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Top GFXMaker People of RS?

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Hee. Can I post?








The people I post are my favorites on this board.. oh, and don't worry if you aren't listed.. I still love you! <3








Witty: Probably my favorite person on the boards.. Witty holds nothing back when pointing out things in art he dislikes.. which is good. You can't just go out and tell people you like what they do if you don't.. I mean.. look at poor Ashley Simpson.. some idiot told that poor girl she had talent and look what happened!








As an artists, Witty is fixed mainly on traditional, sketch, and realism.. all of which I like. Decent at what he does, as well. He has a good eye for proportions.








Keiphus: Since he got that job, it seems hes been abit more condescending and cocky, but he has enough skills to back it up; especially when in relative context to this board. He seeked professionalism as an artist.. which he gained.. and I can greatly respect that. On these boards he often shows real work and is very accepting of critique as well as good at giving it out.








As an artist he used to be fixated on trend.. however now as a person of proffesionalism he tends to go more torward serious realms as modeling and realism. He isn't afraid to broaden his field and is always looking for improvment... which is a very good thing as an artist.








Tttia: Ah.. the man everybody firstly mistakes as a woman. X'D Okay, on serious terms.. Tttia is one of the best assets to this forum as he is constantly trying to help people and make this place more active. Infact.. im not so sure why Tttia isn't a local mod of this forum.. I always thought that it was because perhaps he refuses mod positions or somewhat.








As an artist, Tttia shares alot of the same interests that I do; realism. Though I can't exactly say Tttia is great... he commits to it. You can't buy a book that is completely based on clothing folds and not be committed to art. XP His art style over time has changed from cartoony to more and more realistic. I imagine the great focus on art he has is partially attributed to his wife is very good in a traditional medium as far as I can see. Although his progress is slower, it is certainly steady, and if kept up will probably be one of those 'OMFG' artist on devart someday or something. :3








As you can see, these three people I have chosen are those who take art seriously. Skill doesn't count for everything.. without the proper look on things you will never get anywhere.. and I see great things for this people who are both skilled and committed to art. I salute you, sirs. *Salute*








EDIT: Ah, and excuse the grammar/spelling. 1) I don't care anymore. 2) Im too breat down right now to see the screen.. so im basically typing blind.

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Tttia: Ah.. the man everybody firstly mistakes as a woman. X'D Okay, on serious terms.. Tttia is one of the best assets to this forum as he is constantly trying to help people and make this place more active. Infact.. im not so sure why Tttia isn't a local mod of this forum.. I always thought that it was because perhaps he refuses mod positions or somewhat.








As an artist, Tttia shares alot of the same interests that I do; realism. Though I can't exactly say Tttia is great... he commits to it. You can't buy a book that is completely based on clothing folds and not be committed to art. XP His art style over time has changed from cartoony to more and more realistic. I imagine the great focus on art he has is partially attributed to his wife is very good in a traditional medium as far as I can see. Although his progress is slower, it is certainly steady, and if kept up will probably be one of those 'omg' artist on devart someday or something. :3



















Thanks :)








I can answer the mod part. I flame and argue on other tip boards and ticked some off with my opinions I believe. At one time Raenond mentioned they were considering me for a mod ,but that was a long time ago. They put GSW in around that time, then they didn't need anyone. And a bit after that I started stepping on toes. Ah well. Now that I quit rs I just hang out here and try to be constructive again. But I wouldn't hold my breath on the mod part :)








Still, I enjoy helping folks around here. So many of these people are young and growing fast in talent. I got started in art late in life. Some of these 13 year olds are going to be fabulous one day! That is why I am challenging them to take on some real art. The sooner they quit the non-representational stuff and start really working on art, the better off they will be.








By the way, my goal is in fact to be able to do high quality work in 9 years (don't ask why 9. I have been planning it for a while thoug). Then I intend to donate some religious works to folks who use them for powerpoint presentations (we all have goals :) )








oh, and the wifey just ordered a tablet...so watch out!

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No need for thanks. XP You're the one who earned that opinion in the first place.
















Okay, okay, i'll post the ones I remember from RSC too.








