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~The Big List of Bugs!~


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Now i also recall some other things, not really bugs, more liek sumthing i enjoy to do in my free time, or when im majorly bored...




In the mines where u get Blurite Ores, if u wait for a Drunk Dwarf, u can trap him in the middle of the ice. I've done it quite the number of times, plus theyre Non-agressive after that, and they could stay there for hours.




The other one is purposely freezing. When u click on the Home-Tele, click another spell anytime before it actually teleports you. THen u just freeze there, it usually works better if your behind someone, though it can look a bit odd...

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no thanks to that massacre i lost my wealth and it hevely damaged my character. that castle wars animal glitch is rather odd.




P1: oh look a cute bunny


P2: *fire wave*


P1: oh god its a fire-breathing rabbit! :XD:


and Agunimon979, Dragon squares didnt exist back in RSC till legends came out roughly 3 months before Runescape2 Beta or Runescape came out in Dec 2003 so technically dragon squares wern't around during the dupe incident. (never argue with an Official 8-) )


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Last week, when i Decided to give the Mithril grapple a small go acorss the River from Al-Kharid to Lumbridge Swamp....


I was on the midle part, on the raft, when teh game bugged/ glitched out and i was pulling myself along an invisible rope, with half my body stuck in the ground!!!


I'm not sure if it was fixed though.....


Quite fun though :mrgreen: [/b]


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there was this 1 bug with the demonic sigil if you remember it i think its the golem quest you click on it and you pick one like camerithium then you click right under you and it will go to chat screen and your still holding sigil in the air and you can chat holding it up for a time








also the ardy monkey glitch


with your monkey greegee and a sextant you can walk out of the big ardy bank and go by the fence near the bank click the greegee and become a monkey then you click off the screen and click the sextant fast and you can be a monkey in the bank but your sextant screen must be open

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in the player houses in the dungeons you weild a g maul and walk into a vine trap and then you click on a d long once you escape you will be holding your d long or whatever like a g maul i was walking around the dungeon holding verac flail like a dharok great axe lol

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well I noticed the first page still hasnt been updated...




~The Great Party Hat Dupe~


In Runescape Classic, a group of people downloaded a cheat to Runescape that let them duplicate any items nonstackable, such as party hats, christmas crackers, and dragon square shields. The economy was balanced out that day as thousands of christmas crackers and pink party hats came in to the economy. Stuff like dragon squares and helms was also duped. Jagex offered a reward which was lifetime membership to whoever told them who did it. The starter of the duped told jagex he did it in hope for lifetime membership. A reward it was, the reward of all the earth, a permanent IP ban.




Still the same.... What really happened is on the previous page, page 5 i think.

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Yeah it was more to do with tricking the game into thinking you had an item rather than 'downloading a cheat'.


They used "a cheat" (name not revealed to save Google bandwidth ;)) that was basically just a bot that worked by sending spoofed packets to the server. What they did was trade negative amounts of items to gain a positive.




I'm assuming the code only checked if the amount of items you are trading was less than or equal to the amount you own and failed to check if you were trading an amount greater than 0. Since you own 0 phats and trade a negative, the code checks out true as a negative is less than 0.




The trade would continue as it should but when the code subtracts the amount of items you trade from your account (a negative number) it will add items as subtracting a negative creates a positive.

:::Antony 7:::

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The Black Hole




In RuneScape Classic there exists some bugs that allow the player to walk through certain walls and into the void. One early player, M_Oldfield, was known to be sent to the Hole for macro use, and was the only known player to escape from the Hole.








Retrieved from "http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/The_Black_Hole"


Floul1 Woodcutting For life


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The First Server Blackout was a pair of events that happened on 2 and 3 June 2007 in which all Runescape 2 servers were shut down for several hours. Allegedly, players had found another method to duplicate the World 111 Glitch, and Jagex prevented any repeat incidences by blocking access to servers. RSC servers remained online however, and recieved a flood of RS2 players, reaching 1,000 logged in on both RSC worlds combined.




Mod Craddock explained:




"We do apologise. We had experienced a slight server outage which had removed all of the players from the game. This was done as a safeguard to ensure that our players did not lose any game data. We will continue to monitor this throughout the night but we suspect that this will be an isolated incident. Thank you for your patience regarding this matter."






When the servers went back online, players were confused and were unsure about why this happened. A group of players in World 66 in Falador lied that the Kalphite Queen appeared in Falador and when players stormed into Falador, a group of mages attempted to teleother players to the Ice Plateau in level 50 Wilderness. Many lower leveled players who were unaware that the Ice Plateau was located in deep Wilderness accepted the teleother and were killed. This event was a clear example of luring.


Thanks to http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/World_66_Massacre












The party hat duplication glitch was the most famous glitch of RSC, exploited on November 7, 2003. Its effects continue to have an impact on the economy of RuneScape.




