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Fast way to get 70 Agility? [Answered]


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Well I was looking at the calcuators and saw that I only needed to do agility pyramid only 429 times and I also did Dream Mentor so that means I can use the humidify to fill my waterskins and can also get the pyramid on the top for 1k so it will also give me 429k?








I don't want to train in the Wilderness atm since everytime I get a level; I always get pked just for being there it seems. Any suggestions?








Also any inventory suggestions and/or tell me how many runes I might need of each. (I'll take a water staff.)








Or I dunno maybe Brimhaven?








If it helps I'm 61 :-k

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Personally i fail too much on the pyramid. I usually use wilderness but as a second choice i would use brimhaven.








well i checked and i'm a little higher then you? but no wilderness for now or maybe never :|

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i think brimhaven is your best choice. maybe try the werewolf course?








if you wanna do the agility pyramid for the money then that is a good option as well. i don't really like going into the desert at all but thats just me

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get 1k tickets at brimhaven.. its really cool to see your xp jump up by 300k in an instant.
















how long does 1k tickets take?








I would need to get 1,000+ because I need 434k till 70

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Personally i fail too much on the pyramid. I usually use wilderness but as a second choice i would use brimhaven.








well i checked and i'm a little higher then you? but no wilderness for now or maybe never :|








I never fail the Pyramid (80 Agility) but I max 20k an hour. It's awufl xp, the Wildy course is the only good option until 70.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Weather you want it or not wildy is your best bet...if you dont want that tickets is the other way to do it.








I hate the wildy as much as you do, but one must take the best option...pick a desert world...when you see someone arriving hop it.


*** [ END ]: You gained 1,671,000 thieving exp in 9mins 44secs. That's 10,300,684 exp/h.

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I've rarely had a problem at the wildy course. Usually when I do, it's not that hard to run... Or bring an item, like dagger, and fight them if you get attacked.








I've escaped more than once, from people looking for easy targets out there.








But the ape atoll place you'll fail a ton unless your 70+








The cold war, I don't know, it seems pretty slow the one time I did it.








Tickets are ok, but personally, I think they take a long time to get, with no instant reward. It's up to you really.








I would do tickets, since you also get xp getting the tickets, so in reality, you'll get more than 300k xp while getting the 1k tickets. Just stick to whichever you choose.

Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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