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Bitten by a dog


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I've gotten bitten by puppies plenty of times but otherwise only seriously once. It was at a nieghbors house who had two dogs once being a black lab. Now I love dogs so I was playing around with it and jumping on the trampoline. Then the girl who lived there (and kinda hated me) started getting it riled up and it bit me in the innner thigh. It didn't break the skin much, but it left a baseball sized bruise for about a week. I didn't tell my parents (I knew it didn't have rabies) though because it had bitten another kid who was mentally challenged and had ran into their yard, so I really didn't want it to get put to sleep. I know it might not seem like the right thing to do but I really do love dogs and now I feel that the owners have taken some extra precatautions with the dog so it won't bite people. I feel that animals can often be mis-understood and derserve extra chances.

Getting another sig


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Pics or it didnt happen.




Are you bloody serious?! Come on! #-o :wall:






That really sucks....I bet that hurt.


But its not as bad as my story.




Every year I go down to mexico to build houses for the poor.....and as you could imagine theres about a billion feral dogs down there. Not all of them are insane...some are acually quite friendly; but they all have a disease in one form or another.




So one day at the work site I notice a small lab...wandering near us. I try to shoo it away with my hand(gloved). It takes one look at me and jumps. And latches onto my hand. Thankfully I was wearing work gloves so there were only a few stratches. It might have been much more serious with bad complications otherwise.








Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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You've got such a sexy back.


Them other boys they don't know how to act




I'll let you whip me if I misbehave.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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why i hate animals...there to Unpredictable...they still have that wild nature insticnt in them...unlike humans who have come to be civelized *spelling (im not using firefoxs..)




I'm starting to really dislike you, you know that? You and your "omfg animals sux, humans r bettr cuz were civelized, kill em an eat em" attitude. Jeez, animals are not cruel, wild beasts. Animals, unlike humans, don't go around hurting/killing people unless there's a reason: 1. You're on their territory = your fault. 2. You're threatening them or their babies = your fault. Dogs especially will almost never attack humans because they want to eat you.




heartless619[/b]":1pgih9px]all of you people here that posted stupid stuff are so ignorant it scares me more then the dogs...


Pot calling the Kettle Black.

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why i hate animals...there to Unpredictable...they still have that wild nature insticnt in them...unlike humans who have come to be civelized *spelling (im not using firefoxs..)




I'm starting to really dislike you, you know that? You and your "omfg animals sux, humans r bettr cuz were civelized, kill em an eat em" attitude. Jeez, animals are not cruel, wild beasts. Animals, unlike humans, don't go around hurting/killing people unless there's a reason: 1. You're on their territory = your fault. 2. You're threatening them or their babies = your fault. Dogs especially will almost never attack humans because they want to eat you.




heartless619[/b]":2ww0lhva]all of you people here that posted stupid stuff are so ignorant it scares me more then the dogs...


Pot calling the Kettle Black.

Couldn't have said it better. Animals attack because they're afraid, not because they want to kill you or are "uncivilized" (.,!,. you hunters), sharks only attack humans because they have poor eye sight and think you're a fish, bears only attack because you probably wandered near their cubs, if I saw a serial killer near anyone I really care about I'm pretty sure I would do something about it too.
Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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You're gonna die! Muaaah!




I got bit by a dog when I was nine. A really small dog. One of those [developmentally delayed] hyperactive freak things. Its owner (my neighbor) was walking it, and I was outside on the lawn, and suddenly it ran up and bit my in the back of the leg. And I kicked it. And she threatened to call the cops because I was abusing her animals. : ( I cried and I had to go to the hospital for a tetanus shot and stuff. Couldn't walk for a week.




You could have claimed self defence.


And your neighbor is a real idiot...tell her not to leave her animals lying around the yard...*or id shoot the beast...*




why i hate animals...there to Unpredictable...they still have that wild nature insticnt in them...unlike humans who have come to be civelized *spelling (im not using firefoxs..)

Humans are civilized...




1. Who is f---ing up the planet?






ugh...you can reason with a human....


You cant reason with a wild animal..or a pet..because some of its wild nature is still in it..


2. A dog is only as "Civilized" as their owner.




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why i hate animals...there to Unpredictable...they still have that wild nature insticnt in them...unlike humans who have come to be civelized *spelling (im not using firefoxs..)




