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If i made a terragen "Guide"... would anyone be in


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Well, i'm currious. I'm thinking of creating a terragen Guide. not a tutorial, and nothing that teachs the controls, but a more advanced kind of guide. Kind of talking about advanced work with surface maps, types of atmospheres you can acheive, and just alot of tips.








I'm currious, if i compiled something like this together, maybe even used other links with it for how to make certain atmospheres... would anyone be interested? I realy want to see the terragen users get better here :D but i don't want to be wasting my time doing something like this :)

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I'll help ya out in any way with it Nad.




















Yeah, if i do it i was thinking of getting you to write a part just explaining the different things working together. Like, what looks realistic and what doesn't :) You seem to have an eye for that.

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i would probably read through it... to sound smart on talking about them....
























heh... i'm thinking i probaly will :P Going to kind of think what all i want in it lol.








btw, what would you guys be interested in being put in there about? I wouldn't put any thing basic about it, i mean you'd have to have a "basic" knowladge of the program :D

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