FireFreek: A graphic artist I have pretty much watched grow up. I can say that about alot of people but I remember a certain tutorial of 'his' on RSC that everyone seemed to love. ( :wink: ) I can't say much about him now because I got to where I hated RSC and purpously pushed a mod over the edge to get banned.. but as a person he was decent though perhaps alittle cocky. XP








As an artist he has pretty much stuck to trend.. which I don't find much impressive anymore... but more recently he started with realism and digital painting.. and showed quite amazing talent with it. So much so that I find him one of the top artists on the RuneScape scene.








Tekton: Mine master and eternal gay lover. Hes someone who has practically watched me grow up as a digital artist. I can't say much except he is a lazy [wagon] and fun to talk to. :3 If he wasn't at RSC I seriously doubt the graphic interest there would be all that much.. hell, I might not have even been a digital artist if it wasn't for him.








As an artist I don't really know what to say.. like me, he is lazy, and doesn't really do anything... or atleast show much. From what I have seen he is definatly on the realism scale and is very good at digital painting.. however he is awesome at vector,

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Haha, don't be fooled, Keiphus has always been cocky.








Tttia, that picture is rendered. He used HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) which takes pictures that have tons of lighting data and other info poured into them, and they are set as an environment (so to speak) for the render. The render then reflects them to give more realistic lighting conditions, and some people even light their scenes without lights, but instead with HDRI. It's a really cool thing to get into, if you can do it right. Unfortunately, Alex picked a model that doesn't really demonstrate the complete awesomeness of HDRI. :lol:








As for your oils, alex... I like the top one alot, looks awesome. The second one is alright, not really sure what it is... Kinda messy, but that's oils...

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Best Overalls: GreatSilverWyrm




Best in Abstract/3D: Nadril/Entangle




Best in Pixel: Cool Bananna




Best in Other: Tttia








I'm sure Entangle likes his name next to abstract/3D. :wink: :lol:








Thanks for mentioning Azvy. My favs have all been said a thousand times so I'll pass.

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Best Overalls: GreatSilverWyrm




Best in Abstract/3D: Nadril/Entangle




Best in Pixel: Cool Bananna




Best in Other: Tttia








I'm sure Entangle likes his name next to abstract/3D. :wink: :lol:








Thanks for mentioning Azvy. My favs have all been said a thousand times so I'll pass.








:lol: I'm sure he likes his name next to Nadril even more. :lol:

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Haha, don't be fooled, Keiphus has always been cocky.








Tttia, that picture is rendered. He used HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) which takes pictures that have tons of lighting data and other info poured into them, and they are set as an environment (so to speak) for the render. The render then reflects them to give more realistic lighting conditions, and some people even light their scenes without lights, but instead with HDRI. It's a really cool thing to get into, if you can do it right. Unfortunately, Alex picked a model that doesn't really demonstrate the complete awesomeness of HDRI. :lol:















He has a more promising one on rsc, but that onehe posted here looks like a preview window to me. When he renders he gets a seperate image. this one is just a screenie.

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You still alive Sub? :lol:








I am quite cocky when it comes to graphics but that's just how I am by nature :-P








I may be able to paint and people say that I shouldn't bother with the 3d/2d abstract crap but I'm a sucker for pretty colours and patterns. The reason I went into GFX was because I was a noob like everybody else and enjoyed the pretty colours and shapes abstract art offered and I wanted to make some for myself. I was no more skilled than anybody else at the time when I started because all I did was use filters and then after a while made the 'Radial Blur' tutorial that sub mentioned. Then started to use the brush and realised that I had some skills with it. My uncles a professional Graphics Designer so I guess that's where I got my natural skills from.

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Best Overalls: GreatSilverWyrm




Best in Abstract/3D: Nadril/Entangle




Best in Pixel: Cool Bananna




Best in Other: Tttia








I'm sure Entangle likes his name next to abstract/3D. :wink: :lol:








Thanks for mentioning Azvy. My favs have all been said a thousand times so I'll pass.








:lol: I'm sure he likes his name next to Nadril even more. :lol:








:lol: :lol: Lol, that definitly made me laugh out loud :lol:








FF- Sub died :P Its his alter ego thats posting atm :lol:












Anyways... i'm thinking of saving up for a good (working :lol: ) tablet :D It would definitly be something fun to use, and probaly improve my abilitys and range for digital art :)








And i'm also with you FF, I sadly like preaty colors too :oops: , but than again, I stick with landscapes now alot just because i find i have fun with them. Not sure why, but it's cool seeing how you can mold an atmosphere and stuff :) I also can't wait for Terragen 2 to come out :oops: :lol:

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Best Overalls: GreatSilverWyrm




Best in Abstract/3D: Nadril/Entangle




Best in Pixel: Cool Bananna




Best in Other: Tttia








I'm sure Entangle likes his name next to abstract/3D. :wink: :lol:








Thanks for mentioning Azvy. My favs have all been said a thousand times so I'll pass.