I'm starting to really dislike you, you know that? You and your "omfg animals sux, humans r bettr cuz were civelized, kill em an eat em" attitude. Jeez, animals are not cruel, wild beasts. Animals, unlike humans, don't go around hurting/killing people unless there's a reason: 1. You're on their territory = your fault. 2. You're threatening them or their babies = your fault. Dogs especially will almost never attack humans because they want to eat you.




heartless619[/b]":4eo3ty08]all of you people here that posted stupid stuff are so ignorant it scares me more then the dogs...


Pot calling the Kettle Black.




wo0t a fan! thats ok already im hated on this forum..how bout you revive that dead topic on hate? and you can say you hate me..




and yes i do relies what i said is a little cruel...but at the TIME..i had just gotten out of an argument about it..and was still a little heated..My bad?




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No stories about me getting attacked, but some of my little old dog (she was 17 human years :P )




We were at our family reunion and we were sitting on our lawn chairs outside the pavillion (an old single story building u can rent with a field outside it) and our dog was beside us minding her own business. Then our cousins big dog comes up and starts attacking her, i manage to get her off and our dog starts running. She was old so she wasn't very fast, the bigger dog caught up to her and pinned her down and started attacking her until i caught up and managed to kick the dog hard enough to get it off. Then my dog started running scared, the big dog got away from me and started chasing her again, luckily my uncle grabbed it by the collar and lifted it up, no injuries on either dog though. Started comming back to try to attack my dog again when she was on my dads lap which wasn't smart, got a pretty good kick in the rear. Feel sorry for that dog though because they don't treat it well :(




Another time was about last summer. Our dog liked to lie on the steps (chained up with an umbrella and some water, + a pillow and blanket to lay on :) ), so she was lying in the sun with my sister just inside where she can see her out the window. So then i hear my sister crying and i run up and she's outside trying to get our dog in and away from this bigger loose dog thats trying to attack her. Got outside, pushed it away and kicked it down the stairs and proceeded to kick it in the rear all the way back to its house, where i screamed at its owner who claimed "kids keep opening their gate" when there are no kids on our street. She only had a small scrape on her back though

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Once I was playing with my dog and we were running up and down a narrow hallway in my house and my dog came around and rammed his head into my kneecap (it didn't break though). -.- Then I was getting worn out and my dog was a puppy so he was hyper and he jumped up on the couch I sat down on and bit my knee. :cry: It didn't hurt though... Another time my family, dog, and I were playing frisby with my dog and I caught the frisby and my dog came up and bit it out of my hand and he ripped my thumb nail off. :XD: I was really little so I barely remember but that was the worst dog bite I've ever had happen to me.

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You're gonna die! Muaaah!




I got bit by a dog when I was nine. A really small dog. One of those [developmentally delayed] hyperactive freak things. Its owner (my neighbor) was walking it, and I was outside on the lawn, and suddenly it ran up and bit my in the back of the leg. And I kicked it. And she threatened to call the cops because I was abusing her animals. : ( I cried and I had to go to the hospital for a tetanus shot and stuff. Couldn't walk for a week.




You could have claimed self defence.


And your neighbor is a real idiot...tell her not to leave her animals lying around the yard...*or id shoot the beast...*




why i hate animals...there to Unpredictable...they still have that wild nature insticnt in them...unlike humans who have come to be civelized *spelling (im not using firefoxs..)

Humans are civilized...




1. Who is f---ing up the planet?






ugh...you can reason with a human....


You cant reason with a wild animal..or a pet..because some of its wild nature is still in it..


2. A dog is only as "Civilized" as their owner.






You just combined your message into my quote.

Your name is "bet you fail", and you're starting a business with your mom? I'm not even going to touch that.....
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To the two posters above who claimed, with bad spelling and grammar, that they hate all animals, please go hang yourselves. I still love dogs. I still love my pet snake. I still babysit for a family with a big black lab. It's foolish to be afraid of, or hate, all animals just because of one bad experience. >_>




You're an idiot. just because your opinion differs to theirs




edit-not an idiot because the persons opinion differs, but an idiot because they think the people should hang themselves over differing opinions

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