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Homosexuality: Right or Wrong?


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Not only did you actually respond to that, but what the hell are you talking about? I fully recognized the right of anyone to believe what they want without resorting to denying people rights. Any negativity about my "station" was directed at Lep for saying all scientists are morons who believe in one specific thing. Aka generalizing...really badly.




And you are right, it was a weak insult. And guess what, you are the only person who cares.




And you are the one making the big fuss, acting like you have the moral high horse, and continuing the pitiful flame war. If you would like to moan, do it in PM instead of spamming topics with it. Nobody else is complaining.




Also, feel free to have an opinion and share it. I'm not saying that you are wrong for having one. I'm just trying to explain *why* certain issues take place with an insider's perspective (in regards to the other thread). If you would like to ignore my input, go ahead and do so. That's your God given right, and a natural right in it's own regard. If you really dislike my opinion so much, add me to your foes list or something. Otherwise, read the damn sticky at the top of this board.




You are the one who brought this over other threads, my friend. You made a post directed towards me and I responded to it. I'll just leave it at that. Good day sir! :mrgreen:

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Again, when did this thread happen and how did i miss?? Zierro u need to start telling me about cool threads like this. :lol:




But anywayz, this is how it seems to work out. I personally am against homosexuality. There i said it. Now don't get me wrong, i do NOT hate homosexuals or despise them in any way, i just think "that part of their life" is wrong. Mostly because i'm christian and believe in the bible, which clearly establishes the way God made things, and the reasons he made them that way. I won't get into a theology lesson as it can be debated over and over again, but seriously, a man and a woman for a reason.




Now not coming from a religious pov, homosexuality may not be "wrong" to the "world," but notice in fact that from a scientific perspective, it's still not correct. It all comes down to biology and how the human race was made(evolution, religious, or otherwise). A male and a female have always "fit" together. Male and male do not "fit" together correctly, and female and female...they don't even have anything to "fit" into "it." How then can someone say this is natural and(worse of all) normal? I just don't see how it works.




The fact that biology does not allow for homosexual procreation to me is nature's way of saying "no."
And that's the way i view it, notice it's not religious at all.




Off Topic: is it just me or do i sound childish sayin "it" like that and all?


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My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


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Now not coming from a religious pov, homosexuality may not be "wrong" to the "world," but notice in fact that from a scientific perspective, it's still not correct. It all comes down to biology and how the human race was made(evolution, religious, or otherwise). A male and a female have always "fit" together. Male and male do not "fit" together correctly, and female and female...they don't even have anything to "fit" into "it." How then can someone say this is natural and(worse of all) normal? I just don't see how it works.




The fact that biology does not allow for homosexual procreation to me is nature's way of saying "no."
And that's the way i view it, notice it's not religious at all.




Off Topic: is it just me or do i sound childish sayin "it" like that and all?




A few points:




1) Science only establishes what is empirically true, it doesn't make moral judgments. The fact that reproduction works by male-female sex doesn't make homosexuality, or even homosexual sex for that matter, wrong.


2) Homosexuality is obviously natural. First, it happens. Furthermore, it happens in non-human species with little more behavioural drive than instinct. [1] There are a number of hypotheses to account for this, but nothing solid at the moment.


3) Despite the second point, something being normal or natural doesn't make it right or wrong. Flying planes isn't "natural" (by some definitions of the word), but we don't say that it's wrong.

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It isn't about the "fit". It is all about love. The problem with Sodom and Gomorra wasn't in the homosexuality it was in the fact that everyone slept with everyone else and that there was no actual love involved.



Thank you Jopie for my wonderful Signature ^.^

Buckle-Up it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!

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It isn't about the "fit". It is all about love. The problem with Sodom and Gomorra wasn't in the homosexuality it was in the fact that everyone slept with everyone else and that there was no actual love involved.




Well, there was also the mass bestiality and gangs of people who stalked newcomers in order to rape them just because they were new.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Yep, the Bible never directly says that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because of homosexuality. It may have had something to do with it, it may not.


