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Belize it or not!--haha i crack myself up








Well, I guess your wondering what that means...




Well, I went down to Belize this summer, to help Children. Let me tell you, it was on of the most amazing experiences ever. It was a changing point in my life. It made me see how lucky I was. These children had no shoes, but were content. I complain for not having good enough shoes.






I did not make this thread just to show off. I mean I just thought that maybe I could hear stories like mine. About how you feel good when you do something like that.




I will upload some pictures later.








Well, I just thought I should let that out : )

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I love that feeling, a rewarding one.




I help out at cubs (younger scouts) every thursday, so okay, they're not deprived, they're not disabled, but it's nice to have a laugh with them.




I've occasionally helped out at mencap, which is a disabled school near where I live, It's so rewarding at the end of the day, to know you've made a slight impact, putting a smile on there face.




I even feel good after I help an old lady of the bus, or something like that.




I'm looking forward to seeing the pictures!




good job mate.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I help out at cubs (younger scouts) every thursday, so okay, they're not deprived, they're not disabled, but it's nice to have a laugh with them.




I did that too until my bro joined Boy Scouts.




Anyway good for you, I have always had respect for people who sacrifice their summer for mission trips. I'm no stranger to long camping trips and stuff, but for some reason I never thought to do anything like that. I admire you for it.


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It does make you feel good and it does teach you lessons, agreed. However, any way I look at it I get back as much as I give... People go ooooooooooooh you must be so caring, question is am I really?




I raise money for freedom wheels so that kids with disabilities can have custom made bikes and be able to ride a bike like other children. In return I build a business that is helping me retire before I'm 30. I also get to go motorbike riding across India for free.




Also studying and working with kids with autism but that also benefits me in gaining knowledge in the area.




I do mental health and depression seminars at colleges, primary schools, high schools, TAFEs etc so that kids and adults don't feel alone but in return I gain public speaking experience which gets me bigger and better seminars that I get paid good money for.




Volunteer with life line but once again also benefits me in scoring so highly in counselling classes and unit assessments.




I do volunteer work with clinical psychologists (the ones who already have their PhDÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s) and in return I learn the nitty grittys that I really shouldn't have learnt about until several years later.




Hmm also help people out with personality disorders such as bipolar disorder, split personality disorder etc and listen to their stories... And in return I know a hell of a lot about some of the most common disorders and how to relate to people who have it and how to talk to them in the future.




I also talk to people who have cases of ocd and eating disorders but that's more to keep me grounded, as I have suffered from both in the past and currently.




And if I didn't do it and gain anything from it I'd be lying because it would still make me feel good as a person and that is still receiving something from giving.




I still want to go to 3rd world countries and help them plant food sources and develop education etc but maybe because I feel that I will find myself and something in life will make sense while I'm on the journey?




Do I study psych because I want to help other people or is it to cure my own satisfaction that I've always wanted to know how people work, think and behave the way they do?




A few things to think about there for you all... Can anyone really do it from the kindness of their heart? Because in all honesty as human beings who have egos and know power, who grow to fill gaps and feel whole, I don't think it can be done.




I like to make people think and question themselves :) Always go that step further and ask why am I really doing this?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Can anyone really do it from the kindness of their heart?

I can honostly say yes. My grandmother has been part of so many organizations helping with homeless, kids that are unfortunate with little school supplies, the PTA, helping kids with autism. She gets only the sensation of helping out someone else out of it. She works as a transcriptionist, and goes in when people want a vacation and need someone to fill in for him or her. She's so caring. She's about 62 and still works, and does all of the above, and more!




So yeah, I think people can do it from the bottom of their heart. <3:

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She gets only the sensation of helping out someone else out of it




That is receiving from giving though. That is conditioning ones self to continue to act out a certain behaviour because it feels rewarding. If your grandma were to keep giving and the conditioned response were to change and she no longer felt satisfaction, the action would cease 8-)




Do you see how I don't think it can be possible?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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That is receiving from giving though. That is conditioning ones self to continue to act out a certain behaviour because it feels rewarding.

That's true. You have a point there. Although she doesn't get anything physically, she gets it mentally?




patmorita.jpg[/Karate Kid]

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That is receiving from giving though. That is conditioning ones self to continue to act out a certain behaviour because it feels rewarding.

