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ure funniest moment?


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I don't find farting funny (unless Im REALLY tired than I find it absolutly hiolarious, but I haven't been like that in a long time. Were talking a couple days without sleep here).




But when I sneeze, people duck for cover. I have slammed into many a wall, and fallen down a couple times from the force of my sneezes. And it really hurts when I do it, I once sneezed myself a bloody nose (though that might have been from my head hitting a wall). Eaither way my sneezes can statle ME, so I find it really funny when other people jump, scream/yell, or duck from the noise :lol: :mrgreen:




If it's more farting stories you wan't, i've got a winner. I once went camping (with my scout troop, it was a jamboree). My tent mate had athsma(sp?). Basicly I was 11 I think, maby 12, and I was veary tired. This would be the age where being tired had a coup[le annoying effects on me. 1. I found everything a riot, it would not be uncommon for me to be laughing for 5 minutes over the dumbest things (including farts, and other peoples reactions to them). 2. It made me pass a lot of gas, a side effect of laughing while tired (I had to laugh to fart. Weird I know).




So my tentmate starts m,aking me laugh, and I start passing the most roten gas in the history of earth. I mean I WAS GAGGING on the smell, and my tent mate was on the verge of an athsma attack from the gagging. Of course I found this halarious and passed more gas. Needless to say i've been prouder of myself <.< , I mean I almost killed a guy by farting. Come to think of it, I still fart when Im tired(when I laugh alot), and I still think it's funny when it happens (it's not so funny after the fact once i've had sleep)




Had to put this in, it just kinda came to me: I know you all think the topic creator should grow up, btu give him a break. Hes way to busy blowing holes in his pants with netherly reigonal gas attacks of mass asphixiation :boohoo:

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1989,Jerusalem Day, Israel.


Our class and several other classes went on a 2 days trip to Jerusalem and the area.


After a long an exausting day of walking through Jerusalem highlights


all the classes camped in a park outside of jerusalem.


[side note:]


At that time me and my friends were addicted to WWF ( The Von-Erich familyand all that crap) and we use to practise all sorts of maneuvers on each other.[/side note]


Back to the story:


21:00, some of the us went to sleep in there sleeping bags(at least tried to) while others like me and a friend were walking around in the camp,looking for amusement, and then we found 1...


We saw a familier sleeping bag.The person inside was all wrapped in it but we were quite sure that this is one of our friends.Without any further hesitation, i took 1 step backwards and then few steps ahead and jumped...


The time has stopped, as my body was floating ,fully horizontal, 1 meter above the victim, and then bammmm i slammed down taking out its breath. My other(watching) friend was getting ready for the 1...2....3 count but then we both suddenly realized that the choked voice under my body wasn't the expected one....


"Hey, what are you doing???" said the (female) voice inside the sleeping bag, and then i recognized that voice...omg..i just body slammed my literature teacher...

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well i was sittin down, with sum girls on the floor under a sheltre, and i threw a bottle in the bin, but i missed and it fell on the floor, and i couldnt be botherd to pik it up, then sum old lady came piked up the bottle then slipped over on the curb ROFL we all laughed at her then she threw the bottle and 1 of my friends hahaha



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Revenga, you've actually made me cry with laughter, that story was freaking hilarious. :lol: I wish so much that I had room in my sig for this quote:




Ever seen a fat kid covered in sand singing the berries and cream song making circles in the sand? ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a nice sight. Well, not really.




I have too many funny/embarrassing moments to post so I'll just tell you about the most recent one.




I was out last week with a friend and we had been drinking pretty heavily. Although he is a bit taller than me he doesn't handle his drink that well. I wasn't too drunk but he was in a whole different world.




We came out of the pub and he mumbled something about getting some chips (that doesn't mean crisps, for you Americans) and I agree. Although I was slightly puzzled why he used an Irish accent to say this. The rest of the conversation went like this:




Him (in an Irish accent from this point on): I loike the potatoes




Me: Right he's really lost it now




Him: Poootayytooes




Me: Let's get some chips then. does he have to talk so loudly?








People were starting to stare now and I looked the other way, in a desperate attempt to disassociate myself.




I looked round and wondered where he had gone. Then I looked down at the ground and saw, in horror, him crouching down, his knees by his head, his hands on the floor, bouncing around the wet gutter of the street we just walked onto. For a few seconds I just stare in complete bemusement until he says...


















At the top of his voice...




























At that point my embarrassment just disappeared and laughed so hard I fell back onto a wall, and slid all the way down it. The tears was just falling down my cheeks. All the while he was still bouncing round the gutter, getting more and more wet completely oblivious to the dozens of people staring in horror at both of us.




Have you ever seen a 6'4 man crouching in a gutter pretending to be the potato leprechaun? No? You should get out more.

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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Hey, thanks. Since Tip.it and me seem to have a problem with whatever kind of siggy I make, I'll return the favour and make your quote my sig:





Have you ever seen a 6'4 man crouching in a gutter pretending to be the potato leprechaun? No? You should get out more.




I'm acually quite surprised at how many people like my stories. It's not the only place I've posted them mind you, I always think that you know, I'm only fourteen so no one is going to appreciate any of my writting/writting style. Then I found I guess I was wrong. 8-)






Thanks for the sig.



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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Hey, thanks. Since Tip.it and me seem to have a problem with whatever kind of siggy I make, I'll return the favour and make your quote my sig:





Have you ever seen a 6'4 man crouching in a gutter pretending to be the potato leprechaun? No? You should get out more.




I'm acually quite surprised at how many people like my stories. It's not the only place I've posted them mind you, I always think that you know, I'm only fourteen so no one is going to appreciate any of my writting/writting style. Then I found I guess I was wrong. 8-)






Thanks for the sig.




You've definitely got a talent for it, keep it up!




I've made room for your quote now by removing my old farming signature. It was depressing me watching it go up by 1% every week anyway. -.- Now I have something to chuckle at. :P

Capone Sabre since April 2001.

99 Attack, Defence, Strength and Hitpoints Achieved January 2005. When it still meant something.



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Its not really MY moment, but its still funny. In front of our school, there's this awning type thing over the sidewalk. Its not connected to the building, just this big freestanding concrete thing. One of my friends dared another one that he couldn't get up on top of the awning. So, naturally, having no commen sense, he tried. He ran towards the building, jumped off this little power box thingy, and grabbed the awning. Then his fingers slipped, sending him five feet down onto the concrete. Fell on his back and got the wind knocked out of him, but it cracked us up.

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