:lol: I'm sure he likes his name next to Nadril even more. :lol:








Oh man...funniest thing I've seen in a while.








FF, for some reason I always thought you were a tip.it person..maybe it was just cause I saw you in the DAG and then I thought you just disappeared like everyone else.

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I'm thinking about joining RSC... I used to be a member there many years ago, but I'm sure they've switched servers since then.... I'll probably have to resign up.... I can only access tipit from work and school now, so I don't get to post [bleep] as much as I'd like....








Thanks for the mention btw, Sub. :-D

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Haha, don't be fooled, Keiphus has always been cocky.








Tttia, that picture is rendered. He used HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) which takes pictures that have tons of lighting data and other info poured into them, and they are set as an environment (so to speak) for the render. The render then reflects them to give more realistic lighting conditions, and some people even light their scenes without lights, but instead with HDRI. It's a really cool thing to get into, if you can do it right. Unfortunately, Alex picked a model that doesn't really demonstrate the complete awesomeness of HDRI. :lol:








As for your oils, alex... I like the top one alot, looks awesome. The second one is alright, not really sure what it is... Kinda messy, but that's oils...








yes but couldn't he have rendered to the picture veiwer and save it?

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Nacho = I don't understand the question...?








Tttia- They have a new thing, it's a proxy detector. My ISP uses a proxy (?) and hence when I try to login I am denied. I spoke with LadySarafina (sp?) and she basically told me I was SOL...

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Nacho = I don't understand the question...?








Tttia- They have a new thing, it's a proxy detector. My ISP uses a proxy (?) and hence when I try to login I am denied. I spoke with LadySarafina (sp?) and she basically told me I was SOL...








Gee great...guess you can thank folks like alex for that.








incidentally, I talked to Peter and the cross board contest with rsc will not be happening.

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I talked to Peter and the cross board contest with rsc will not be happening.




We treat your board as if it was our own and anybody who spams your forum is punished on ours as if they spammed our forum. I'm disgusted by the paranoia shown by the tip.it staff. This is very disappointing news.








I discussed this contest in the Runescape Community Moderator board and every single person who replied to the thread gave a positive reply, nobody could find anything wrong with the idea. The only bad thing that could come from this is that 1 or 2 [developmentally delayed]s who lose in the competition could go over to the rival forum and spam but that can easily be delt with by the moderators of the forum in a matter of minutes, plus it is probably a 1/1000 chance of happening since they would get banned on both forums.








A reason would be very interesting.

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On the topic of both boards... i kind of had an idea.








You know we wanted kind of a "separate forum" or something for just big art peices and stuff like that? What if we made a joint one, like RSC + Tip.it. I'm not sure how it would work, but it would have more people, which hopefully would mean more big works and more C&C and stuff :)








Just an idea realy.

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dabu used to have his...for a while there was another one too based on rs...forget the name now. Huang had one but it never really got going. . But none of those sites kept their momentum.We could try it though. But for now if you want a contest with rsc that will have no connection to this board...just go here:








http://www.runescapecommunity.com/index ... 67522&st=0

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dabu used to have his...for a while there was another one too based on rs...forget the name now. Huang had one but it never really got going. . But none of those sites kept their momentum.We could try it though.








I think i remember one we had, didn't realize it was a joint thing though.












But yes, we could try if we got enough people interseted in it :)

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Unfortunatly RSC policy is that you need 50 posts in order to post in our Graphics Discussion so if you're interested, you'll have to post in RS boards or computing to get 50 posts to get access to GFX Discussion.

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Unfortunatly RSC policy is that you need 50 posts in order to post in our Graphics Discussion so if you're interested, you'll have to post in RS boards or computing to get 50 posts to get access to GFX Discussion.












:lol: 50 posts isn't hard for me, lol.












Ask anyone here, when Tip.it came back for the first weeks my posts a day said 100 :oops: :oops:

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