Prices shortly


before the incident


Red 1mil


Yellow 2.5mil


White 4mil


Green 6mil


Blue 10mil


Purple 18mil






The glitch was not an attempt to duplicate items. A player named SixFeetUnder had been experimenting with RuneScape by using a third-party program called Auto-rune in an attempt to simply trade the scythe. Although the player never managed to trade the scythe, he did discover how to create any non-stackable item. Therefore, the glitch did not duplicate existing items but instead created new ones.




The glitch was performed by trading with a player, and then using AutoRune to enter the numerical value that corresponded with a certain non-stackable item to have an item pop up and be traded to the other person. For example, the number for the Rune 2-handed sword was 81, so that value would be entered into AutoRune and the player who was trading with the one using AutoRune would be able to receive that item.




In his excitement, the experimenter revealed to very few people how to execute the glitch. These players then duplicated several items, the most expensive at the time: specifically party hats, rune two-handed swords, and dragon square shields. The most expensive item, the pink party hat, was created most amongst them. That day, though, one of these people revealed that the glitch existed.




Edit summary:








Jagex permantly banned all the players who were caught abusing the glitch. The only party hats that were lost were the ones on the banned accounts, as no party hats were deleted (this was confirmed in a Jagex News update the day of the event). Jagex did not roll back the servers, so the most expensive party hat dropped to the least expensive. The pink party hat (now the purple party hat) remains the least expensive today.




Thanks Again to Runescape.wiki


Floul1 Woodcutting For life


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I got a few.




Occasionally when riding the magic carpet, you won't actually take off, and the screen will stay in place and not follow you. You'll be looking a blank desert scene. Actually have a pic of this...








A few months ago, when talking to npc with the moonclan hat equipped, your head wouldn't be there. Again, here's a pic.






When doing pyramid plunder, if you open a chest right as the game ends and get a scarab, it will be released like so.






Lastly, the biggest bug i've ever seen in the game...that you seem to have overlooked.




Recently (within a few months), off and on, jagex has the moonclan hat bugged so it makes you bald when you wear it!!!!!

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i was harpooning and i brought up a tuna but it never showed up in my pack :wall:

(840th To 99 Farm. Achieved on February 13th, 2008.) (2942th To 99 Crafting. Achieved on September 9th, 2008.)

(23671th To 99 Magic. Achieved on January 17th, 2009.) (46913th to 99 Hit Points. Achieved on March 20th, 2009.)

(30680th to 99 Range. Achieved on March 21st, 2009.) (66351th to 99 Attack. Achieved on July 8th, 2009.)

(2856th to 99 Herblore. Achieved on August 21st, 2009.) (45985th to 99 Woodcutting. Achieved on November 15th, 2009.)

(6119th to 99 Smithing. Achieved on December 24th, 2009.) (98100th to 99 Cooking. Achieved on January 1st, 2010.)

(63214th to 99 Defence. Achieved on January 30th, 2010.) (122697th to 99 Strength. Achieved on February 11th, 2010.)

(15249th to 99 Prayer. Achieved on March 21st, 2010.) (34209th to 99 Fishing. Achieved on July 7th, 2010.)

(9259th to 99 Summoning. Achieved on July 29th, 2010.) (51712th to 99 Firemaking. Achieved on September 6th, 2010.)

(109036th to 99 Fletching. Achieved on September 28th, 2010.) (15821th to 99 Slayer. Achieved on February 3rd, 2011.)

(11652th to 99 Construction. Achieved on June 18th, 2011.)

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When the Warriors' Guild was released, you could go to the keg-balancing room and then walk out of the room with a keg balanced on your head. You then exited via the heavy metal door and once you were outside, the keg disappeared, but your character started moving from side to side. (It looked as if your character was drunk.) I abused this one a lot.




There was a second Castle Wars glitch in which you somehow could walk around RuneScape as a rabbit, imp, or sheep.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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a veeeeeery small bug i noticed a while ago (has been fixed quite rapidely tough):




using arrows (any type) picking up the ones you shot before => you have some in quiver and some in inventory.


wielding off arrows from quiver or changing type of ammo suddenly 2 spots of inventory were taken by same type of arrows (the ones from quiver and the ones from inventory)




tried out to have max possible spots of arrows 2*bronze;2*iron;2*steel;2*mithril;2*addy;2*bolts :P

To be or not to be 65 prayer...

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When construction was first released there was a duping glitch with the glory on the wall function. A very famous player who used to hold the #2 spot took advantage of this glitch by getting around 1.5K glories.


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The Gorilla Greegree bug


One day, a player wielding a gorilla greegree, found a way to get into varock sq while still a gorilla. He sat around in Varcok sqq for hours until he finally logged off, with everyone admiring the gorilla.


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


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Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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Theres the bug they never fixed...




Sometimes when your walking you walk backwards away from where you clicked THEN forwards to where you want to go. Its incredibly annoying.




Thats not a bug. Thats lag.




Yeah now that I think about it, its just lag. <.<

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