seeing you do bring a santa and 3rd age mage into the wildy.






If you watch close its Jeremy Yak i kill in my 3rd age and santa hat. We are friends that was setup lol. We were pking at 35 ports, and since i have bought the 3rd age, i been wanting to get a clip in it, and ever time i have had a chance to log in to use it i didnt becuse of teams/lures. also becuse i bought them for 60m and now there like 35m for the set a big lost. And as far as being rich thats my bank lol 3rd age robes, santa,drag chain,guthans,veracs,ahrims-3m gp so yeah in my shoes im not rich tbh

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whos knows maybe ill take my bank out in a note and try to eat it while them say im "safing" for a vid clip lol






When I read that!!


Lmao thats funny...

Barrows: Lots and lots of pots.

DK: I am not the Dagganoth overlord as i have seen the future of DK.

Dragon: bUTT!

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like all your other vids this one is 0wn4g3. and you pked in 3rd mage robes, santa and using cabbage...and you owned that n0ob :lol: .h0p3 you come out with some more of your crazy vids.




~sacretflame \'




That was his friend... Did you read the credits?




Another bs team vid of taggers and pjers...


May aswell pk in Mith, as with a team like that, you're never going to get killed. :roll:

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like all your other vids this one is 0wn4g3. and you pked in 3rd mage robes, santa and using cabbage...and you owned that n0ob :lol: .h0p3 you come out with some more of your crazy vids.




~sacretflame \'




That was his friend... Did you read the credits?




Another bs team vid of taggers and pjers...


May aswell pk in Mith, as with a team like that, you're never going to get killed. :roll:






lol if you read back a few post i said it was a friend rofl. who would be dumb and pk like that, comon now use are brains here a second? it was something i was hoping you people would notice it. as far as the taggin erm tbh i dont see that much in vid maybe 2 clips at most w/e gf? you didnt see the old time Mr. pker named (0mfg0rz) in vid 3 have me tagged which you see from the start of the fight where i logged in? ended up killing there tber?. guess you dont watch close to see these other Suppose E-honor pkers who mention in there threads or post that they dont tagg/tele/pray/pj etc etc is alot of bs. Lol Why dont you come 1 item 1 day and see what happens in the wild around bsers rofl. 80 percent of rs pkers do just that to a extent. lets not cry about this lets just breath and say it will be ok it will be ok ? k?

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like all your other vids this one is 0wn4g3. and you pked in 3rd mage robes, santa and using cabbage...and you owned that n0ob :lol: .h0p3 you come out with some more of your crazy vids.




~sacretflame \'




That was his friend... Did you read the credits?




Another bs team vid of taggers and pjers...


May aswell pk in Mith, as with a team like that, you're never going to get killed. :roll:






lol if you read back a few post i said it was a friend rofl. who would be dumb and pk like that, comon now use are brains here a second? it was something i was hoping you people would notice it. as far as the taggin erm tbh i dont see that much in vid maybe 2 clips at most w/e gf? you didnt see the old time Mr. pker named (0mfg0rz) in vid 3 have me tagged which you see from the start of the fight where i logged in? ended up killing there tber?. guess you dont watch close to see these other Suppose E-honor pkers who mention in there threads or post that they dont tagg/tele/pray/pj etc etc is alot of bs. Lol Why dont you come 1 item 1 day and see what happens in the wild around bsers rofl. 80 percent of rs pkers do just that to a extent. lets not cry about this lets just breath and say it will be ok it will be ok ? k?




0mfg0rz wasn't exactly the most honourable pker, watching his old videos(the ones I can find) they are full of him doing things considered disgraceful.

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


Speak your mind, but be civil.

Get mad, but do not rage.

Do unto others as you would want done to yourself.




Follow the doughnut to my blog! :D

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like all your other vids this one is 0wn4g3. and you pked in 3rd mage robes, santa and using cabbage...and you owned that n0ob :lol: .h0p3 you come out with some more of your crazy vids.




~sacretflame \'




That was his friend... Did you read the credits?




Another bs team vid of taggers and pjers...


May aswell pk in Mith, as with a team like that, you're never going to get killed. :roll:






lol if you read back a few post i said it was a friend rofl. who would be dumb and pk like that, comon now use are brains here a second? it was something i was hoping you people would notice it. as far as the taggin erm tbh i dont see that much in vid maybe 2 clips at most w/e gf? you didnt see the old time Mr. pker named (0mfg0rz) in vid 3 have me tagged which you see from the start of the fight where i logged in? ended up killing there tber?. guess you dont watch close to see these other Suppose E-honor pkers who mention in there threads or post that they dont tagg/tele/pray/pj etc etc is alot of bs. Lol Why dont you come 1 item 1 day and see what happens in the wild around bsers rofl. 80 percent of rs pkers do just that to a extent. lets not cry about this lets just breath and say it will be ok it will be ok ? k?




0mfg0rz wasn't exactly the most honourable pker, watching his old videos(the ones I can find) they are full of him doing things considered disgraceful.






ok and people act as he was a pking god lol. Ok ok"This is why people call me Nohonor" If im low on food or pots i run/log or tele, what do i do stay in full ahrims firecape torso. and let them kill me ? to gain the other players respect? lol im not here for a E-gf im married already lol. if im not mistaken the wild is a place for you to try and get a kill, not to be killed? unless a agreement is decided by 2 people that it is a death match. all rules are your own you decide for yourself.




been pking 4 years so yeah i seen it all say what you wanna thou its just a game =p

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