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Arquebus: RuneScape ready for muskets? (Revisited 9/24/06)


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Modified, Revamped ideas for Arquebus and other suggestions. I have archived the old information.








I strongly reccomend that people should critique my ideas. If you give me constructive criticism or advice (positive or negative, as long as it is thought out), I shall include you as a co-author.








Working ideas: Arquebus











-Low damage based




-low strength/range requirements...damage and accuracy reflects in these skills




-range (in terms of squares) determinant on accuracy




-Bonus when allied arquebus player is standing in an adjacent block not in your line of fire




-chance of missing an hitting an adjacent block to enemy player...possibly hitting an allied unit




-weapon does low damage, but if a group of level 20's works together, they can bring down a much more powerful player. The logistics and planning to accomplish this will keep it from overpowering the triangle, and keep noobs from just running around shooting things.




-If aiming is done with an interface, clicking on an opponent would trigger melee combat with a bayonet.




-If aiming is done by clicking, clicking on an opponent whilst weapon was unloaded would trigger melee combat.




-Player is stunned for approximately 2 seconds after firing.








-more to come











-iron balls only




-accuracy low due to smoothbore




-rifle degrades with use...must use cleaning kit to regain power




-non-stackable powder horns available from shop, carry two shots of powder




-reload time of 6 seconds




-balls made from mold, 8 balls per iron ore




-some form of easy dwarven quest to get rights and training to use




-reload must be done manually. Insert powder, wadding, ball, ramrod in order.








Disputes at the moment (discuss)




-sights: Aim manually (like paint bazooka thing) or click on player to fire?











































-will add names this afternoon




















I personally would like to see a Cho-Ko-Nu (fits in with Eastern Lands) and a Matchlock Musket.








If you havent clicked the "Back" button, thank you.








First of all, the Cho-Ko-Nu.








The chu-ko-nu is a repeating light crossbow, capable of firing several bolts before needing reloading. Mounted on the top is a magazine that can hold up to 10 quarrels. The cocking and reloading action is worked by a single lever, pushed forward and then pulled back. This allows a faster rate of fire than its western counterpart. Up to two quarrels can be reloaded in the magazine, and it was common for competitions to be held on the quickness of reloading. It is heavier than a western crossbow and has a poorer range.








It was invented in 300ish BC China, so would definately be around in RS time period.








The RS varient would basically fire faster at the expense of lower range. However, it would be far more accurate.








The Special attack would be 5 rapid shots that have a 15-35% chance of hitting, dealing great damage. This would be a major update to crossbows.




















Now, for the matchlock musket, or more specifically the "Arquebus". This weapon would not be a range update, but a weapon for balanced classes.








An arquebus is a smoothbore firearm of the 16th and 17th centuries. It was usually fired by a matchlock, and was ordinarily somewhat smaller than the military muskets of the time. It was brought to Japan by the Portaguese, who traded it for potatoes and the right to Christianize the Japanese people.
























How it would work ingame:




It would fire iron balls, nothing else (like cannons fire steel). It would have a short range, maybe 5 squares. No special.








It relies on RANGED to determine accuracy (If you hit the target).




Arquebus' were known to have heavy recoil (ive fired one)




It relies on STRENGTH to be able to control the recoil. This determines where you hit the target (how much damage).








I forsee 2-20 damage depending on luck and levels defined above.








I believe RS to be set around the 16th century, with mechanical clocks and other time period technology around. This would fit in. We have not a Mediterranean styled area, but the weapon was in Japan in 1568 when Nobunaga traded for it.








Since we might be getting a new Eastern area (Ak-Haranu's attire and weapon suggest a level of technology from 1300-1700), these weapons would be right at home in a Japanese (or chinese) themed area.








Also, I dont think we should only get the robes that Ak-Haranu was wearing. Id like to see actual wooden samurai armor (like in the arquebus picture).








What do you think?










My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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nice idea, especially the chokanchou :x








Meh, we called it a Cho-Ko-Nu in my historical chinese sim. The guy that introduced it into the game was a professor of Oriental History, plus the dashes give it flair.








Im happy I havent gotten too much negative criticism.








By the way, while the Arquebus would hit hard in a level 20's hands, it could hit higher with someone who has high range and strength.








Remember, it has a high range of hits (2-20 at 50 range\strength), and with a smoothbore, it doesnt always go where you want it.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I think the cho-ko-nu is more in lines with the RS style and it would add a different demision to the game that has be lacking. However, the musket could prove to be a problem. As was said by someone else if str and range determined dmg then potentionally "head shots" would be atainable. The only way of fixing this is by capping the ammount of dmg like you suggested to 2-20 dmg, or haveing a head shot take out 2/3 health if the person is not wearing a helmet, 1/2 if a person is wearing a medium, and then 1/3 if wearing a full helm. Of course the dmg range for the 2/3, 1/2, 1/3 would be determined by def lvls of the opposing character/mob and the type of helm they are wearing i.e rune opposed to bronze.








Nice idea though

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The chu-ko-nu could work, though I'm quite sure that the magazine only held a maximum of five bolts. Fitting a new magazine takes approximately six seconds. I can't agree with the idea that it would be more accurate than a normal crossbow, as you actually only have one hand to control the heading of the weapon, with the other to operate the lever. Standard crossbows, on the other hand, have both your hands available to help aim the shot. The repeating crossbow can fire one shot per second.








Ammunition for the chu-ko-nu should be sold separately from standard crossbow ammunition, in non-stackable magazines of five.








I call into question the design of the repeating crossbow in the illustration. The lever was more commonly affixed to the side of the weapon, just below the magazine, and worked like a winch to pull the string back and release it when it reached the rear of the groove. The front of the groove should never be ahead of the bow either, as that decreases power.