That's true. You have a point there. Although she doesn't get anything physically, she gets it mentally?




patmorita.jpg[/Karate Kid]




Conditioned responses are mentally processed which carries out the behaviour :P




Did you know that even charities are competitive? Statistics show that people are more inclined to donate to an organisation if they give a price?




So if 2 of the same charity were to collect money on the city street corner, the box containing "$2 donation" would collect a lot more than the box with no price tag.




Even charity organisations seek marketing research strategies lol




(Grounds, John; International Journal of Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Marketing, Vol 10(2), May 2005. pp. 65-67)




There you go buskersÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ if you want to double your money haha



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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thats a really nice thing to do, ive went to kenya and did misson work there before






[hide]this is how it works31331Untitled.jpg[/hide]


Everytime I try to get a 99 skill, I get bored and go play Transformers on my 360...

Dragon Drops-1 Barrows drops- 0 :(

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Wow, you are such a good person! I wish everyone would be as wonderful of a human being as you!


High amounts of sarcasm detected. This comment has been classified as a masked light flame.

This signature is intentionally left blank.

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Wow, you are such a good person! I wish everyone would be as wonderful of a human being as you!


High amounts of sarcasm detected. This comment has been classified as a masked light flame.


I see your sarcasm detectors are functioning properly




I do have to give you props on your title though

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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I like to make people think and question themselves :) Always go that step further and ask why am I really doing this?
And the answer to that question should influence ones behaviour in what way? I mean, even if helping can be argued to help yourself, that doesn't mean you shouldn't help in that manner?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Wow, you are such a good person! I wish everyone would be as wonderful of a human being as you!


High amounts of sarcasm detected. This comment has been classified as a masked light flame.


I see your sarcasm detectors are functioning properly




I do have to give you props on your title though




There is always one.


The, 'Pisser on the cornflakes'.




Why did you feel the need to ruin what was once a slightly intellectual topic?




and, since when are you back?

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I like to make people think and question themselves :) Always go that step further and ask why am I really doing this?
And the answer to that question should influence ones behaviour in what way? I mean, even if helping can be argued to help yourself, that doesn't mean you shouldn't help in that manner?




A good point you make and I believe that people should still continue to help in that manner. The question I did ask however, was whether one could give to another, completely selfless? :D



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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thank you (well most of you), for all of your wonderfull post. I love mission trips, I have been down to Mississippi around 8 times in the past 3? years. That is a diffrent becuase it is home territory. I wish to activily(SP) pursue the dream of becoming a missionary when I am older ::'

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Wow, you are such a good person! I wish everyone would be as wonderful of a human being as you!


High amounts of sarcasm detected. This comment has been classified as a masked light flame.


I see your sarcasm detectors are functioning properly




I do have to give you props on your title though




There is always one.


The, 'Pisser on the cornflakes'.




Why did you feel the need to ruin what was once a slightly intellectual topic?




and, since when are you back?


How is this a slightly intellectual topic? The OP didn't really say what he wanted to be discussed in this thread. The only thing he did was show off how he went on a missions trip, and just wants attention. I've been on a few missions trips myself, but I didn't make a topic to show how good of a person I am. If I did I would at least make it about missions trips in general and ask everyone to share their experiences as well as share my own.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fu ... d=64310717

And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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How is this a slightly intellectual topic? The OP didn't really say what he wanted to be discussed in this thread. The only thing he did was show off how he went on a missions trip, and just wants attention. I've been on a few missions trips myself, but I didn't make a topic to show how good of a person I am. If I did I would at least make it about missions trips in general and ask everyone to share their experiences as well as share my own.


Not saying I agree with kido, but I'm getting a similiar vibe from this thread. I've also been on a few mission trips myself (to orphanages in Mexico), but I've never really felt a need to go and tell everyone about it :| .




The fact that, as kido stated, there is no real room for discussion in the OP's post is probably what's giving me a bad vibe. Now, if he said something like "I'd like to hear everyone's experiences on mission trips and see how similiar they are to my own", I'd recognize that this thread is not asking for attention in any way, shape, or form. But the way the OP phrased his post... :| .




[The phrase "doing good should be it's own reward" keeps popping into my head for some reason whenever I look at this thread.]

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sorry. You two, I didn't mean to show off.


Sorry. Twas nothing personal, just hope you've got some interesting stories to tell :P .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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