As for the verse in Leviticus (...I'm a bit late on this, whoops), Leviticus is also the same book that says you can't wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. I don't like picking and choosing commandments, but I would not take all of Leviticus literally if I were you. I would be able to see where one was coming from though.




I agree with Barihawk here:


I have to think that while I find homosexuality repulsive, others out there feel that it's beautiful and to them that's what love is. And I respect that. To each his own. It is not my place in this world to tell him/her what to do


I am not homosexual. I find two men having sex to be somewhat...Offsetting...But I really don't care if two gays want to get together in a room on the other side of the country. I fail to see why anyone here should care.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Honestly, i don't care either; if you want to do that, then do as you please.


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


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I personally am against homosexuality. There i said it. Now don't get me wrong, i do NOT hate homosexuals or despise them in any way, i just think "that part of their life" is wrong.


I'm glad someone shares my viewpoint. I'm also against being black, too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, I just think "that part of them" is wrong.





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I personally am against homosexuality. There i said it. Now don't get me wrong, i do NOT hate homosexuals or despise them in any way, i just think "that part of their life" is wrong.


I'm glad someone shares my viewpoint. I'm also against being black, too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, I just think "that part of them" is wrong.








As in i'm against the act, but not the people. As in i wouldn't do what they do but i wouldn't not pick a guy for teams just because he's homo. If you don't understand that, then idk what else to say, or why you don't for that matter. Idc what they do, but i am against it, but do not discriminate against them as people. Its really not that hard to comprehend. :wall:


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


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I personally am against homosexuality. There i said it. Now don't get me wrong, i do NOT hate homosexuals or despise them in any way, i just think "that part of their life" is wrong.


I'm glad someone shares my viewpoint. I'm also against being black, too. Don't get me wrong, I'm not racist, I just think "that part of them" is wrong.








As in i'm against the act, but not the people. As in i wouldn't do what they do but i wouldn't not pick a guy for teams just because he's homo. If you don't understand that, then idk what else to say, or why you don't for that matter. Idc what they do, but i am against it, but do not discriminate against them as people. Its really not that hard to comprehend. :wall:


Uhhh, what you're saying is, you hate it, but you refuse to express that you hate it because people would hate you for hating it.








Did not say i hate it, i find it...as someone else put it...offsetting, but if they want to, be my guest. And trust me, if i hate something, i don't care who the hell hates me for hating it, i'll come right out and say it.


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


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I am not homosexual. I find two men having sex to be somewhat...Offsetting...But I really don't care if two gays want to get together in a room on the other side of the country. I fail to see why anyone here should care.




But, you like to watch two women do it, right? -.-




There is no right or wrong about homosexuality. It's been a part of the human condition since the dawn of man -- and it's even reveled about in movies like "Top Gun".




The point is that it is here and it's not going away -- deal with it. What is more, you're going to have to deal with the other "side-effects" of it: gay marriage and gay rights.




It is not wrong for life-long partners to want to be able to pass down the benefits enjoyed by "regulation" married couples in the same manner. Likewise, it is not wrong for gays to want the rights which are granted to everyone else either.


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Um, one thing about that, marriage is a religious and governmental issue. The way I see it, if one or the other says they will not accept gay's, then they have the right to do that. Just like if i "invented" a new game, i have the right to decide the rules and the do's and don't of that game.


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


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Um, one thing about that, marriage is a religious and governmental issue. The way I see it, if one or the other says they will not accept gay's, then they have the right to do that. Just like if i "invented" a new game, i have the right to decide the rules and the do's and don't of that game.


America is a free country. There is nothing in the Constitution that says "No Gay Marriage".


There is also nothing in there giving them that right. And it's actually left to the states to decide. I say it's governmental because being married gives certain benefits that the government has to provide.


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

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He didn't say that >< (at least in the quote you used) But it is true most people are disgusted by male on male but like girl on girl. ^^ I do but then again I'm bi. I've had my share of both girlfriends and boy friends. (Im in a stable one with a guy right now. Warcraft ^^)


I am not homosexual. I find two men having sex to be somewhat...Offsetting...But I really don't care if two gays want to get together in a room on the other side of the country. I fail to see why anyone here should care.




