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91 Runecrafting by Fires?


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These are the options: Making lawing in w66, or making fire runes.




521k p ess cost 39 million. All you get is 91 rcing.




Or I could make 707k fires.




This would cost between 21-24.7m in ess. Also, I would need 1750 dueling rings to tele to dueling arean. I would use the 25 glories I have to bank.




Also 60m profit from selling the 2.1m fires would be very nice, seeing as how my ultimate goal is get get a red p hat, 99 rcing, and enought money for 99 construction, prayer, farming, and slayer.


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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I would go with fires, but the laws will be a lot faster overall (hence the cost)


  • Dragon Axe x11
    Berserker Ring x9
    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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Yeah, I'd go with fires too.. It's more of an achievement seeing your Fire Runes grow in your bank, And it'll be great selling them and knowing you made them all yourself, With Laws.. You just sort of lose everything and gain the same level as you would with Fires. :-k



I would like to get the most difficult 99 in the game to accomplish. which is woodcutting.
because I had a drunken night in philadelphia and sprayed a fire extinguiser, evacuated a 7 story hotel on the philly stadium, spent the night in jail.. then got on level 2 prob & have to pay 50 a month because I have a job. It's their way of collecting more money out of me.





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Personally I'd go via the abyss and make nats.. it's actually not loads slower than fires (since you get more xp per ess) and you make a heap more money that way, you'll also save a load of time when it comes to selling since fires are quite hard to sell and nats will go very quickly....

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You are missing the idea.




Im trying to find a way to avoid making all those nats like that. I just cant take it anymore, 100k of them burned me out.




If fires won't work out for me, then ill just save up for a long time till I have the 39m then do ffl


2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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At least this is the case for me.. but I think you'll come to find that laws and fires are no less boring than nature runes in the Abyssal Space. And in my case, I tried FFL for about 20 minutes once and it bored me to tears, so I never went back.




In reality, neither method is incredibly faster than the other. If I were you, I would try 10k laws and 10k fires and see which one you can tolerate more :P In my case, I think it would be fires (though if the option was considered, I would choose soloing nats, since that's what I prefer) because I hate dealing with large amounts of trading, then there's always the fact that there are sometimes more crafters than runners, blah blah blah. Fires are just much less complicated.




But it's really up to you. There isn't a huge difference in either of the methods. But whichever method you choose, just remember that it's going to take a long time and you have to be sure that you're up for that. When you consider the amount of people who aspire to get 91 runecrafting and the amount of people who actually get there... most people never complete the goal because it usually takes several weeks/months and is very repetitive.




The reason why I chose to make my own nature runes (other than the fact that FFL was incredibly boring) is that you're actually able to see yourself make progress, which keeps you motivated. If you're burning gp in the process of getting 91, it's actually rather depressing to be perfectly honest. You keep telling yourself, "I will make a ton of gp once I get 91!" ..but right now - you're not. You have to keep telling yourself that it will be profitable.. but you can only keep your hopes up for so long.




But by making your own nature runes, even though it's not as good as it will be once you're 91, you can actually see yourself progress financially. Even on your way to 91 runecrafting, you're inching forwards in your goal for a party hat and level 99 in a few buyables. In fact, getting to 91 could already knock off construction, prayer or farming (I got 99 construction and 91 prayer on the way to 91 runecrafting).




It's all a mindset. And seeing yourself progress keeps you motivated (at least it does for me). Whereas if you keep telling yourself, "I will be rich once I get there..." you will burn out eventually. Those words of comfort can really only hold out for so long.




But I guess everyone is different and maybe you can tolerate telling yourself over and over again that it will be worth it in the end. But I like to see the effects to keep me motivated.

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Back from fishing (It was great)




Thanks tripsis for your always wise advice!!


I have been considering for a long while doing a blend of laws AND nats.




I rc 10k nats (never too bad)


I buy 30k p ess. I make 20k laws via ffl, then I make the next 10k nats!




Now I wouldn't make money, I wouldn't lose money, and it would be fast rcing xp.




Another option would be to make 10k nats, buy 20k p ess, save the extra 1.5m. This would mean I would be making money, and doing ffl, and getting nice fun breakes from abyss rcing!!




Ill first take your advice and see if I can handle fires, cause that might be the way for me. 1 thing is for sure, If I did it like you and rcing myself to 91, I think I would take be almost an entire year of rcing.






2181st to 99 Runecrafting on 7/28/2009

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