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Is your Gameplay on memory?


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there's a way to find the files that the J's store on your comp. what do you think all those Java applets are for?




I sincerely doubt they would store your own logs on your own computer. What's the point then? Say you do a format, that means they lose it all :o. Say you switch pc's? Say you just find them and erase them :/. I think they take logs regularely, they just don't keep them to long :).






these are files that are loaded on your comp so u can play without lagg if these wenrt send 2 your comp then every1 loaded everything from the server at all time that wouldnt be fun :S




and for the trades thing


when an big trade is made for "abselutly nothing" that is problebly stored in your temp file.. with maybe 1 min or 30secs of chat info in it 2




also in this temp file you can have maybe 1 or 2 big trades for nothing and when it goes over the cap itll send message 2 the team and then an person will take a look at your trades chat and more things




whell and for all yes rs will end but not soon! ill give it another 10year




YEs, Jagex does store files on your PC. They can be found on C:\\WINDOWS\.file_store_32. To get to there, you go to the "run" option from the menu and put that into the text box, and press enter. There should be some music there, and 2 folders called "rsmap" and "runescape"


Here's a screenie of it :D :6u5j11i.jpg

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Backups of the whole RS database are made each day at about 6am English time. This includes your stats/xp, any reports you've made and any odd activity that has been picked up by the system that finds bots, multiloggers and others. Also your trades and stakes are recorded




So you got 4 recorded things;






Security System Data






Jagex can only see from these, or any messages sent in my player moderators. Report windows last about 4 minutes I think though, not one; and i think they record slightly after the report is made aswell. NOt completely sure aobut that though.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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Well the accounts are on notepad and items are just images with an id number.. its all simple and compact.. the only way they catch people is through trades or report system.. which is probably just temporary data and probably have criteria to distinguish rulebreaks eg




one who has 9 blackmarks might be more likely to break rules so they will be more suspicious around them




say in goldfarmers case, player A B and C trade all the items they made that day to player D, Player D sells it, and then gives it away for free, suspicious?




Doing that everyday its hardly a kind deed.




as for whats said i doubt logs are kept, only if its reported :)

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who said that they back up every15 min???




they only backup every morning


if theyd backup every15 mins then they are 2 vulnereble






an hacker breaks into thier system...he is unnoticed for 20mins


then they made an backup witch might also be infected




and backing up without deleting old ones every 15mins costs way 2 much memory :S




Here's a little suggestion for you...








Ok anyway,




Jagex DOES back up their system every 15 minutes, it is the perfect amout of time to do so. If something like the Falador Massacre happens then they roll back 15 minutes, people may lose some of their achievments but not a lot of the players time is lost.




It would be impossible for Jagex to have the game data for a whole day backed up onto a drive at one time without having a network the size of 1/4 of Nasa's computer system.




It is also near impossible for a hacker to break into the Jagex computer system. It hasn't happened (not for a long time anyway) and will not happen (I hope). Jagex is constantly monitoring their system and will know in a minimum of 2 minutes if a person has broken in.








Intelligence is key in Tip.it, if you do not have it, leave.




While grammar and intelligence are a must, you've got to realize that not everyone has the technical knowledge others do. I, for instance haven't a clue how to do anything computer-related beyond using the main functions of the one I own. I just notice way too many people being too harsh on ignorant or misinformed people, when I was under the impression TIF has an expectation of some degree of politeness.




Although, having people spout things which are completely untrue is quite irritating. I suggest looking into or having prior knowledge of topics before posting on them with "facts" (@ original quote)

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Id say a lot of common sense goes into the whole gift giving/real world trading. I mean if you randomly get 10 million GP from a lvl 3 that doesn't speak that looks more obvious than a lvl 115 who's on your friends list who im sure they would see conversations with. Whens the last time one of your "friends" who would give you a gift just logged on and gave it to you without ever discussing it, Id say they have chat logs as well thats just a guess though I don't know how much server space that would take.


On many occasions i have had a friend who before he left rs gave me 30 mill to hold onto, i would rarely see him but when i did it was always on a 3rd party chat program ide have him login ide hand him the cash i owed him pretty sure i did it in 10mill increments and hed logout without ever saying a word, never had any problems either.


"Boredom got me playing, Boredom stops me from playing. It's a vicious cycle."

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How does Jagex distinguish between gift giving and real world trading? Do they distinguish between the two?


I think they purposely leave the big sellers unbanned just to watch them and ban everybody that gets cash/items from them, but that's just my thought.

Rather they would read what they say in the chat
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Jagex is recording everywhere man. They are the system behind the matrix and by playing their ame we're traped. It's all a big consparacy man. You can't escape them. They lure you in with cookies, pour you a big glass of milk, and download you and all th suddun you're not you, you're a jagex mod devoted to make bad updates useless quests and make peoples life hell in general. You can't escape.

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