On to the subject of the arquebus, it should be horribly innacurate beyond two squares, to a maximum effective range of six squares, as projectile ranges in Runescape tend to be horribly restricted anyway. Ammunition may not be recovered, and each reload (four seconds) would require one round of ammunition and half a pound of gunpowder, sold in non-stackable powder horns holding two shots' worth of powder each.








Power should not be affected by any stat, give it instead a solid range of 3-15 damage between four and six squares, and 5-25 at three squares or less. Range levels affect accuracy, but only slightly. Armour penalties to ranged attacks are doubled, and bonuses are halved. Strength levels determine how quickly the wielder can recover from the shot and reload, and depending on the Strength level of the user, reload times can be as long as eight seconds or as little as three. Ammunition is sold as iron or steel balls, and these can be used interchangeably with no variation in accuracy or power.








Overall, well thought-out suggestions, certainly better than the standard "OMG DRAGON BAZOOKA LOL"-type weapon suggestions that seem to crop up on this board.

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The chu-ko-nu could work, though I'm quite sure that the magazine only held a maximum of five bolts. Fitting a new magazine takes approximately six seconds. I can't agree with the idea that it would be more accurate than a normal crossbow, as you actually only have one hand to control the heading of the weapon, with the other to operate the lever. Standard crossbows, on the other hand, have both your hands available to help aim the shot. The repeating crossbow can fire one shot per second.








Ammunition for the chu-ko-nu should be sold separately from standard crossbow ammunition, in non-stackable magazines of five.








I call into question the design of the repeating crossbow in the illustration. The lever was more commonly affixed to the side of the weapon, just below the magazine, and worked like a winch to pull the string back and release it when it reached the rear of the groove. The front of the groove should never be ahead of the bow either, as that decreases power.








On to the subject of the arquebus, it should be horribly innacurate beyond two squares, to a maximum effective range of six squares, as projectile ranges in Runescape tend to be horribly restricted anyway. Ammunition may not be recovered, and each reload (four seconds) would require one round of ammunition and half a pound of gunpowder, sold in non-stackable powder horns holding two shots' worth of powder each.








Power should not be affected by any stat, give it instead a solid range of 3-15 damage between four and six squares, and 5-25 at three squares or less. Range levels affect accuracy, but only slightly. Armour penalties to ranged attacks are doubled, and bonuses are halved. Strength levels determine how quickly the wielder can recover from the shot and reload, and depending on the Strength level of the user, reload times can be as long as eight seconds or as little as three. Ammunition is sold as iron or steel balls, and these can be used interchangeably with no variation in accuracy or power.








Overall, well thought-out suggestions, certainly better than the standard "OMG DRAGON BAZOOKA LOL"-type weapon suggestions that seem to crop up on this board.








Thank you very much for the criticism. Ill be sure to note your ideas when I submit them to Jagex. (giving you credit, of course. This suggestion will take 3 queries, hehe.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I think they should focus on more generic, standalone weapons rather than new weapon classes or weapon types that appear in multiple classes.








It gets boring after a while, seeing everyone of similar levels using the same metal types.

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Keep the suggestions coming guys!


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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no what i'm talking about is like addy is a class of weapons and rune is a class. I think that there should be a new class like some new kind of metal weapon








Exactly. That's just a new set of boring palette swaps. Where would you fit it into the level requirements without screwing the people who just managed to reach level 40 and are dying to use their rune?








kav, no, she didn't get it from Diablo 2. Not every weapon suggestion comes from Diablo 2. Weapon suggestions sometimes come from actual, real-life weapons. You may have heard of these.

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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys, im planning on resubmitting this after the good feedback I got last time.








Now that Kharil's crossbow is out, you can scratch that idea, but what about the Arquebus?


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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No Its a good idea but its not for runescape. A hand held gun would annoy mages up no end. Warriors wouldn't be to badly effected because the averge has about 30 range and 70 strength. But mages have 10 range and 40 strength or something much smaller.












Its a rifle it can't be fired off like a gun it would take a few seconds to aim, so one maybe two shots on an unsuspecting pker, thats it no real warning just bang, ahhh half health. bang 1hp. smack dead.












Of course I'am assuming that you would manually aim it. Like a jumpy circle that could mean anything, so its not a quick fire bang reload fire bang reload. Its more of a set up take aim fire, stuff in invertory get out sword kill them.








If it was targeted (im assuming they are just balls of iron, because real bullets are diffrent) Then beyond 5 squares wind and such would have taken hold of it plowing it into a nearby tree so unless you stand dircetly behind your opponent with your gun pushed to they head, you have a good chance of missing unless you have really practiced with the gun.








If it was like a longbow then you would fire off a few rounds maybe take 10hp of them, then be forced to fight with a sword/bayonet. Fighting with a gun would mean that they would have to stand 2 ahead of you atleast. Or the bullet would just hit them and bounce of/go into there arm. causeing low damages.








And it would be a clan/guild thing, because a single rifle will do nothing to a hoard of people about 10 rifles firing regimental style would kill a lot of them, before the 2 remainders came up with a attack that was piled by the rest of the army.








The rifle is only effective when there are more than one, or a sharpshooter. Its a good idea but guilds are where it would be used not in open battle.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Good ideas! Thanks. Im going to update the first post with some new ideas when I'm done with classes today. You will get credit as well for the suggestions!


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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First post updated. Feel free to make suggestions, ideas, and criticisms. Ill start writing it out in paragraph form this afternoon.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Bump to coincide with the much more interesting and attention-capturing title!


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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