But, you like to watch two women do it, right? -.-




There is no right or wrong about homosexuality. It's been a part of the human condition since the dawn of man -- and it's even reveled about in movies like "Top Gun".




The point is that it is here and it's not going away -- deal with it. What is more, you're going to have to deal with the other "side-effects" of it: gay marriage and gay rights.




It is not wrong for life-long partners to want to be able to pass down the benefits enjoyed by "regulation" married couples in the same manner. Likewise, it is not wrong for gays to want the rights which are granted to everyone else either.



Thank you Jopie for my wonderful Signature ^.^

Buckle-Up it makes it harder for the aliens to suck you out of your car!

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I am not homosexual. I find two men having sex to be somewhat...Offsetting...But I really don't care if two gays want to get together in a room on the other side of the country. I fail to see why anyone here should care.




But, you like to watch two women do it, right? -.-



Um, no. Stop putting words in my mouth. Why don't you actually read my posts instead of making [developmentally delayed]ed assumptions?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Um, one thing about that, marriage is a religious and governmental issue. The way I see it, if one or the other says they will not accept gay's, then they have the right to do that. Just like if i "invented" a new game, i have the right to decide the rules and the do's and don't of that game.




Actually, no. It's neither a "religious [nor] governmental issue".




The fact is that there really is no "religious" impediment to gay marriage, nor can gays be denied the right to "marriage" by any government with operates under any form of constitutional law based upon human rights.


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I am not homosexual. I find two men having sex to be somewhat...Offsetting...But I really don't care if two gays want to get together in a room on the other side of the country. I fail to see why anyone here should care.




But, you like to watch two women do it, right? -.-



Um, no. Stop putting words in my mouth. Why don't you actually read my posts instead of making [developmentally delayed] assumptions?




Right -- that's what you're saying now ...








Did you know that, while Leviticus made commentary about man-on-man action being an "abomination", he didn't actually say anything bad about girl-on-girl?




A coincidence? I wonder ...


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Um, one thing about that, marriage is a religious and governmental issue. The way I see it, if one or the other says they will not accept gay's, then they have the right to do that. Just like if i "invented" a new game, i have the right to decide the rules and the do's and don't of that game.


America is a free country. There is nothing in the Constitution that says "No Gay Marriage".


There is also nothing in there giving them that right. And it's actually left to the states to decide. I say it's governmental because being married gives certain benefits that the government has to provide.


There is nothing that gives me the right to sleep in a cupboard, but that isn't illegal.




yes, because the govt doesn't give a darn whether you do or not. But when that same govt has to pay out benefits from their pockets, the perspective seems to change. All i'm saying is if you ran a company, you'd want things to be done a certain way, especially since anything that company deals with reflects on you. If the govt and/or religious institutes want things done a certain way, since they are paying for it, they are completely entitled to that. You know why the customer is always right? because the customer is the one paying. Pretty simple if you ask me. :wall:


You think you got it bad?

My school blocks Neopets.Those dirty bastards try to keep me from feeding my Ixi. Ha!


Important Slayer Drops: masks-8, leafbladed sword, gmaul-3

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I am not homosexual. I find two men having sex to be somewhat...Offsetting...But I really don't care if two gays want to get together in a room on the other side of the country. I fail to see why anyone here should care.




But, you like to watch two women do it, right? -.-



Um, no. Stop putting words in my mouth. Why don't you actually read my posts instead of making [developmentally delayed] assumptions?




Right -- that's what you're saying now ...








Did you know that, while Leviticus made commentary about man-on-man action being an "abomination", he didn't actually say anything bad about girl-on-girl?




A coincidence? I wonder ...


You do realize I support gay marriage, right? Read some of my posts, like I said.


And could it possibly be because women had little/no rights back then, aka thousands of years ago? The Israelites were no doubt a patriarchal society.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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