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[1,000,000 gp-contest] .oO(about poetry!)


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This will be some long reading you have to do, but if you want to win a million gp in runescape and help a poor fellow, then read on!








Aight, you made a good choise by reading on, I am makin' this gift for my x-girlfriend, it's a box, painted black, and with and open sides on each side, with glass in the sides, and on the glass, scrabed a picture of a scorpion - (caurse she used to wear a neckless I gave her with a scorpion) in it, also inside the box is a black rose (rose pained black) and there is a cotton layer down under it. Really dark gift!!.. but I need a message to be written on the side of this box..








She left for since she no longer thought that we were good together, and it really cracked my heart! .. shes like we're still friends, talk on daily basic, but I really hate(miss?) her .. but I still act like we're cool with it, but I really wanna make a dark impact to her life!.. and her birthday soon, so this gift must really make a scar on her heart since I can give it as a gift and she'll have it in her room, so every day she have to face it!!!








I need a really dark and hatefull message, something poetry, and .. no, it must not be hatefull - it must not be hatefull, but maybe have some kinda hatefull meaning, like "You were my salvation" not hatefull, but hatefull ment!.. maybe use some of the words like .. salvation, or.. atone, or.. condemn, those kinda words!!!! ..








I was quitting runescape anyway, so might as well invest a million gp in this!!!.. post your best idea, do it for me, and my revenge, and do it for a million gp to the one I find best!!!! POST SO I CAN GET MY REVENGE! :o ..
























I ask not of you all for your morale, I ask for your greedyness!.. a million could buy wonders, coulden't it ?












EDIT: Aight aight .. but try to keep it on ONE line veryone, the box got limmed space to write on..

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If she doesn't like it, couldn't she just throw it away/stash it away in the dark corners of her closet (no pun intended)? Why would she have to "face it" everyday?








This sounds pretty...psychotic. I think there are better ways to obsess over her (or to just, you know, not...).








Sorry about your girlfriend, but this doesn't seem the right way to go about..."mending" your relationship. Can't find a better term. :?

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Caurse we're still friends, she woulden't put it away, since it's not ment as in a dark way like that, but I just want her to know how I feel. And maybe your right, but a major thing about this is that I never got a reson why, so I went totally down, but I'm about to be over it, but I still want something that could reflect how I feel - and I don't see the phsycopatic part in it.. I mean, a black box, with glass in it, and so on, nothing wrong, this is alot like Case-modding, and the scorpion have a meaning to her, the only thing I see you can pick on is the black rose, but so what.. and then a dark message?!.. oh come on.. just want it to be something poetickly.. like .. ehh








- Prehaps salvation had never been an option




- I condemn the rose' buityfulness








.. something.. dosen't have to be mean, just have a deeper meaning!

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When she'd said she wanted to see him




He was pleased - at first.




'Can't we talk of other things?' he'd asked - but she'd said 'No'.




The long day had held down light




As they'd struggled to communicate in near-shadow,




Close, but not that close.








Sometimes talking's easier done apart,




Detached, perhaps, how on a windy day with the sun in her hair he'd loved her,




And how she'd seen in him a God as he moved, blithe and light,




A masterpiece in his perfection.








Those were past days, but past days count:




And now in their un-union, there was nothing left to remind them of each other




Except those past days.








'Can't we talk of other things?' he'd asked,




But she'd said 'No',




And now he knew that memory was all they had left.








by:richard macwilliam








my rs name is runesabre if i win








p.s.: when will u let us know who won??



Join TDM today!!!

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its not great but:








i thought u were








at first i thought u were




my white dove (perhaps another pet name here)




my cute little kitten (or another pet name here)




my beautiful angel (again another pet name here)








then i realised u were




my salvation




my personal guiding light




my one ture friend








but i was wrong




you were more








i know its kinda full of cliches but i am makeing it up on the spot (kinda), there is also an end to it but its really really clicheic and to do with issues u probably dont have








also dude i know what its like, going through something similar myself

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Passed from my eyes




is your reflection.




The bitterness




of your rejection.




You broke my heart




and left me standing.




now we're apart




and this our ending.




This is my plea




to you my dear




I want you too see




that this I'd fear




would tear me inside.




So I hope to evoke penitence




for peircing my pride








I hope you like it, it was just a quick scribble...Enjoy!








My RS name is MerryGrace, but I'm sure there will be more even better poems.

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When I first saw your eyes




I looked deep into them and found something




Everyday, I couldn't help thinking of it




It was gnawing at me, burning at my soul








One day, your eyes would sparkle a whimsical gleam




On others, it would fill the room & my heart with grief




But it didn't matter anyways, everyday I was in grief




Everyday I didn't spend with you was a day that I was dead








The image of your face, forever imprinted in my head




The beautiful image, always haunting me




In the day, I would notice your perfection at school




At night, you filled my dreams with sensational longing








I couldn't help myself, I had to




I suddenly couldn't control my feelings for you




I had to know, I had no choice




I took a plunge into emotions and told you my feelings








My Lord was there that day, he granted me with your love




I was reborn, reliving the days I had previously known




The days I will never forget




The laughs, the fear, the sadness, the anger, all shared between us two








Then all to soon, the Devil must've worked his mischief




The words I had nightmares about




It broke me, it condemned me to sadness




My salvation, my very angel, you, you killed my fragile heart








Once my tourniquet left, my heart bled




The blood was not red, nor black




It was gray




A mixture of the pure times with you, and the hatred I now possessed








I just wanted to see you smile




I just wanted to hear your laugh




The darkness shrouded my thoughts




My life, it was done, I was done








No more, I've told myself that you're not right for me




I told myself that I have got to live without you




I told myself that you were a freak and a loser




But, I cannot lie; deep inside your presence still exists








I know that your best friend I've ever had




You're the one person that I've wanted to spend my life with




How could you? Can you not see?




YouÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re the pure white snow and I'm the water you melt into








I can't let this happen








Why did you do it?




Why am I condemned to eternal suffering without you?












not bad for 15 minutes work eh?

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Memories of yesturday,




Have left within my heart




A gaping void,




That only you can fill.












Urm just a word of warning, don't go too dark and 'violent' in this as you are quite likely to scare her. That's never a good thing!

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Dear ex,




I'm going to hunt you trough the nation.




You were so utterly boring,




That I asked How2PK from tip.it to make this poem,




Cause I ran out of inspiration.








TadÃÆÃâÃâá. I don't play runescape so it's completly free!


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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lol, this reminds me of the maddox page where he's talking about bad poetry on blogs and the like. Use words like nihilism (cause that comes up all the time in normal conversation).








I've got some poetry competitions coming up in the near future, so I'll see what I can think up :wink:

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Okay i just came up with this:








There was a time when I could smile,




Before you stole my heart




And led me astray with sweetest guile




Your love never to impart.








Hopefully I'll be able to think up some others later.

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Aight good keep it flowing, but please try to keep it on 1-3 lines, to those posted.. longer.. poets, I will try to pin point some of the hings in your long stories, if any of them I wanna use - that's considered a win too..








- I haven't red them all through that well yet, but I though this one were allright..








by: runesabre1




- Sometimes talking's easier done apart.




- masterpiece in his perfection.








by: rambaldi




but i was wrong - you were more








by: falconice




No more, I've told myself that you're not right for me




I told myself that I have got to live without you




I told myself that you were a freak and a loser




But, I cannot lie; deep inside your presence still exists








By: How2PK




Dear ex,




I'm going to hunt you trough the nation.




You were so utterly boring,




That I asked How2PK from tip.it to make this poem,




Cause I ran out of inspiration. <-- OMG that'll kill her ;)

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Kinda...sadist if you ask me?




But anywhos, gave it a go and:








Take joy from the fresh landscape of my wound,




break out the reeds, and the delicate streams,




and taste the blood, spilt, on thighs of sweetness.




But quick! So that joined together, and one,




time will find us ruined,




with bitten souls, and mouths bruised with love.




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La,la,la la,la,la,la,la




La,la,la la,la,la,la,la




La,la,la la,la,la,la,la




La,la,la la,la,la,la,la












I just can't get a decent po-em




Girl, your hatred' is all I think about




I just can't get a decent po-em




Girl, its more than I dare to think about












Made it up myself, honest.


--The Ultimate RuneScape Merchanting Website --

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whoo part of mine starred on teh bits u like :) wasnt expecting that








i would just like to thank u though, cuz of this i have tried writing a few poems myself, made me feel heaps better, might be cuz of other things but for a short while (just after i finnsihed them) i was almost feeling normal again








a few lines from another of my peoms that is kinda similar to the one i posted ealier








it became what i only dreamed of




what i coulnt see happening




you made me happy




you made me ecstatic

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If I werenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t such an idiot,




IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢d think up a poem myself,




But it looks like I was never taught




And IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m a smelly elf.








I'm sure she'll be able to relate to it.

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You wrote on my heart




how you'd never want to part




but when you got bored




of the love that I shared




You erased it away




and left me bitter to this day
















You wrote on my heart




that you'd never want to part




then you erased it away




and left me bitter to this day








two versions, one shorter than the other...








theres another one...




I hope you consider my poetry, as I am in dire need of Money...lol. :lol:








I never look before I leap




therefore I usually fall




into a massive heap




with you laughing at it all








Haha that was fun poem, random...has nothing to do with what you wanted, lol.

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